VPR correspondent, Stephanie Green, shared her FPF experience on the radio this morning. Looking to her neighbors for recommendations on a good plumber, she was “astounded to get 13 useful replies in 24 hours…. I had no idea so many people read these posts so closely – or felt so passionately about their plumbers. And the re-connection to my neighbors was heartening. This, I think, is social media at its best, and it’s a relief when we’re daily buffeted by national headlines about social media at its very worst.”
Read or listen to her commentary at http://digital.vpr.net/post/greene-best-social-media
“I am so grateful to Front Porch Forum. It strikes me how casually we use this gathering place, how satisfying it is even if we’re just looking for a Phillip’s head screwdriver, and how much more important many of our needs and generosity and community support have become.
And the tenderness of this community always comes through.
But it does need a forum, and thankfully we have one.
I just expressed my gratitude by pledging a monthly donation to keep it all going. When you think of what we receive; the discussions we have; the friends we make; the help that comes our way, it does seem appropriate to say thank you.”
• Tami in Montpelier
And we are grateful for our FPF members as well!
Front Porch Forum is the ultimate resource for creative members- from trampolines to fog machines!
“Thanks to the many trampoline owners willing to part with their…Now I need a fog machine- FPF is a super resource!” • Alex in Warren
“I want to thank the donor who responded to a call on FPF for shirts and aprons to use for kids’ art classes by bringing in a dozen kid-sized aprons. We are using them this week with kids from Kamp Iwannahavfun who are learning to create batik-style flags and a group wax resist painting with teaching artist Marci Bostic – perfect fit! Catamount Arts loves Front Porch Forum!” • Anne in St. Johnsbury
“Hey Montpelier! I got a sewing machine last night (FPF is soooo cool, thank you to everyone who responded to my post) and I’m so excited to start crafting. Does anyone have scrap fabrics lying around they’d love to get rid of?” • Mollie in Montpelier
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more