Category Archives: Vermont

Public officials reach out to hear from residents about zoning changes

Posted on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 by No comments yet

“I am the Town Planner and have recently been posting quite a bit about some zoning changes that the Planning Commission is working on adopting.  The public has asked to be more informed about what is going on, so I have been posting information regarding planning issues, meetings, hearings, updates, etc.  This has been working really well and I really appreciate having the opportunity to communicate via FPF.  You all are a great asset to our community.”  • Katherine in Jericho

Are your reaching out to your town officials through Front Porch Forum? They want to hear from you!

Did you know Sugar Maples are bisexual?

Posted on Monday, May 1, 2017 by No comments yet

We’ve all begun to notice the trees beginning to bloom, and FPF member William, brings his insight about what it all means. Did you know there are male and female flowers?

“The red “buds” on the Red Maples and the green “buds” on the Sugar Maples and Norway Maples, are not leaves, they are flowers.

The reproductive biology of Sugar Maples is especially interesting. They are bisexual, producing both male and female gametes, so how do you avoid the ultimate incest of mating, not just with a sibling, but with yourself? Sugar Maples do this by producing the male and female flowers at different times. Some trees in the population are protandrous, and produce the male flowers first, then the female flowers second. Other trees are protogynous, producing the female flowers first, then the male flowers. The male flowers are long and pendulous, with the anthers which produce the pollen. The female flowers are bulkier but less obvious, with the stigmas, which capture the pollen, at the outside, leading down to the ovule at the base. If you look closely, the ovule looks like a pimple with ears. Eventually the ovule will ripen into the maple fruit, with the seed inside, and the “ears” will become the “wings”.”
William in Warren


Knife Assault on Burlington Bike Path

Posted on Friday, April 28, 2017 by 10 comments

“On April 27, my 13-year-old was attacked just before 6 p.m. by a man with a folding pocketknife on the bike path near the train trestle between North Beach and Leddy Park. The man demanded my son hand over his bike and his wallet. Although my son was fortunate enough to get away with both his bike and his wallet, the man slashed him with the knife on his face and his shoulder. The cuts were superficial, but the whole event was incredibly frightening. Please take care on the bike path!”
• Lori, a Burlington South End neighborhood Front Porch Forum

UPDATE:  “I’ve received several requests for a description of the man who assaulted my son on the bike path on Thursday, April 27. My son is still in shock and cannot recall all that happened, but here are the details he remembers about the man:  White male, mid- to late twenties, approximately 5′ 7″ tall, average build, was wearing a very nice Nike zip-front black hoodie with the hood up and navy workout pants, and had two rings on his right hand—one on the pointer finger and one on his middle finger. The man first slashed my son while the knife was in his right hand, but then transferred the knife to his left hand before slashing my son the second time.”

Speedy results on bargain sales

Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2017 by No comments yet

Whether you’re looking for or selling an item on FPF, members find speedy results!

“Everyone loves a bargain – last week my iPad sold 10 minutes after posting!!”
Jean in Burlington

“Way to go Front Porch Forum! We asked for a dinghy, and within two hours had two offers.”
• Michelle in Middlebury

Looking for the ideal swimming holes?

Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 by 2 comments

Front Porch Forum members ask neighbors for help in discovering the areas best finds!

“We recently moved to the area and are excited about exploring some new swimming spots. We’re compiling a list of swimming holes both small and large, and would LOVE to hear your favorite spots!”
Alexander in Moretown

Looking to explore Vermont’s treasures? Ask your neighbors on FPF!

Old vinyl records find home

Posted on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 by 1 comment

Recommendations often lead to great discoveries and help small Vermont businesses.

“Looking to Off-Load Your Old Vinyl Record Albums? If you have any LPs, 45s, or even older stereo equipment from the 1950’s onward, we recommend Greg of Autumn Records to see if he is interested in them. He is a very pleasant person with whom to do business – we found out about Greg through a posting on the Huntington FPF – got to love FPF.”  • Nancy in Richmond

Have someone you want to recommend? Post about it on Front Porch Forum!

Neighbors respond to help kids

Posted on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 by No comments yet

It takes a community to raise a child, as noted on Front Porch Forum this week.

Posted on Wednesday:
“Hello Neighbors, I’m working with children in Lamoille County who would love any toys (or books) your children have outgrown. I’m happy to pick up and distribute them. They will be well loved and played with often, so if your toys are ready for a new home, please contact me.”

And days later….
“Thank you to everyone who responded to my posting. I was able to fill my truck up with all the donated goods left on my porch. I will be delivering and distributing it all this week and will let the kids know it’s all from Stowe’s generous community!”   • Leah in Stowe

Have items in your home no longer in use? Could a neighbor use them? Post it on FPF!

Reminiscing and remembering local author’s stories

Posted on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 by No comments yet

After the recent passing of an elderly neighbor in Jericho, her stories of this community are remembered on FPF.

“Margurite was a prolific Jericho author, who wrote about moving to the country with her husband and doctor. Her short anecdotes were light and entertaining. They concerned the quirks of rural life and the characters she and George came across in the days before IBM, ski bums and back to the landers who changed life in these parts. She kept writing even into her 90s and there are many of her books at the library.”
Wayne in Jericho

Share your own memories about neighbors who have left a mark on your town on Front Porch Forum.