Looking to sell or give-away household items…. or a car? Some success stories:
“Kitchen Aid Mixer & Toddler Bed Sold. Thanks for ALL the interest! Thank you to Front Porch Forum!” • Elizabeth in Danville
“FPF came out at 4:30 ish and by 6:00 I had 6 people contact me about the carpet!” • Gerry in Fayston
“The flooring is gone. Picked up this morning after posted yesterday. Way to go FPF.” • Noah in Montpelier
“Subaru sold! Thanks for ALL the inquires. Amazing the Power of FPF!!!” • Ginny in Stowe
“I’ve never received bogus calls or offers from anything posted here on FPF. Can’t say that for Craigslist!”
• John in Barre
Are you using Front Porch Forum to move some items?
A recent article from the Times Argus highlights findings from FPF survey work done in 2017.
“Members of Front Porch Forum, who are not anonymous and make a commitment to be part of the online community, are comforted by the engagement of others. Perhaps at a time when contention is rampant, the sense of community, even online, is enough of a connection for members to feel a level of comfort and trust.
Community building takes various forms, whether that be public suppers, music, theater or meetings and discussion groups. Vermonters have always taken great pride in being good neighbors. Now we can take stock in knowing that being part of the community, even online, has merits that go far beyond chasing down lost dogs or finding a place to stay for a friend. It still means we connect.”
To read more, visit https://www.timesargus.com/articles/a-matter-of-trust/
Varying opinions on a topic or issue can be difficult when not approached in a civic manner. Front Porch Forum members weigh in:
“Should we be discussing controversial issues on FPF? If not here, where? One of the problems with our pop culture these days is that we are constantly talking to those we agree with. Our social media echo chambers are really hurting our democracy. FPF is fundamentally different from Facebook. It is a platform where I can talk to my neighbors and they can talk to me. Facebook seems to be a self selecting group which will frequently share ones own views. How can we find common ground if we do not talk to one another? I think the discussion on guns in FPF has been respectful, diverse and informative.” • Jeff in Richmond
Use Front Porch Forum to have civil discussions on tough topics and connect with your neighbors.
Front Porch Forum is participating in Howard Center’s 2018 Curling Challenge to help raise money for the many Howard Center programs and services that support people in our community. Some of these include:
• 24/7/365 Crisis services
• Residential programs
• Specialized schools
• Street outreach
• Substance use treatment & recovery
• Suicide prevention
• Therapeutic camps
By contributing to our fundraising efforts on behalf of Howard Center, you will be making a real and lasting difference within our community. Follow This Link to donate now and help in our efforts to support Howard Center!
Barbara in Danville has won a new iPad for using FPF’s “Invite Neighbors“ feature as part of our recent push for new members. She was randomly selected from those members who successfully invited their friends, family and neighbors to join the conversation on Front Porch Forum over this past week.
Congrats to Barbara and thanks to all of our FPF members who participated in our contest.
Interested in learning more ways you can stir up interest in your FPF? Learn more here:
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more