Tis the season to share on Front Porch Forum…..
“The other day a young man arrived with his son and spotted a book he held reverently in his hands as out loud he wished he had some money to put this book on lay-away. Suddenly there was a small voice added to our conversation. His son asked me if one dollar would be enough to hold the book for his father. The father said to the boy, “This is why I love you so much.” And the bookseller agreed to hold the rare book for one dollar down. The youngster reached into his pocket, pulled out 4 quarters, and we sealed the agreement. If this isn’t a spiritual time of year I don’t know what is…..”
“Eleven folks who read my story came forward and wanted to help this family purchase the books on hold. We have a truly generous and thoughtful community and I am proud to be a part of it.”
• Ben at the Country Bookshop in Plainfield
From the outpouring of generosity in this community of book-lovers an idea developed to generate a fund to help other needy families to purchase books. What tales can you share on FPF that can help others?