Category Archives: social capital

Creative School Projects at Home

Posted on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 by 1 comment

Every day we are hearing more and more serious news about COVID-19. Front Porch Forum members are busy networking to help each other with child care and grocery shopping, sharing news and ideas, and creative learning projects kids can do while school is closed. Below, read about two kids who are preparing to put their academic skills to use in a creative home project.

“Hey Stowe neighbors,

We are in 4th and 2nd grade at Stowe Elementary. We can’t go to school now so we would like to work on a fun and creative outdoor project. The project we chose is to build an Adirondack lean-to like the ones the Civilian Conservation Corps built in the 1930’s. We researched online and found plans. We want to build our lean-to so we can camp out in it. In this project we will use math skills, reading skills, measuring and how to use tools.

The reason we are reaching out to you is because we would like to know is anyone has any left over building materials that we could come pick up to use for our project. We will modify the plans for the lean-to to be built with the materials we can find.

We are seeking:
roofing materials
plywood for decking
wood that could be used for walls

During this time of social separation, it is nice to have Front Porch Forum.” • 4th & 2nd Graders in Stowe, Vt.

Share your creative ideas or network with neighbors in your community on FPF today. We are all in this together!

“Treating Loneliness as a Medical Condition”

Posted on Thursday, February 27, 2020 by No comments yet

Studies are showing loneliness is having a negative impact on individuals’ health. Strong communities and social connectivity help individuals experiencing loneliness to improve their health and wellness.

Reasons to be Cheerful published an article about a clinic in England that started working with lonely patients to find resources and opportunities to connect with others, building up social capital and decreasing health spending. People known as health connectors began to facilitate discussions with lonely patients.

“These health connectors could connect the patients to traditional medical services, but also to social services: discussion groups, a “shed” where men could come together to work on projects, group exercise classes, help with shopping, help joining a community choir, even a befriending service.”

Read the full article here.

VT Benefit Corp Seeking Full-Stack Developer

Posted on Monday, February 10, 2020 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum is seeking an Intermediate or Senior-level Developer to join our team. The position is full-time and based in Burlington (remote optional). Be part of a world-class team of engineers. Help us fulfill our community-building mission.

Click here for details.

Random Acts of Kindness and Your Neighborhood FPF

Posted on Thursday, October 3, 2019 by No comments yet

It’s a tale as old as time! Random acts of kindness pop up all over Front Porch Forum: expressions of gratitude, folks organizing relief efforts for neighbors in need, and secret do-gooders surprising others with generosity. Recently, an FPF member shared the story below about a stranger coming through with heartwarming comfort and kindness, without seeking any recognition!

“A little over a year ago my dog Luke died very suddenly and unexpectedly and shortly thereafter a very caring and anonymous person left me a beautiful potted arrangement of flowers on my front porch. Just recently I had to put down my 14 year old border collie Jake. Once again a kind and truly caring person left a large beautiful potted mum on my front porch and again no signature on the hand written note. If you are this truly compassionate person either then and or now please know that your kindness means so much. Thank you.” • Christine D., Jericho FPF

Have you been inspired by the many acts of kindness shared and organized on FPF? Consider paying it forward by demonstrating acts of kindness in your neighborhood or by donating to FPF’s Supporting Member campaign to help us keep the good vibrations and community supportiveness rolling!

Peach theft in North Bennington… brings out the best in neighbors

Posted on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 by 1 comment

An FPF member’s peach tree was stripped of fruit in Bennington County recently, so she posted to her neighbors… then followed up a couple days later:

Normally I would say North Bennington is about the nicest place to live. But today I discovered that someone stole all the peaches from my one brand new peach tree. REALLY, how lousy can one be? I do not think there were enough peaches to prevent anyone from starving, but I was looking forward to a tiny peach pie after the first year of carefully tending my tree. To make it worse, the thief broke the branches of the little tree in their haste. There are enough reasons to doubt the humanity of our world these days, and this experience is just totally disheartening. Shame on you, thief.
• Christine, North Bennington

What an outpouring of caring comments following my Front Porch Forum posting! I think more people wrote me wonderful notes about my peach loss, than there were actually peaches on the tree! Some thought it was a bear, some said squirrels, some said hungry people, and some just felt badly about the whole thing. But it has all come around and I feel surrounded by very special people, so thank you all. I think I”ll plant several more trees next year, and let life happen. thanks!
• Christine, North Bennington

Expressing gratitude… make it count!

