It’s great to hear the Front Porch Forum community is filled with honest, caring folk!
“Happy to say the wallet I found has been returned to a very thankful 7 yr old young lady. The power of FPF shines again!” • Rob in Shelburne
“Thank you, to the kind soul who found the missing handbag and turned it in. My visitor is greatly relieved to be reunited with her phone wallet and everything else in the bag. Acts of honesty and integrity like this are what make this such a great community.” • Wendelyn in Stowe
“I had posted yesterday that my mother in law lost her wallet. Thank you FPF for reuniting my MIL with her wallet! An honest and kind neighbor reached out within minutes of last night’s post.” • Gillian in So. Burlington
“I want to give a big thank you to the nice man that found my brother in-law’s wallet. I believe his first name is Jeff. Williston is a better place to live because of people like you.” • Donna in Williston
Have you lost or found a wallet, phone or other important item someone might be missing? Post on your neighborhood Front Porch Forum!
Changing weather can result in difficult walking and driving conditions. Witnessing Front Porch Forum members helping their neighbors is very gratifying.
“Thank you to the neighbors who brought my trash and recycling bins up from the road to my garage!! There has been so much ice at the end of the driveway for the past couple of days, that I was afraid of falling.” • Susan in Montpelier
“Thank you to the kind person who sanded our driveway. It was a sheet of ice and we came home that afternoon to a well sanded driveway. Whoever you are, we are so appreciative of your kindness.” • Susan in Johnson
“Much gratitude to whoever laid sand down on my sheet of ice driveway the other morning!” • Lisa-Anne in Craftsbury
Have someone you wish to thank for their kindness? Let them know on FPF!
From the obscure to the rarely used items in your home, people find what they need when asking their neighbors on Front Porch Forum.
“I recently saw a post for someone wanting to borrow a large black light for an event. Now I’m not saying nobody has one, but really, who has one laying around that works? Such an obscure random request I thought, but I had one that fit the bill and is brand new, so I emailed and they picked it up, he said the kids had a BLAST and even brought me a gift which probably costs more than the light! This (FPF) is such an asset when it comes to really cool, random items for sale, for free or wanted to borrow and the fact that it’s SO local….you just NEVER know what you’ll find!” • Steven in Shelburne
“Sincere thanks for the many offers of crutches to borrow. Thanks to FPF and wonderful neighbors I am all set.” • Greg in Charlotte
“Thanks to all who responded to my request to borrow a walker. The number of responses speaks volumes to how generous and supportive this community is. All the wishes for a speedy recovery were also much appreciated.” • Hugh in Starksboro
“I want to thank the many generous FPF people in our community who responded to my post a few weeks ago requesting to borrow some medical items needed for upcoming surgery.” • Lois in Winooski
“Wow, thank you to everyone who responded offering to let me borrow their snowshoes. What a generous community we have! I have made arrangements to borrow a pair, so I am all set. Thank you again to everyone who offered.” • Martha in Shelburne
Love is in the air… and our towns!
“Thanks for all you do. In this increasingly chaotic and lonely world, you help us build community in our lovely town.” • Bruce in Burlington
Tapping 145,000 Front Porch Forum members across Vermont, a recent independent, large-scale survey revealed that FPF members know and trust their neighbors at double national averages. They also have more hope for the future of their local communities. More than 15,000 FPF members across Vermont responded to the survey.
78% of survey respondents say that their neighbors trust each other vs. 38% of Americans that say they trust their neighbors.
“It makes you proud to live in a place with such a strong sense of community.” • John in Panton
The new survey, conducted by Network Impact and supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, also found a similar pattern when asking related questions:
85% of survey respondents in Vermont are optimistic about the community where they live vs. 44% of Americans who feel hopeful about the future of their neighborhoods.
69% of survey respondents in Vermont know most of their neighbors vs. 26% of Americans who can recognize most of their neighbors.
“The recent survey shows that 89% of respondents say their neighbors help others, and 79% say that their neighbors pitch in on community projects. Being neighborly is paid forward in Vermont… to everyone’s benefit.” • Michael Wood-Lewis, Co-Founder and CEO of Front Porch Forum
This survey was commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Front Porch Forum, and conducted by Network Impact. More than 15,000 FPF members (out of 132,000 surveyed) across Vermont responded in March 2017, yielding a 99% confidence level in the results. See here for Network Impact’s report about their survey.
“Another use for Front Porch Forum: downsizing! I recently cleared out a shed by posting on FPF and giving the objects away for free. The lawn mower, rain barrel, etc were spoken for within minutes and people came to pick them up within a couple of days. It was so easy!” • Paige in Ferrisburgh
The items you no longer need could be just what your neighbor is looking for…. remember to post about items you’re looking to sell or donate on FPF!
Neighbors look out for each other on FPF. There have been two dozen reports since Jan. 1 of car windows being shot out by a BB gun in Burlington, city police say. “Incidents recently were reported on Front Porch Forum” confirms the Burlington Free Press.
“Keep an eye out, our son’s car was shot at several times with a BB gun in our drive way this past week.” • Wendy in Colchester
“heads up that the rear windscreen of our car was ‘shot out’ by a BB Gun – looks as if there’s a rash of these incidents in and around our neighborhood.” • Craig in Burlington
“We just noticed that our car was shot at multiple times with a BB gun whilst parked outside our house.” • Joanne in Burlington
“This is my first post…someone shot our car with a BB gun. We have Damage to our windshield and what appears as three shots above the right headlight.” • Amanda in Burlington
“We’d like to put you on alert that our vehicle parked in our private driveway was vandalized. The likely source of the damage was a bb gun, and the damage was extensive to the body and glass.”
• Nicole in Winooski
Keep your neighbors alerted on FPF and remember to report all incidents to your local police.
Front Porch Forum members trust their neighbors for recommendations…. and get many!
“Thank you for all of your responses for the request for a post and beam barn builder. There were so many kind replies. We had no idea how many possibilities would come our way! FPF is wonderful, and so are our neighbors!” • Toni in Charlotte
“Thank you all for the helpful recommendations for an auto garage to use for inspection! Always nice to ask the neighbors!”
• Nina in St. Albans
“OMG! You are all so amazing. I got so many referrals/recommendations for website design. Thank you. I will be contacting a few of you to pick your brain for my project. Front Porch Forum rocks!!” • Penny in Waitsfield
“Thank you all for all the great recommendations we received for our posts about both an exterior house painter and a tiler. Love FPF, love this community!” • Marsha in Jericho
Looking for advice on an upcoming project? Ask your neighbors on FPF!
Barbara in Danville has won a new iPad for using FPF’s “Invite Neighbors“ feature as part of our recent push for new members. She was randomly selected from those members who successfully invited their friends, family and neighbors to join the conversation on Front Porch Forum over this past week.
Congrats to Barbara and thanks to all of our FPF members who participated in our contest.
Interested in learning more ways you can stir up interest in your FPF? Learn more here:
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more