Phyl, in Jericho, was struck by this story of a Shelburne motorcyclist stranded in Jericho. So, they re-posted it in their Jericho Forum. We thought it was well worth (yet another) share:
“Yesterday morning, just south of Jericho on Skunk Hollow Rd, my motorcycle broke down. During the nearly two and a half hours I had to wait for assistance to arrive I am not exaggerating when I say that at least 30 people stopped to check if I was okay and/or offer assistance, including two neighbors who came out of their homes to talk to me and offer me food & drink.
I realize the chances of any of the folks who offered assistance actually seeing this post are slim, yet I nonetheless wanted to publicly share my gratitude. In any otherwise crappy situation, it was heartening and fortifying to know that we still live in the type of society where so many people will stop to check in and offer assistance to a person in need.
Thank you, neighbors.”
Aloe (aka Paul) posted this from their new, albeit shady, spot in Monkton. We thought it was well worth a share:
“My name is Aloe. I’m a 5-year-old aloe plant, propagated from my mother, Big Mama Aloe. I’ve been living happily in Burlington for several years, but recently my owners moved to Monkton, and they don’t have good lighting in their new home. So I need to move out and find someone to take me in and feel a tender place in your heart for me. Someone with good lighting and a kind heart would be nice. I am very quiet, a good listener, and don’t take up too much space. I even come with my own pot and have a bag of succulent soil. I look forward to meeting you, my new best friend!
Aloe T. Plant, Esq.”
Well, it didn’t take long before Janet welcomed Aloe (and Paul) to Monkton with this response:
“I saw on Front Porch Forum that you are seeking sunnier digs. I’d be honored to have you join our humble abode and promise to care for you as we do for all our flora family. You’d be joining spider plants, a sansevereia, a monstera, a phalaenopsis orchid, succulents, herbs, a rex begonia, and a dracaena. You’d be our first aloe plant, but with lots of other adopted greenery to hang-out with.”
It’s always fun to watch a story unfold on Front Porch Forum. Here’s one about a pair of emus and their adventures in Charlotte, as told by some locals.
First, Karen alerted neighbors on the Forum, “A pair of emus were wandering in our backyard at 6 pm tonight, we are on Greenbush near Ferry Rd. Any word on where they came from?”
Emily quickly chimed in to say, “We are dying in our house for photos of the Renegade Emus!”
This caught the attention of readers in surrounding forums, so David, from Shelburne (while on his way to Mt. Philo for a hike) was successful in taking a photo of these feathered friends “As requested…from Sunday a few miles south…”
Amused, and feeling creative, Dianne, penned a poem in honor of the emus. We thought it was well worth a share:
“Emu wandering to and fro
Where are you going to go?
Down Lake Road to the beach?
To the cove of Meach?
To the Old Brick Store?
To knock on a neighbor’s door?
To the Old Lantern?
Which way will you turn?
Whether it is left or right
Be sure to check the light
Green means go, red is stop
Check the fields for fresh crops
If you need a snack
You did not pack a lunch sack
The sun is setting
You had a good roam
It is time to go home
Perhaps you need better fencing”
Laura recently posted in her Grand Isle Forum that her band is looking for some backup singers. We loved that they are seeking local talent and thought it was worth a share:
“My band is working on a new album and some of the songwriting delves into the mythology of honey bees. Because of this, some of our transitions between songs would benefit from the textural sound of bees buzzing, so I am looking to make some audio field recordings and possibly also take a couple quick informal videos for Spotify canvases/content. Do you know of any local bees that might be willing to participate? Thanks in advance for any leads!”
Steph posted a “Crime Report” in their Burlington Forum last week. We thought it was well worth a share:
“Hi, has anyone been letting a black cat into their house lately? His name is Indy, he is very friendly and loves people. However, if you let him inside he will likely steal your stuff.
He is particularly fond of toys (either for pets or children) and food. For context, he once stole an entire baguette. I don’t know why he steals, I didn’t teach him to do it, I’m not that smart. If you don’t let him inside, he won’t break in, he’s not that smart.
And if you’re currently missing a stuffed animal hedgehog and/or a small pillow, please let me know and I can return it.”
Check out the new article in the Washington Post: “The friendliest social network you’ve never heard of.”
The coverage stems from a member survey (thanks to the over 13,000 who participated last year!) and report produced by New_ Public, a nonprofit research and development lab that aims to create healthy digital public spaces for people to connect and thrive. Will Oremus, a reporter at the Washington Post, was intrigued by their report and newsletter about Front Porch Forum. I had the chance to talk with him at length about the history and purpose behind FPF. And, we offered him temporary access to a few Forums and put him in touch with several members.
Oremus notes, “New research from the nonprofit New_ Public finds Front Porch Forum is one of the few online spaces in America that leaves its users feeling more informed, more civically engaged and more connected to their neighbors, rather than less so. What’s more, its users seem to genuinely like it.”
Here are some of the key highlights of the membership survey:
The credit for these accolades deserve to be attributed to those who are sharing information. It’s FPF members who are engaged. It is the meetings, chicken eggs, library activities, baby strollers, and electric knife sharpeners of Vermonters that are at the heart and soul of this platform. For that, Valerie and I, and the whole team at FPF, are grateful.
As folks take stock of their gardens this August, Susan shared a great idea in the Craftsbury Forum for how to share extras and fill in garden gaps with the help of neighbors. We thought it was well worth a share:
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“Wow, my summer squash is producing like crazy! But, my cucumber plants died so I have no cucumbers. Do you have similar imbalances in your garden produce? We pulled out the little free library from the early Covid days, and have turned it into a Garden Produce Sharing Shelf. Drop off your extra green beans, chard, tomatoes, cucumbers (please, cucumbers!), or what have you, and pick up some of my summer squash and whatever else your neighbors have dropped off that your garden is lacking. It is a fun way to share our gardening extras (and make up for our garden fails).”
While out on a walk, Lesli came upon a beloved toy – so shared this cute message, and photo, in her Burlington Forum. We thought it was sweet and well worth the share:
“This vehicle was seen abandoned at the corner of Richardson and Ferguson. I left it in case the owner found and claimed it.”
Not too surprisingly, Lesli received a message back and its owner is now happily reunited with her toy.
Camping newbie, David, recently asked for campsite recommendations in his Shelburne Forum. He returned the favor by sharing out all the advice he received. We thought it was well worth a share:
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“A few days ago I posted on FPF asking for camping recommendations for where this camping novice dad should take his newly camping-curious daughter. I have so far received THIRTY-NINE responses.
And not just responses, but a bounty of suggestions, information, and offers to field follow-up questions, and on and on and on. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and share your love of this beautiful land we are so lucky to live in.
And, in case you are curious, below is a list of the places people recommended, multiple times, in alphabetical order.
The clear winner: Little River State Park, followed in close succession by Branbury, Button Bay, Grand Isle, and Emerald Lake.
Branbury, Brighton, Burton Island, Button Bay, DAR, Emerald Lake, Grand Isle State Park, Half Moon Pond, Indian Brook, Kilkare State Park, Lake Bomoseen, Lake Carmi, Lake Elmore, Little River State Park, Maidstone, Mt. Philo, New Discovery, Quechee State Park, Ricker Pond, Sand Bar Beach, Silver Lake State Park, Stillwater
Now I just have to clear my calendar and find a tent!”
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more