Category Archives: Social Networking

Pressure canner and jars found new homes in Bristol

Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2016 by No comments yet

“Both the canning jars and pressure canner have found new homes… within minutes of Front Porch Forum arriving in my inbox! Thank you, FPF and neighbors!”
• Betsy, Bristol FPF

Bear and bird sightings abound on Front Porch Forum

Posted on Friday, May 20, 2016 by No comments yet

People are reporting bear sightings to their neighbors via their local Front Porch Forum all across Vermont this week… ’tis the season.

Also, lots of bird sightings are being shared too, including… Indigo Bunting, Black-Crowned Night Heron, Scarlett Tanager, and a pair of Barred Owlets being fed by mom and dad.

Post your sightings on your local so your neighbors can be aware.

Chicken enrolled at Guilford Central School? Happy ending

Posted on Friday, May 20, 2016 by No comments yet

“A chicken has been hanging out at the Guilford Central School for the past week, and when we went there this afternoon we fed her and gave her water… It would seem that she hasn’t been back at home at all, because she was very hungry and thirsty… I believe she’s an ameraucana. I’m thinking of boxing her up tonight and bringing her to one of my empty coops…if anyone recognizes her or knows her owner please let me know. Thanks.”
• Erin, Guilford FPF

“The hen’s family came to retrieve her today!!!! Hooray for FB and Front Porch Forum! Thanks to everyone that took the time to help me find the owners!!!
• Erin, Guilford FPF, next day

Elderberry syrup and good neighbors not in short supply in Warren

Posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 by No comments yet

“Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for Elderberry Syrup. This is just another example of a community that cares about each other. I had the great fortune of meeting Helen, who is brilliant and lively. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
• Claudia, Mad River Valley Front Porch Forum

Bear opens garage door and helps himself in Fayston

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 by 1 comment

“We live near German Flats and had a bear get into our closed garage door, lifting it right open! Muddy paw prints on the door… Our plan now: replace our garage door as soon as we can with one that we can lock, eliminate food from our garbage by putting all food scraps in the freezer until the morning of garbage pick-up, and put ammonia in our trash bin as suggested by someone on Front Porch Forum — thank you! I appreciate all the suggestions and warnings of bears in the area. Whatever the cause, I think it’s important to keep each other informed so that we can find ways together to stop feeding the bears. Feeding any kind of wild animal isn’t good for them either.”
• Jessica, Mad River Valley FPF