Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

A love note

Posted on Monday, December 4, 2017 by No comments yet


Good news is always appreciated by FPF members!

“Sorry, but Im not. Front Porch Forum is so great at connecting neighbors and the random Love is so fun to read so I have to share:
We are married and so excited!!!!!”   • Megan & Peter in Charlotte

Man’s best friend, found!

Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2017 by No comments yet

Missing pets get an immediate reaction from FPF members! Just ask these dog owners:

“A genuine Thank You to the kind folks of Jeffersonville and Front Porch Forum for the concern and information provided. If Schwartz was hiding, it was hopeless. I got calls, and picked him up before the frost was off the lawn. Much appreciated.” • Stephen in Jeffersonville

“I’m happy to say that my lost dog Haley is back home. A good Samaritan found my name and number on the collar and kept her there until I could retrieve her. Thanks to those on the Forum who offered me good advice on how to look for the dog.”  • Keith in Northfield

“Due to FPF and Tony, a wonderful neighbor, Boggie is back at home resting from his adventure. I can’t thank Tony for the concern and wonderful care he gave Boggie!! Thank you to the people that sent emails of concern!” • Andy in Colchester

“Thanks to all those who helped Otis find his way home! Very grateful to our community forum and our supportive neighbors.” • Selina in Hyde Park

“Thanks to the power of FPF, the sweet little jack russell that followed my wife home has been reunited with her owner. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit with that sweet pup, but we enjoyed seeing owner and dog back together again even more.” • Billy in Huntington

How to use FPF to help your neighbors

Posted on Friday, November 17, 2017 by No comments yet

Did you know you can use your local neighborhood FPF to help those in need? Organize your neighbors to volunteer in a local soup kitchen or host a meal for those less fortunate. During this holiday season, you may be pleasantly surprised how giving your community can be!


  1. Post to organize several neighbors to volunteer at your local soup kitchen or community meal.
  2. Post an announcement two weeks prior to the event to invite neighbors in need AND to encourage volunteer help.
  3. Post a reminder message three days before.
  4. Choose the “Event” category so that your posting also shows up in the FPF Community Calendar.
  5. Check the share box to include neighboring towns.

Front Porch Forum examples:

“Pies for People is back! We are seeking volunteers to help roll out pie crust for holiday pies for our neighbors. These pies go to the Food Pantry, free community dinners, schools and nursing homes. A home made pumpkin pie is something everyone should be able to experience for Thanksgiving! If you’d like to help, please sign up” • Allison in Craftsbury

“Every year, in Brattleboro, for 40 years, there has been a community dinner where people can gather for a free meal. This year continues a great tradition. There is an opening for someone (can be more than one) to play some music to contribute to the meal’s general environment.”  • Breeze in Williamsville

“Nobody in town should go hungry, especially at the holidays. To make this happen we really need your help! We are collecting food to feed local families in need. Please help us by bringing in a grocery gift card or item listed. Your generosity is affording every local family the opportunity to have a warm and hearty Thanksgiving together.”  • Marianna in Stowe



Staying locally connected while traveling

Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2017 by No comments yet

Planning to be out of the state over the holidays or even for the winter? FPF will continue to keep you connected while you’re gone!

“After being gone for more than 4 months, Front Porch Forum has kept me in touch. Found me a ride home from the train station in Waterbury, found me a car, mine died the day I left , and found me a possible roommate for the winter.. So great to have a local place to help all of us. AND I DID IT ALL FROM PORTUGAL AND SCOTLAND !!”
 • Rich in Fayston


Young people lend a hand to elderly neighbor

Posted on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 by No comments yet

Sharing kindnesses on Front Porch Forum between neighbors!

