Author Archives: Ariel

From the Mouths of Babes

Posted on Thursday, January 11, 2024 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum aims to be a platform where people from all different stages of life can express themselves and share their thoughts with members of the community, but it’s not often that we hear from our youngest neighbors. We loved seeing this recent post from Vanessa of Essex:

“My kiddo lost her lamb stuffy the other day. Today we discovered it on the fire hydrant on the corner of sage cir and hickory lane. She wanted me to send a note out to our community to say thank you to whoever found her lamb and placed it where we could find it!”

Thank you for sharing, Vanessa. We’re so glad your little girl was reunited with her lamb!

Sharing Kindness

Posted on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 by No comments yet

Recently, Ruth shared a heartwarming story with her neighbors in the Montpelier Forum about a kind stranger who not only helped change her flat tire, but went out of his way to purchase and install four new winter tires for the car. The stranger wouldn’t accept reimbursement, and said that he tries to do something particularly kind like this once every few years. Ruth ended the post by expressing her appreciation, and telling her neighbors that she plans to “pay it forward.”

Later that day, she posted again to the Forum:

“I received an outpouring of emails thanking me for posting my experience yesterday. Some people said they cried and all thanked me. After receiving all those messages I realized something… I was trying to figure out how to ‘Pay it Forward’ and maybe sharing what happened is giving people HOPE. Showing them there is still kindness and goodness in peoples’ hearts.

Thank you, Ruth, for telling your story and reminding us that both being kind and sharing kindness with those around you goes such a long way.