Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

Valentine’s Day Love on FPF

Posted on Thursday, February 22, 2024 by No comments yet

Thank you to the hundreds of Front Porch Forum members who posted love letters, appreciations, and notes of gratitude about their town during the week of Valentine’s Day, 2024.

It was a gift to read these celebrations of people and places across the state. There were messages describing community highlights such as a favorite car mechanic in Brattleboro to a librarian in Chelsea, from flood recovery volunteers in Glover to trivia night hosted in St. Johnsbury, from the Colchester Causeway to the Ridgeline trails of Randolph, and from the holiday lights of Springfield to the welcome for refugees in Rutland.

As always, members make Front Porch Forum a bright spot of community connection.

From the Mouths of Babes

Posted on Thursday, January 11, 2024 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum aims to be a platform where people from all different stages of life can express themselves and share their thoughts with members of the community, but it’s not often that we hear from our youngest neighbors. We loved seeing this recent post from Vanessa of Essex:

“My kiddo lost her lamb stuffy the other day. Today we discovered it on the fire hydrant on the corner of sage cir and hickory lane. She wanted me to send a note out to our community to say thank you to whoever found her lamb and placed it where we could find it!”

Thank you for sharing, Vanessa. We’re so glad your little girl was reunited with her lamb!

Sharing Kindness

Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 by No comments yet

Recently, Ruth shared a heartwarming story with her neighbors in the Montpelier Forum about a kind stranger who not only helped change her flat tire, but went out of his way to purchase and install four new winter tires for the car. The stranger wouldn’t accept reimbursement, and said that he tries to do something particularly kind like this once every few years. Ruth ended the post by expressing her appreciation, and telling her neighbors that she plans to “pay it forward.”

Later that day, she posted again to the Forum:

“I received an outpouring of emails thanking me for posting my experience yesterday. Some people said they cried and all thanked me. After receiving all those messages I realized something… I was trying to figure out how to ‘Pay it Forward’ and maybe sharing what happened is giving people HOPE. Showing them there is still kindness and goodness in peoples’ hearts.

Thank you, Ruth, for telling your story and reminding us that both being kind and sharing kindness with those around you goes such a long way.

Friends and More Through FPF

Posted on Thursday, November 9, 2023 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum’s goal is to foster connection among neighbors. Catharine, a Brandon FPF member, shares just how possible that is!

I was looking for about 10 hangers and received more than double that number of responses! I was able to get them from a kind friend and neighbor who saw my request. I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep up with responding to people, so here is a BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!

I am so grateful that I found this forum when I moved here. I’ve had the opportunity to travel into neighborhoods and streets that are off my beaten path… a nice excuse to explore my little town. But most importantly: I’ve made a few friends through FPF and for that alone I am forever grateful.

Pet Reunited With Owner 3 Months Later

Posted on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 by No comments yet

A Johnson FPF member, Sheila, was able to locate a neighbor who was flooded out of their home to let them know their pet cat was alive and safe. Read on…

Trying to Locate an Individual Displaced by the Flood • “I am desperately trying to locate/contact a young man named Ken [last name withheld for privacy]. He was relocated following the flooding of his mobile home in Johnson in July. If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact me by email or call me.”

My Search Was Successful! • “After several hours on the phone, posting on social media, and personally visiting past employment sites; one post on FPF was all it took! So, a huge “Thank you!” to FPF and those members who so kindly shared information that allowed me to connect with Ken. With your help, I was able to let him know that his pet is still alive and awaiting his return. Hopefully, he will soon be back in a home of his own, where Angel can join him. ❤️ “

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Posted on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 by 1 comment

Discussions among neighbors are a life line to building social capital in communities. Members are turning to their neighbors on Front Porch Forum to solve everyday problems. Here are some real conversations happening right now on FPF: 

Where to do Trick-or-Treating?