“Recently, I had a wonderful experience. In the first quarter of my eighty-first year, I was out on my front lawn picking up debris left by the big wind. Two young people on bikes stopped wondering if I needed any help cleaning up. I was stunned. I questioned them and they both said they just wanted to help. They worked steadily and with good cheer. It took the three of us just under an hour to complete a task I estimated at three hours or more. If anyone on FPF knows the family, please let their parents know they should be very proud of these two great young people.”  • Carl in Essex Junction

And, in response:
“Thank you so much for the beautiful note, what a lovely surprise. We are so happy to live in a community that appreciates the same values that we do! We are very proud of our kids and made sure to tell them!” • Travis and Crystal


Sold: Snow tires, chickens and more

Posted on Monday, November 13, 2017 by No comments yet

Many people respond to posts for items on sale in their neighborhood FPF.

“Thanks Front Porch Forum for selling eight snow tires… four Subaru Outback and four Ford Escape.”  • Linda and Norm 

“I love how, on FPF, one person will post how they want a leaf vacuum machine and the next post will be a person selling his leaf vacuum machine! Thanks, FPF, for making it easy to find what we’re looking for! Isn’t it a great service?” • Lydia in Shelburne

“Without Front Porch Forum I couldn’t sell my chickens.”
• Janet in Danville

Use FPF to post about items you’re looking for, and you just might find them!

Offers of hot meals, hot showers and warmth

Posted on Thursday, November 9, 2017 by No comments yet

During last week’s wind storm that affected so many Vermonters, FPF was flooded with posts offering help to neighbors. And our town officials used Front Porch Forum to communicate needs, assistance and thanks….

“When you see our road crew and firefighters, give them a hand for their hard work throughout last nights storm. These folks were out in that crazy weather, clearing trees and trying to keep our roads open! Thanks also to all the good neighbors who have been offering to help each other out.”   • Sally, Lincoln Town Clerk

“Are you still without power and running water from the recent storm? The Stowe Arena will be open from 8am-9pm for community members who would like a hot shower.”
• Emily, 
Program Director, Stowe Parks & Recreation

This evening Robinson School will have a hot meal for those who are still without power. Chili, soup, sandwiches, water fill-up and community comfort will be available in the cafeteria 5:30-6:30 this evening.” • Edorah, Principal, Robinson Elementary School, Starksboro

“If anyone without power is in need or want of a warm, lit space to hang out for a bit or get some work done, or collect some water, or whatever, the Jericho UMC church next to the town hall will be open from 1-9 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday.” • John, United Methodist Church

Our leaf bag runneth over

Posted on Monday, November 6, 2017 by No comments yet

With help from thousands of Vermont neighbors… we made it!  Thank you to those who chipped in to help reach Front Porch Forum‘s October Supporting Member Campaign goal of $150,000.

We’re proud to play a part in strengthening connections between neighbors — and we’ve seen how much FPF means to our members. In a recent survey, 85% of FPF members reported being more optimistic about the future of our communities.

And that is something to celebrate! So thanks for the participation and support.

If you meant to make your contribution and haven’t yet had a chance, there’s still time. Donate today!

Thanks from the entire FPF team,
Carolyn, Emily, Gisele, Jan, Jodi, Jonna, Linda, Lynn, Matt, Michael, Natanya, Nina, Renee, Robert, Suzie, Valerie, and Wendy

Kitties experience adventure on their way home

Posted on Monday, October 30, 2017 by No comments yet

“Thanks to FPF, Lola the Explorer has been found. It turns out that Lola made her way to a neighbors house during the rain the night before and, despite their cat allergies, they took her in. Moreover, they got food, a litterbox and even put flyers in the mailbox cluster at the bottom of our road to find the owner. Oh, and when the rain got heavy in the middle of the night and Lola was crying “meows” I learned that they held and pet her from 2am – 3am. I mean, who does that? Our community does, that’s who! People here are simply awesome and I’m so happy to have met a new neighbor albeit under unusual circumstances.”  • Kristin in Stowe

“Thanks to Front Porch Forum the lost Kitten that we rescued earlier today was reunited with his family! Poor little guy had been gone since yesterday morning.” • April in Swanton

“An update that the tail-less kitten I posted about earlier has been rescued by another FPF member who lives in the vicinity and found him on their porch. So a happy ending and another successful FPF story. I’ll let them decide whether they post to find him a forever-home, or cave in and keep the little adventurer for themselves (as he seems to be winning them over).” • Scott in Bristol