Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

Front Porch Forum awarded grant to explore social capital in Vermont

Posted on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 by No comments yet

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently awarded a grant to Front Porch Forum to study how Vermonters use FPF to build community.

“When the Foundation approached us to do this work, it was a wonderful surprise and great honor,” said FPF co-founder Michael Wood-Lewis.

A leading national social networking research organization, Network Impact, recently conducted a statewide 20-minute survey of 140,000 FPF members. They garnered 15,000 completed surveys from every corner of Vermont. Results are pending.

Need a recommendation? Having a yard sale? Looking for your lost pet?

Posted on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 by No comments yet

Vermonters use Front Porch Forum for different reasons. But one thing that’s true for all FPF members is that it connects us to one another. 

FPF connects us to our neighbors and communities. It connects us to our local and state officials. And it connects us to local clubs, nonprofits and businesses. And FPF is very happy to offer this service to our members free of charge.

As more folks put FPF to use, more resources are needed to ensure the same high level of service. And, since we aim to limit paid advertising, we need additional income to cover our expenses. That’s why each October, we ask for support. Contributions allow us to reach more Vermonters and continue to bring this free service to all 251 towns in the state.

Support FPF’s mission to help neighbors connect and build community… contribute today!

FPF is not a charity and contributions are not tax deductible. Ad sales to Vermont businesses cover most of our expenses, and your Supporting Member contribution helps close the gap.

Front Porch Forum coming to Cambridge, NY!

Posted on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 by 2 comments

Thanks to a local group of supporters, Front Porch Forum is excited to bring our online service that helps neighbors connect and build community to the people of Cambridge, White Creek and Jackson, NY! Learn more about this initiative at an informational meeting tonight at 7PM at Battenkill Books.

Founded in Burlington, VT in 2006, FPF hosts local online forums in all 250 towns in Vermont, plus Argyle, NY. People use the site to find lost dogs, recommend sources of cord wood, organize help for a neighbor who is ill, find a babysitter, discuss local issues, report a break-in, and much more.

More than 140,000 households in FPF’s coverage area use the service to tune into local conversations and news and now the residents of the Cambridge, New York region can as well!

Can you follow your cat into cohousing?

Posted on Friday, September 22, 2017 by No comments yet

Here’s a beautiful story and poem from a FPF member who lives in Burlington co-housing…

© Sharyl Green
August 10 2017
Burlington VT

How did Fisher get to be called a cat?

Posted on Thursday, September 21, 2017 by No comments yet

The members of FPF‘s Calais neighborhood have been having lively discussions about this creature found in Vermont’s woods!

Conversation began with this simple post alerting neighbors:
A fisher cat has returned and has been seen behind my small pond down the hill from the closed road in North Calais.”  • Reid

Followed by a flurry of topics related to the “Fisher Cat”: 
“”fisher cats” is a common, but incorrect, misnomer. The fisher is a fairly large member of the weasel family, and bears no relationship whatsoever to cats…” • Warner

“I was interested in why they have been mistakenly called cats. Are there physical similarities? Are the sounds similar? Perhaps the use got transferred to large feral cats….Just wondered..” • Mary

“With all the emphasis on “cat” question now is — Why fisher…? Do they fish?” • Heather

“My first thought upon seeing yet more posts about fishers was, “Oh, no!” but I found myself laughing out loud…I think I will name the next cat that comes into my life “Fisher” as in “Fisher (the) Cat…” • Craig

Nothing like lively conversation on Front Porch Forum to connect us with our neighbors!

Packages pinched from porches

Posted on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 by No comments yet

Residents are looking out for each other in Essex as thefts of delivered packages have been noted on Front Porch Forum. Watch Local 22 TV to see how neighbors watch out for each other to increase public safety!

Dog hit on I-89

Posted on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 by No comments yet

Reasons why our Front Porch Forum members LOVErmont!

“Thank you to all the strangers who took time out of your day to try to help our dog to safety on 89 South. To the person that hit him. I’m so sorry this happened and thank you for circling all the way back to check on him. To the person who stopped and stayed with him and then transported him to Waterbury Veterinary Hospital, a million times thank you. Thank you to the State Police officer who gave him an official escort. To the woman at WVH who held our hands and said all the right things…thank you. To WVH for making our beloved pet presentable for us to say our final goodbyes…thank you. We will miss you so much Clifford. RIP and play with your sister Bella. This is why we moved to Vermont. Because people here are good and care.
• Weeze in Waterbury

Have someone to thank in your town? Share it on FPF.

Attempted apiary break-in

Posted on Tuesday, August 8, 2017 by No comments yet

“The suspect was large and brown, with a big nose and quite unkept fingernails. A similar break-in was reported 1/4 mile away at a neighbor’s trash can. The suspect’s given name is believed to be Ursus, but uses many aliases including: “Baloo”, “Paddington”, “Smokey”, and”Yogi.” It is believed that the famous, “Poo” of the Hundred Acre Wood is also the same individual, or may be a cousin. Suspect is not believed to be armed, although citizens should consider the suspect to be potentially dangerous in certain circumstances and take appropriate precaution in the event of an encounter. Citizens should be advised that re-currant attacks are possible, even probable, and should take appropriate steps to protect valuable garbage, honey, and any other potential targets. Happily, appropriate safeguards were followed at the apiary for such an event and the perpetrator was unable to access the valuable honey stores.”   • Steven in Middlesex

Have you had bear sightings in your neighborhood? Let you neighbors know by posting on FPF!

Opera scores and Victrolas snatched up on FPF

Posted on Thursday, July 27, 2017 by No comments yet

“So thrilled that some of my unmarked opera scores in great condition were snapped up so quickly, in one day! I am happy that a young local musician will enjoy them now in her music studies as I did! Front Porch Forum is a great idea.” • Annie-Vera in Stowe

“Wow! Front Porch Forum amazes me. Many many people responded to my Roku posting of this morning – but it’s been spoken for.”
• Lawrence in Montpelier

“I think that it is really COOL that my Fridge has sold. I can now CHILL out that its is soon to be gone. Want to thank all that replied, not to FREEZE anyone out here.”  • Paul in Stowe

“The Victrola Was Instantly Claimed! I love FPF. Thanks to everyone for your interest.”  • Elizabeth in Middlebury

Need some speedy responses to items for sale? Post them on FPF!