Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

A mistakenly taken lawn mower

Posted on Monday, October 28, 2019 by No comments yet

Frequently neighbors post on Front Porch Forum offering free items. What happens when the wrong item is taken?

“I am hoping this is a misunderstanding, but I posted a listing on FPF advertising free lawn mowers to give away. Several folks contacted me and one gentleman came and picked up 2 while I was here (those mowers are NOT in question). However, 2 mowers were taken that WERE NOT available to take because they are our running mowers. I am asking that if you took them thinking they were free, contact me and return them, no questions asked.”

Shortly after this post, a neighbor responds!

“The mowers were returned and my faith in my neighbors has been confirmed!! Thank you to the person that returned them and, again, I am sorry for the confusion!!!  Thank God for good people and Front Porch Forum!!!   • Bill in Hyde Park

Did your Little Bo Peep lose a sweet stuffed sheep?

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2019 by No comments yet

In response to this query on FPF:

“We know we live in a very special community. Reading the notice about finding a child’s stuffed toy affirmed this belief. I remember driving hours to retrieve a forgotten animal at Grandma’s house. How could our son possibly sleep without it? Thank you, Penelope. You have made a real effort to reunite these two friends and warmed my heart.”  • Joan in Craftsbury  

“Wow, there is nothing like living in a community of wonderful, caring folks. We are thankful for the return of our husky Braveheart and for everyone who kept a lookout and reached out to us. Much gratitude and love : )” • Marilyn in Fayston

Drone found! Thanks Front Porch Forum and to Stacy, who found it. We are most grateful.”  • Torrey in Bristol

You never know what your neighbors might find on FPF!

FPF on VPR’s Vermont Edition Oct. 23

Posted on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 by No comments yet

Tune in to VPR on Wed., Oct. 23 from 12:05 p.m. – 12:45 p.m., to hear a fascinating discussion between Jane Lindholm and FPF co-founder, Michael Wood-Lewis.  Details here.

This Vermont Edition will take a deep-dive into responses from survey participants about life in rural Vermont. The results of the Vermont Rural Life Survey, a part of the VPR and Vermont PBS This Land project, reveal new insights into the quality of life in Vermont.

Turn on your radio for this great segment on Wednesday afternoon, or stream it here!

In giving you will receive

Posted on Monday, October 21, 2019 by No comments yet

It’s wonderful to know we have neighbors and loved ones alike who can help us out when we need a hand. Sometimes, it’s even better to be the one offering something! A heartfelt story of thanks shared on Front Porch Forum below…

“Last month Rachel O., who is a teacher, requested Legos on our Front Porch Forum. I had a large bin of them from my grandchildren. They hadn’t played with them for years, so I thought it would be a good thing to donate them to Rachel, for her students.

Well, yesterday I received a thick envelope, in the mail. Seven students, from her 5/6th grade class wrote me thank you letters. What a heart warming surprise!

The saying goes, ” in giving, you will receive” how true that is.”  • Carmen in Burlington

If you want to see more stories like this, consider supporting FPF with your donation – become a Supporting Member.

People are awesome

Posted on Monday, October 14, 2019 by No comments yet

One FPF member took to her forum to share just how awesome the people she’s met on Front Porch Forum are! Check it out:

“I just have to say that I have had such amazing people reach out to me since I moved here. My cousin has lived here in Morrisville for the past 30 years. Anytime I have needed help, she has referred me to this wonderful community here on Front Porch Forum. I have gotten free snow tires, a free haircut, furniture, and anonymous people helping me out. I am 61, a widow, and have disabilities. People are reaching out to me now offering me help to dig out my buried car. I am so grateful to all of you. Thank you for your generosity and caring. Hopefully some day, I can be of service somehow to someone. God bless you, and thanks to Front Porch Forum for existing.” • Gloria in Morrisville

Do you love your Front Porch Forum community? Help us get more people involved – donate to our October Supporting Member campaign today!

Trick-or-treating in rural Vermont

Posted on Friday, October 11, 2019 by No comments yet

Vermont is one of the most rural states in the U.S. and many Vermonters live in homes that are tucked up to many miles away from the next house or main street. This can make participating in fun, community-centric celebrations, such as trick-or-treating, a real challenge.

See how this FPF member is coming up with ways to get more people involved in this year’s festivities!:

“Every year, my wife and I take our son to trick or treat around the center of Newfane. Living in a rural community, even in the center of town houses are a bit spread out and not all houses participate. Now since we live on a road that, let’s be honest, no one is going to take their kids trick or treating on, we though it would be nice to set up a table and display on the town common to give out treats.

We thought perhaps other folks who live out of town might like to participate as well.

I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this. I think this could be a fun night, and bring more people out to celebrate.” • Jeffrey in Newfane

Have you used Front Porch Forum to get more involved in your community? If so, consider becoming a Supporting Member – make a donation today!

Sasquatch Stolen

Posted on Thursday, October 10, 2019 by No comments yet

Every now and then we see crime report postings on FPF. This one caught our eye!

“Sometime between Friday night, 6:36pm and Saturday 6:00pm, our 8 foot tall 3/4” plywood silhouette of Sasquatch was stolen from our yard.  Contact us if you have seen him or her.”  • Paul in So. Wheelock

This is also not the first time Front Porch Forum members have posted about Sasquatch:

“I heard from a woman whose son and several classmates saw a Sasquatch behind the Elementary School last winter and a man who has heard house-rattling screams late at night. “  • Christopher in East Calais

“I’ll stick with Front Porch Forum”

Posted on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 by No comments yet

Cindy in Westford shared with her neighbors yesterday…

I recently posted a query for someone to give us quotes on a culvert installation. I was overwhelmed by the number of responses I got – both recommendations and direct outreach from providers.

Where else but FPF does this kind of neighborly conversation happen?

Please consider supporting this magic with a donation – every little bit helps.

BTW – just my opinion, but I recently gave Home Advisor a try, and, well, never again. I’ll stick with Front Porch Forum.

Thanks, neighbors.

Thank you, Cindy!

Random Acts of Kindness and Your Neighborhood FPF

Posted on Thursday, October 3, 2019 by No comments yet

It’s a tale as old as time! Random acts of kindness pop up all over Front Porch Forum: expressions of gratitude, folks organizing relief efforts for neighbors in need, and secret do-gooders surprising others with generosity. Recently, an FPF member shared the story below about a stranger coming through with heartwarming comfort and kindness, without seeking any recognition!

“A little over a year ago my dog Luke died very suddenly and unexpectedly and shortly thereafter a very caring and anonymous person left me a beautiful potted arrangement of flowers on my front porch. Just recently I had to put down my 14 year old border collie Jake. Once again a kind and truly caring person left a large beautiful potted mum on my front porch and again no signature on the hand written note. If you are this truly compassionate person either then and or now please know that your kindness means so much. Thank you.” • Christine D., Jericho FPF

Have you been inspired by the many acts of kindness shared and organized on FPF? Consider paying it forward by demonstrating acts of kindness in your neighborhood or by donating to FPF’s Supporting Member campaign to help us keep the good vibrations and community supportiveness rolling!