Yearly Archives: 2018

Thankful for our neighbors

Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 by No comments yet

What a wonderful use of Front Porch Forum!

“In loving memory of our son, Edward, my husband and I are preparing Thanksgiving Dinner for community members in need. We are also happy to provide the ingredients for a delicious dinner for families who would prefer to cook it themselves. Todd and I will be delivering the hot meals between 11 and 12 on Thanksgiving Day. Edward Heyman’s Soup’s On program will be funding the meals.”  • Sandra in Huntington

“A magical story of giving: A gentleman asked if he could join me at the cafe, since there were no tables available…I was writing lots of lists for making holiday meal boxes. He asked what I was doing, I explained, then he asked if he could make a donation, and of course, I said yes!  I was thinking a couple bucks, and he handed me a 100 dollar bill!! I handed it back, saying that was too much, and his response was “I have food, please use this to help others.”  I had a smile on my face all day!”  • Karen in Worcester

“We should be thankful for having an opportunity to express ourselves in a non threatening environment. Most all of us have families and we should take this time to give thanks to them, our community and to FPF for giving us another way to share and benefit.” • J. in Barre

Happy Thanksgiving from FPF!

Who needs Craig’s list?

Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members turn to their neighbors to find what they need, in a matter of minutes.

“WOW! I love the FPF Community! I received, almost before I finished my query, so many recommendations for local knife sharpening. Thank you all so much for your input and suggestions – who needs Craig’s list!” • Arrianna in Morrisville

FPF is such an asset, Craigslist is great for certain things, however, FPF BLOWS CL away when it comes to really cool, random items for sale, for free or wanted to borrow and the fact that it’s SO local.” • Steven in Shelburne

From the obscure to the everyday, it’s likely a Front Porch Forum member can help!


Return of the Battalion Stallion

Posted on Monday, November 19, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members can be very creative with their postings!  Witness this humorous exchange:

“What a disgrace. I’ve never in my three years of living here been more disgusted with the State of Things. No more Battalion Stallion on the Country Store menu? Was there even a vote? Together we can right this wrong. Join me and the growing ranks of outraged citizens and help restore this town treasure to the once-great menu.”  • Ben in Jericho

“As both creator and destroyer of the Battalion Stallion panini, I offer my deepest, most profound sympathy for the loss of your beloved sandwich. It indeed was a stalwart of our menu for many years here. It filled up many a weary traveler on his or her way to gastric heaven. Alas, along came newer sandwiches and the Stallion became a lost pony. But only the forgotten are truly lost, as they say. This is ‘Merica, and despite our differences we can find common ground. All it takes is a good conversation and a hilarious FPF post. So, although we won’t put it back on the menu, you can stop by or call and order it. We’ll make it for you! Long live the Stallion! Hooah.”  • Jon at the Jericho Center Country Store


Rise of democracy entrepreneurs

Posted on Friday, November 16, 2018 by No comments yet

An inspiring article in the Boston Globe recently about the importance of “democracy entrepreneurs,” meaning people who “use creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial techniques to make our civic life more participatory, inclusive, equitable, and just.” 

That’s a straight-up description of what FPF does!

Check out the whole article here:

What goes in your attic?

Posted on Thursday, November 15, 2018 by No comments yet

What goes through your attic hatch other than your parents’ slide projector, the fondue set, and your prize winning ugly sweater? A lot of that heat you’re paying for 🔥💰😨.

Which is why FPF encourages you to insulate your attic hatch.  Especially since the folks at Button Up Vermont will cover the cost of some of those materials!  Learn how to earn up to $100 back by getting at least three DIY checklist items done at

As for those items stored in our attic we no longer want, Front Porch Forum members are finding new homes for them!

“Would you like a complete dart board set containing bristle dart board, darts, play instructions and manual with double dry erase score boards? It’s a beautiful set that has been in the attic for years.” • Judy in Burlington

“I have 2 twin size box springs in very good condition that i would like to find a new home for. They have been stored in the attic for a few years.”  • Priscilla in Stowe

Front Porch Forum is proud to be Button Up Vermont’s Community Partner, helping our neighbors be ready for winter.

There goes the neighborhood

Posted on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum co-founder, Michael Wood-Lewis, was recently interviewed on the Team Human podcast for a segment on “people trying to effect real cultural change in very different ways.”

Team Human is a podcast striving to amplify human connection. Each week they engage in real-time, no-holds-barred discussions with people who are hacking the machine to make it more compatible with human life, and helping redefine what it means to stay human in a digital age.  

Take a listen and see how Michael “shows us how the net can be used to turn residents back into neighbors. It’s a story about the transformative power of witnessing everyday acts of neighborliness.”


Neighbors lend a hand… and crutches!

Posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members are thankful for the generosity of others.

“Thank you all for your kind and prompt reply to our request for a wheelchair to borrow. This community is the best!” • Melanie and Dave in Waitsfield

“I want to thank everyone for the emails offering crutches! The generosity of our community is so amazing.” • Carly in Montpelier

“So many responses to my search for crutches, it is beyond belief! Many thanks to all of my neighbors who offered and the reassurance of how wonderful FPF is!” • Carol in Williston

I just wanted to thank all of the people who reached out to me offering to lend a pair of crutches! I didn’t get a chance to thank everyone individually but thanks to such a wonderful community, I am all set!” • Katharine in Hinesburg

Need assistance? Ask your neighbors for help on Front Porch Forum.

Need it fast? Try your local FPF!

Posted on Monday, November 12, 2018 by No comments yet

Vermonters see swift results from their postings on Front Porch Forum.

“Got to love FPF and the speed with which it gets the word out. Someone contacted me about the slabs about ten minutes after the last posting. Thanks to those who responded. Next time.”  • Peter in Northfield

“Would like to THANK Front Porch Forum for including my posting of table saw for sale, which was sold on the same day it was posted.”  • Joseph in Montpelier

“My tree found a new home in less than an hour. Once again, FPF is amazing!”  • Karen in Montpelier

“Thanks to FPF the ladder was sold and taken away less than an hour after the ad arrived in our email boxes!”  • Peter in East Montpelier


A musical bond is formed on FPF

Posted on Monday, October 29, 2018 by No comments yet
Here’s a special story of how FPF helped musicians form a neighborhood connection that still endures:

“Brit, whose family had recently moved from out west, used Front Porch Forum to see if anyone would be interested in getting together occasionally to play guitar and make music.  a few of us took her up on her offer, and we hit it off.  Almost 6 years – and many farmer’s markets & events – later, our meetings have become something very special to each of us.  We named ourselves the “Front Porch Foursome”, in honor of our origin.  We all still have our day jobs, but cherish the adventure this has taken us on.  Aside from our good fortune, we appreciate the forum that you have provided for our community, and for all of Vermont.”  • Brit, Nancy, Kathy & Char – the Front Porch Foursome

How will you use FPF to form friendships?