Posted on Monday, September 2, 2019 by No comments yet

See something you really appreciate in your local community?  Post a “thank you” to your neighbors via FPF…

Jay, Anne, and all who contributed to the flowers in the villages. They are soooo nice, well kept, and send a welcoming invitation to anyone passing through, including us locals. Beautiful pots and lovely flowers all summer long. THANK YOU!
• Beth & Jerry, Cambridge FPF

I drive through Cambridge Village on my way to work and have been admiring the yellow flowers in the pots. What a lovely welcoming combination of colors. Very unique. I was trying to decide who to send a thank you to and thought perhaps the town clerk . But what a good idea to reach a lot of people here on Front Porch Forum. Thanks so much for the colorful welcome to your village.
• Charlene, Belvidere Center

Carpool forming in the Islands via FPF

Posted on Monday, September 2, 2019 by No comments yet

Carpools can save money and time, reduce your environmental impact, and help make friendly connections in your community.  Many Vermonters use Front Porch Forum to start their carpools, like Anne below…

Just checking in to see if there’s any commuters to Plattsburgh from Alburgh or Isle La Motte area. I drove into work today and there were six Vermont cars going over the bridge to enter New York and we all got off around the same exit towards Plattsburgh. Do you want to save money and share the drive? Just let me know. It can be very flexible on days that people can’t carpool, no worries, but at least you’re saving gas and sharing the driving.
• Anne, Isle La Motte

59th on the wait list? Ask neighbors instead!

Posted on Monday, September 2, 2019 by No comments yet

Looking for a hard-to-find item?  Use your local FPF to ask your neighbors.  Cathy is glad she did!

Hi Neighbors – I am looking for the Book “Where the Crawdads Sing.” I hear it’s great! I have it on hold at our local library, but I’m 59 on the list. Thanks!
• Cathy, Underhill FPF

Hi Neighbors and friends! Woohoo! I just received a copy of the book that I’ve been looking for. Thanks you all for your time and trouble. I love Front Porch Forum!
• Cathy, Underhill FPF

How Borrowing Things From Neighbors Strengthens Society

Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 by No comments yet
by: Sarah Lazarovic, Yes! Magazine

by: Sarah Lazarovic, Yes! Magazine

Front Porch Forum has long suspected that even small interactions among neighbors have bigger implications for the strength and resiliency of communities. Next time you need a cup of sugar, don’t be afraid to check with a neighbor!

“Research shows that small talk and casual connections create happy communities and less-lonely individuals. This illustration outlines some specifics in a fun-to-read way:

This type of strength is also central to community resilience in the face of big challenges (like climate change). I’m a member of Sustainable Williston, a group that cares about both. If you want to join us sometime, our usual meeting schedule is the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:15 in the library.

Thanks to FPF for connecting us digitally. Here’s to connecting in real life as well!” • Caylin M., Williston, Vt.

See the full, wonderful infographic from Sarah Lazarovic at Yes! Magazine that Caylin shared with her neighbors on FPF here.

CCTV in-depth look at FPF, now airing

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 by No comments yet

CCTV Executive Director, Lauren-Glenn Davitian, is joined by Front Porch Forum co-founder Michael Wood-Lewis in a new interview that takes a closer look at FPF. Find out more about the business’s mission, behind-the-scenes insights, expansion into upstate New York, and more!

You can watch this program on Channel 17/ Town Meeting Television, on Comcast Cable and Burlington Telecom at the following times:

1 Tuesday July 16, 6:30 PM
2 Wednesday July 17, 6:00 AM
3 Wednesday July 17, 12:00 PM
4 Monday July 22, 2:30 PM

You can also watch the program here: