Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

The Great Monday Night Dog Chase

Posted on Wednesday, August 29, 2018 by No comments yet

It’s not uncommon to hear wild tales of animal chases and gracious shout outs on Front Porch Forum, but it never gets old!

“Thank you to everyone who helped, offered to assist, pointed us in the right direction, or simply wished us luck as we chased the very fast and wily “Rolo the dog” all over our fair city after he escaped while we were dog-sitting. His jaunt included most of North Street (twice), Spring Street, all of Weaver Street, the Winooski Circle, the Casavant trail, and ended on Platt Street.

A special thanks to Ben for assisting with our pursuit on his moped; to all of the folks who donned headlamps and searched on foot; to the kind couple on Platt Street who found one very exhausted pup in their driveway and called the Winooski PD; and to the Winooski Police Department for their kindness and prompt attention. And lastly, our sincere apologies to anyone who was offended by a silver Subaru that was driving in a less-than-courteous manner as we tried to keep Rolo the Escapee in our sights.

Rolo is home safe and sound, and we are grateful for such a caring community! ” – Charlotte A. & Chris in Winooski

Appreciation for the splendor around us

Posted on Monday, August 27, 2018 by No comments yet

A neighbor shares his love of a local trail on Front Porch Forum.

“I took my first ride under forest canopy, between wildflower meadows in full bloom with our native species, flushed out flocks of Goldfinch, travelled past pond and wildlife on paths in excellent condition. See vineyard and mountain peaks colored by the sunset and get away from it all right here!” • Larry in Charlotte

Thanks for the reminder to get out and explore where we live!

Thankful to live in such a cool place

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2018 by No comments yet

Witnessing good deeds from neighbors happens often on Front Porch Forum:

“Thank you to the mysterious neighbor who patched my flat tire while I was out of town. I moved to Vermont in the last year and have met a lot of very nice people, but this goes above and beyond what I would expect out of my neighbors. I will honor your good deed by doing a good deed for someone else in need in the future.  • Kevin in Winooski

“I drove into the gas station on fumes, parked in front of the pump, and noticed that I had left my purse at home.  A gentlemen who happened to be in the store simply offered to pay for the gas, saying “It makes me happy if I can help.” Such generosity is rare and hope will be repaid to you in kindness many times over!”  • Isa in Greensboro

“Thank you to the kind person who turned in my debit card, dropped on the trail, to our bank. I appreciate it very much and hope to come across you on the path to thank you in person very soon.” • Hillary in Shelburne

Is there someone in your town you want to thank? Post it on FPF!

Best of social media

Posted on Thursday, August 23, 2018 by No comments yet

VPR correspondent, Stephanie Green, shared her FPF experience on the radio this morning. Looking to her neighbors for recommendations on a good plumber, she was “astounded to get 13 useful replies in 24 hours…. I had no idea so many people read these posts so closely – or felt so passionately about their plumbers. And the re-connection to my neighbors was heartening. This, I think, is social media at its best, and it’s a relief when we’re daily buffeted by national headlines about social media at its very worst.”

Read or listen to her commentary at


Free rhubarb. Swap for pie.

Posted on Monday, August 20, 2018 by 1 comment

A beautiful example of using Front Porch Forum

“I harvested my large rhubarb plant.  However my baking skills do not match my gardening skills, so I posted: “Free rhubarb. Will consider swap for a pie.”  I swapped the rhubarb, got a luscious pie and a new friend who will get my crop annually.  I look forward to years of pies.” • Renee in Warren

Have an abundance of vegetables in your garden? Share them with neighbors on FPF!

FPF’s role in “Catching Murphy”

Posted on Friday, August 17, 2018 by No comments yet

It isn’t unusual to follow stories on Front Porch Forum of owners looking for and reconnecting with their lost pets. From dogs and cats to goats, chickens and pigs, we’ve seen it all. However, the story of Murphy, a runaway golden retriever, and how he captured the hearts of Vermont communities is very special. So special, that Wilson Ring, FPF member and the state’s correspondent for the Associated Press, wrote a book about it.

