Category Archives: Vermont

Many helping hands in Waitsfield

Posted on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 by No comments yet

“WOW thanks you for all of the replies!!!! So glad to know there are many helping hands in our community. The bed has moved to it’s new home at the Lareau Farm Inn. Thank you all!”
Lisabeth, Innkeeper, Mad River Valley Front Porch Forum

Moving? Need help? Ask your neighbors on FPF.

Doing dishes in the bathtub while watching squirming baby… Mad River Valley problem needs solution

Posted on Monday, January 23, 2017 by No comments yet

“I have a crack in our kitchen sink drain pipe. So now I can’t use the sink and I’m doing dishes in the bathroom. I have an 8 mo old and the dishes are piling up!!! I haven’t been able to get in touch with any plumbing services and I fear I won’t hear from anyone until Monday at this point. I tried plumbing tape, but it didn’t work. HELP would be so appreciated! Whether a number for another plumber, a suggestion for how to fix, or better yet, someone who can come help since DIY plumbing while watching a squirming baby is really hard!!!”
• Karyn, Mad River Valley Front Porch Forum

“Thank you everyone who responded to my call for plumbing help. I’m all set and have a fix underway.”
• Karyn, Mad River Valley FPF, next day

Need help in a hurry?  Vermonters turn to neighbors every day on FPF.

Thanks for Williston random act of kindness

Posted on Monday, January 23, 2017 by No comments yet

“We read of acts of spontaneous kindness. Those instances leave me thinking how thankful they made the recipient. Well, a beautiful, kind soul with the most wonderful smile turned to me on the checkout line at the grocery store in Williston this afternoon and handed me a bouquet of flowers.

“Me? Who me? ‘Yes.’ I confess to tears bubbling just short of overflow, for so many reasons. I offered my thanks and hurried to my car.

“Those were the most wonderful few minutes of my day, of many days. Please know I hope and pray to be able to come close to mirroring this act of kindness one day.

“Many, many thanks, they are truly the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen!”

• Lisa, Richmond Front Porch Forum

Watch your skis or snowboard… thieves strike slopes

Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2017 by No comments yet

“Just wanted to send out a quick PSA and let everyone know that there is apparently a ski/snowboard thief going around to most of the local resorts (Sugarbush, Smugg’s, Bolton, Stowe). My skis and poles were stolen last night from Bolton and the desk employee informed me there have been about 5-10 other reports just in the last 2 days. Please be cautious and lock/watch your things!”
• Jenessa, Richmond Front Porch Forum

Has your gear been stolen this season?  Pitch in by telling your neighbors on FPF.

“Let’s Not Trump Maple Syrup”

Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2017 by No comments yet

logcabiningredients1326840026“While some of you on this inaugural day (Jan. 20) might be mourning some kind of national tragedy, I’m most distraught by what my son told me: The breakfast waffle treat his class earned through safe, kind, responsible acts was served with… [deep breath, gather myself]…
Log Cabin syrup.

“While I appreciate our local education system maintaining fiscal responsibility, I think I speak for the entire universe when I say… let’s not be savages.”

• Lance, Westford Front Porch Forum

Antidote for annoying Xfinity wifi problem? Good neighbors

Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2017 by No comments yet

“I am wondering if other people are having this problem at home with their Xfinity WiFi. I choose my secure, private, password-encrypted non-Xfinity WiFi signal to work on my laptop and I am constantly thrown off my secure signal by Xfinity’s unsecured WiFi signal, which usually never allows me any connectivity.”
• Stephen, Montpelier FPF

“How wonderful is Front Porch Forum anyway!!?? I had seven great neighbors reply with all the information I needed to fix the problem!! Thanks to you all!”
• Stephen, Montpelier FPF, later same day

And a postscript from Stephen…

“Thanks again to so many who helped me. And to so many who are having the same problem, I offer what worked for me in my home in Montpelier. Be aware this worked for my MacBookPro (and I did the same thing on my iMac at my office just in case). I don’t know how this process works on PCs but maybe someone else does.

“Click on the Apple logo in the upper eft hand corner and choose System Preferences, then in the third row down, choose the “Network” icon. Then click on the Advanced button in the lower right. With the WiFi tab clicked, you will see a list of Preferred Networks. Find the network called “xfinity,” the one that does not have any security in the righthand column. It will say “None.” Highlight that one and then click the little minus sign just under the box on the left. That should remove the “public” unsecured xfinity that is causing the problems. So far, at home, working on my laptop for the last two hours I have had NO problems. Fingers crossed that it works for you.

“Again, thank you all great neighbors!!!”

What tech problems do you have?  Try asking neighbors for tips on your local FPF.

Thousands of business recommendations flow through Front Porch Forum

Posted on Thursday, January 19, 2017 by No comments yet

“A few weeks ago I posted on our Front Porch Forum seeking recommendations for XC boots in our area, and several people wrote to say Onion River Sports was the place to go. So we went there and, sure enough, my sister found the perfect boots. The salesperson patiently helped her get fitted properly, and, after years of XC skiing, she says these are the best boots she’s ever had. Yay for Onion River Sports and FPF posters. Thanks again!”
• Kathy, East Montpelier FPF

What’s your question?  Ask neighbors on your FPF and shop local!