Category Archives: Humor

It takes a village to raise a teenager…

Posted on Saturday, February 16, 2013 by No comments yet

#VT – “Looking for a loud and obnoxious (& cheap) alarm clock to get my teen up in the morning.  I’m sure there must be a few of them out there?”

That’s my favorite Front Porch Forum posting of the hour… from Peter on the Waterbury FPF.

Vermont connection to The Simpsons?

Posted on Saturday, January 26, 2013 by No comments yet

Screen Shot 2013-01-26 at 3.32.49 PM#BTV #VT – Posted by Nicki Feldman on the Underhill Front Porch Forum today…

My brother, Ben Feldman, is 1 of 3 finalists chosen out of 25,000 for a contest on the Simpsons Television Show! The winner will have their illustration animated on the season finale.

I am being a shameless sister and asking if you would please vote for him…check it out!!

Thank you and stay warm : )


Posted on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 by No comments yet

#VT – Our neighbor came over early this morning all upset. His friend had to undergo surgery and needed someone to watch his dog, and neighbor agreed. The dog is 15 years old, disinclined to wander, and neighbor found that when the dog wanted to go out it never went beyond the sidewalk so it was let out without a leash.

His friend finally came home from the hospital and desperately wanted to see his dog. Neighbor had just let the dog out, but when he went to retrieve it the dog was gone!

Neighbor described the dog to me, asked if I’d seen it, and part of his description was that the dog wore a sweater and had incredible halitosis, even for a dog.

Last night on FPF there were two mentions of a stray dog found downtown, and one of the postings mentioned that the dog had some nasty smelling breath. I put two and two together, gave neighbor the phone numbers listed on the FPF postings, and dog and recovering owner are now enjoying each other’s company. Good job FPF folks!

Shared by Ted on the Bristol Front Porch Forum today.

“Shoe Endorsement (Not Paid For By An Out-Of-State Super-PAC)”

Posted on Thursday, August 30, 2012 by No comments yet

#VT – Is it okay to post recommendations on FPF?  Yes!  Here’s today’s example by Frank on the Hinesburg Front Porch Forum, where we have 1,300 FPF members out of the 2,000 households in town…

It’s rare that I will endorse a product strongly enough to share it with my friends and neighbors, but today I discovered something that actually changed my life… a pair of sneakers. I’ve been a life-long competitive runner until this past spring, when I injured my ankle. I literally haven’t run 5 paces since late March. But I finally listened to my neighbor, Jim F., who told me about “Hoka” brand running shoes, sold locally by Green Mountain Rehab on lower Main Street in Burlington. They look just like the shoes work by Kramer in a Seinfeld episode – think: Sketchers, but even uglier. If you’re self-conscious or concerned with style, disregard this message. But, if you have the self-confidence to look like you’ve been recently released from Shepardson-6 (and your joints or muscles keep you from exercising), strap these babies on and get out there! I kid you not – they’re amazing!

Limerick On Being Neighborly

Posted on Friday, July 27, 2012 by No comments yet

#VT – By Sara on Bristol Front Porch Forum

When sharing our thoughts on email
Rather than over an ale,
Keep kindness in mind
And I think we will find,
With goodwill, our forum can’t fail.

Santa smacks roof in Richmond

Posted on Friday, June 29, 2012 by No comments yet

#VT – Some folks use their Front Porch Forum to ask neighbors for roofer recommendations… straight forward stuff.  Others, like Tracy in Richmond today, have more fun with it…

Holey leak spot Batman, I thought it was Hurricane Irene but forensic evidence indicates that Santa Claus (more on that later) landed a little too hard on our roof. There are two clear hoof prints that have messed up a couple of our shingles and we have need a roof maven to come over and give us some service. In fact I was sitting in the throne room just the other day and had an epiphany. Actually it was something wet dripping out of the ceiling. What a paradox. The world was upside down for a minute. Oh well. If anybody does light roof work give my wife a call. She is in charge of the physical plant. 802.318.3467. Or horse back riding lessons. But i digress.