“see a glimpse of how a small Vermont town rallied together to help bring Murphy home.”

Read the story of Catching Murphy, documented through local neighborhood FPF posts.

A community gathering place

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 by No comments yet

“I am so grateful to Front Porch ForumIt strikes me how casually we use this gathering place, how satisfying it is even if we’re just looking for a Phillip’s head screwdriver, and how much more important many of our needs and generosity and community support have become.

And the tenderness of this community always comes through.

But it does need a forum, and thankfully we have one.

I just expressed my gratitude by pledging a monthly donation to keep it all going. When you think of what we receive; the discussions we have; the friends we make; the help that comes our way, it does seem appropriate to say thank you.”
Tami in Montpelier

And we are grateful for our FPF members as well!

Trampolines and Fog Machines

Posted on Friday, August 10, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum is the ultimate resource for creative members- from trampolines to fog machines!

“Thanks to the many trampoline owners willing to part with their…Now I need a fog machine- FPF is a super resource!”  • Alex in Warren

“I want to thank the donor who responded to a call on FPF for shirts and aprons to use for kids’ art classes by bringing in a dozen kid-sized aprons. We are using them this week with kids from Kamp Iwannahavfun who are learning to create batik-style flags and a group wax resist painting with teaching artist Marci Bostic – perfect fit! Catamount Arts loves Front Porch Forum!” • Anne in St. Johnsbury

“Hey Montpelier! I got a sewing machine last night (FPF is soooo cool, thank you to everyone who responded to my post) and I’m so excited to start crafting. Does anyone have scrap fabrics lying around they’d love to get rid of?” • Mollie in Montpelier

Blockchain, bitcoin, stormy dangles, yada yada

Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 by No comments yet

Everyday items are bought and sold on FPF.  Some of our members do it with humor:

“I have a table. I have run out of places to put it. You need a table. Or maybe you would if you got rid of that piece of crap you are using for one now and took mine! Plywood and blocks are OK for a college student, but at your age, you should move up to real wood. Old wood. Wood made before Hawaii was a state. Before plastics were invented. Wood. Oak, in fact. Such oaky goodness like you never see anymore. The kind that will make you want to wake up in the morning just to go sit in front of it, but please, use a coaster? I am dropping the price. I will deliver it. And I’ll carry off your plywood and cinderblock thing. Email me, but be fast. The last stuff I posted is all gone and it had a much worse ad. I expect a deluge of emails. (I’m hoping people will quit with the marriage proposals already!) You snooze, you lose! Oh yeah, blockchain, bitcoin, stormy dangles, yada yada. Buy the table.”  • Forrest in Randolph

“Whooee! Forrest, you did us all a favor. I am still laughing. Talk about livening up the culture here on Front Porch Forum!  I would gladly reward your fine on-line behavior by buying your table, but I really don’t need a table. Too bad. But anyway, it must be on its way to new owners this weekend after razzle-dazzle like that.”
• Josie in Randolph Center

A testament to Vermont teenagers

Posted on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members routinely recognize the volunteers who give graciously in their communities.

“I managed to make a spectacular fall this past winter and ignored the pain until it was 2 AM on a very snowy night. Unable to get out of bed, I called 911 and within 10 minutes an ambulance with four young people backed down my 6” deep snow covered drive to my front door. Four young people put me on a stretcher and carried me to the waiting ambulance. 

On the way to the hospital I discovered two of my attendants were high school students. This being a Tuesday night at 3 AM, I asked about school and was told they had classes the next day at 8 O’Clock and would be there. They did this routinely as volunteers, twice a month.

I think this is an overwhelming testament to the American, (Vermont?) teenager of today.. I don’t know how many volunteer rescue services have similar programs, but I certainly appreciate this one.” • Jack in Jericho