  • “Hello fellow FPF peeps. Last year, Middlebury hosted trick or treating the Saturday or Sunday before Halloween. Does anyone know anything and if it is happening this year?”
  • “October is finally here and our family is extremely excited for Halloween but we are new to the area. We were wondering does anyone know any neighborhoods in St. Johnbury or Woodville that still does Trick or Treating?”

What to do about Jumping Worms?

  • “To my fellow gardeners. I have been seeing Asian jumping worms at several of my jobs. You can learn more about them online. Be very careful sharing plants with others.”
  • “In doing Fall chores in vegetable and flower gardens I have discovered lots of these new worms – lots. Not sure what to do, if anything, about this situation. Anyone have thoughts?”

Lost Items Found

  • “Thanks to Front Porch Forum and the many people walking on cotton brook road I got my car key back. Thank you all! I love this Town!”
  • “Thanks to wonderful neighbors and FPF my items were recovered from some bushes elsewhere in the neighborhood. I’m so very grateful! Lock your doors!”

Anyone driving to…?

  • “Is anyone available to provide safe transportation to and from Bradley Airport the week of Thanksgiving?”
  • “There was a very nice young man who stopped in today at the Town Hall, who needs a ride to Brownington… I told him our little town has amazing folks, and I’m sure some one would reach out to him and help him out!

Recommendations for Bats in the Wall?

  • “Just in time for Halloween it sounds like some bats have found a way to get into our walls. We tried contacting a company listed on google and they told us it would be a month just to look at the issue. I’d prefer to not have bats pooping in my wall for over a month, but wasn’t sure if this was the normal turnaround for pest removal. Thanks!”
  • “We are repainting our house and found there are bats in the roof of our home… We are looking for someone who can help us safely get rid of the bats without hurting them or our home. I’d love recommendations or anyone who has experience doing this themselves as well.”

Responses come back straight to the Forum or emailed directly to members. What could you use some help with today? Post to your FPF to see if neighbors can help with a solution!

More Apples, Please

Posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 by 2 comments

Front Porch Forum members are doing more than just looking for apples… they’re finding, picking, offering, cooking, and eating them! See just how much is happening with apples on all the Forums across Vermont:

Seeking Apples …

  • In Lincoln: “Does anyone have crabapples they are willing to part with?
  • In Morrisville: “Our four-year-old daughter and I have been invited to an apple-pressing party, but we have no apples to bring! Do you have trees in need of picking? Can we pay you to pick a few five-gallon buckets worth? Thanks!”

Come and get ’em Apples…

  • In Mad River Valley: “We have a bumper crop this year! We have plenty left even though we had many pickers over the weekend.”
  • In Burlington: “Free Liberty apples in a box on the green belt in front of Catherine Street home. Take what you want!
  • In Derby: ” I have a few apple trees that have quite a few apples on them. They are not perfect, they have blemishes, some I’m sure have worm holes in them. But if you have the time & willing to cut around these things to cut up & freeze or can, they make great apple pies, cakes etc. Free for the taking.

Need Help with Apples…

  • In Lyndon “I have apples that I would like to have pressed into cider. Do you know of anyone offering this service.”
  • In Grand Isle: “Cleaning out the garage and found a Squeeze Master Fruit Apple Cider press. I think someone was looking for one on the forum a few days ago. Can’t find the manual but all the pieces are here. Only used once. Good YouTube videos on how to assemble and use. Free to whoever could use it. Just email us.”

Events about Apples…

  • In Hardwick: “Community Cider Pressing this very Saturday at the Grange in downtown East Hardwick (across from the Church). Bring apples, containers and crank out some cider to take home. Apple Fritters, Hot Dogs, Live Music, and Badminton too! Free Event!!
  • In Hinesburg: “Apple pressing will be happening at the Fall Fest on the Town Common behind the Hinesburg Police Station. Help make delicious fresh cider with an old fashion hand crank cider press. Bring your own washed apples either from a local orchard or from your own trees or wild ones.”

Have you had enough yet? Post your apple needs and happenings on FPF!