Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

Tour de Piglet

Posted on Thursday, July 12, 2018 by 2 comments

Another neighbor celebrates the homecoming of their family pets by sharing the story of their missing piglets on Front Porch Forum.

 Christopher Carson @bhris1017 Christopher Carson @bhris1017“After enjoying a tour of the neighborhood fields, our piglets have returned home. Their human caretakers also enjoyed the tour of the neighborhood fields, getting to meet a few more neighbors along the way, before tracking the piglets back up the hill to our place, where we found them back in their pen, gorging on grain and enjoying their wallow, and wondering what took us so long to get back. Ah well, it was a nice day to be outside, and we know it was our turn to add some FPF interest!”  -Rosie in Montpelier

Looking for strong applicants?

Posted on Monday, July 9, 2018 by No comments yet

Try FPF and reach people in the regions where you need help.

“We recently decided to advertise a position on Front Porch Forum for the first time. We are delighted with the results: the cost was reasonable and we found 11 great candidates!” • Lynn, Marketing & Outreach Officer at the Vermont Department for Children and Families

“In the last week I have gotten 2 inquiries about foster care in Bridgewater. Front Porch Forum is where they saw the need ““ it is definitely reaching people we were not reaching before!”
• Resource Coordinator  – Family Services Division ““ Hartford Office

Reach us at if you’d like to learn more.

Wonders in the wood

Posted on Monday, July 2, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members marvel at the mysteries of local wildlife and wildflowers:

“Tonight was special when it comes to wildlife.  Saw two otters which are always a treat. As it was getting dark and the otters were aware of me and keeping their distance, I saw a large bird take flight from the opposite shore. The light was getting low so all I could see was a very large bird, consistent with a heron in the poor light, cross the pond and then turn up the shore toward us. It flew right past us and cleared the tree line directly across from me at less than 20 yards. Clear as a bell; Bald Eagle. A wonderful evening for me and proof of the wonderful wildlife viewing opportunities here.” • Robert in West Bolton

And this past Spring: “Took a walk tonight, enjoying a respite between spring showers and was enjoying the many woodland areas covered in those tiny blue flowers. Met up with a neighbor who was walking her dog and we both delighted in them but could not identify them. She suggested that I post it to FPF when I came up with it. So here it is:
Siberian Squill (scilla siberica) is the lovely, little blue flower — a deeper blue — with nodding heads, looking down. Their blooming neighbor, another tiny blue flower, but a lighter shade, and with upturned face with a white star in the center is Glory of the Snow (chionodoxa).” • Pat in Burlington

Share your observations of the Vermont beauty around us on FPF.

FPF Co-founder to Speak in Bennington

Posted on Friday, June 8, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum co-founder and CEO, Michael Wood-Lewis will speak in Bennington on June 21 at the Bennington Museum as part of The Lightning Jar Leadership Speaker Series. Come join us and hear how Front Porch Forum is helping to change conversations in our communities.

This Speaker Series brings entrepreneurs and business leaders to Bennington from all over to tell their stories about building and growing businesses in Vermont. The Lightning Jar is Bennington’s entrepreneurial hub and professional development community.

For more information on our upcoming visit to Bennington, click here.

Hello to summer!

Posted on Friday, May 25, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members celebrate community in various ways this Memorial Day weekend.

“We’re going to hold an old-fashioned Block Party and celebrate in the street with games, food and fun…. so come out and play with us!” • Kate in St. Albans

Following the ceremony, the Legion Auxiliary is hosting a potluck lunch.” • John in Guilford

“Please join us for an Ice Cream Social as we say hello to summer!” • Julie in Essex Junction

FPF applauds the many communities who will be gathering together in remembrance and tribute to our veterans.


The unseen value of being a good neighbor

Posted on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 by 1 comment

Our very own co-founder, Michael Wood-Lewis shares the FPF story at TEDx Stowe. “A dozen speakers told stories about the Green Mountain State, stories that, taken individually, stood solid on their own merits, but when combined into an entire evening, became a sort of warm, fuzzy, flannelly fabric.” – Tommy Gardner of the Stowe Reporter

A variety of ideas to build community connections

Posted on Friday, April 20, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members reach out to their neighbors to come together in their community:

If you are looking for more plants for your garden, come to the Neighborhood Plant Swap! This is a free plant give-away, neighbor to neighbor.” • Melanie in Burlington

“Join your friends, neighbors, and fellow residents to share YOUR vision for the future of our town. The Vermont Council on Rural Development will facilitate a Community Visit Day to ask ALL residents about opportunities, challenges, and ideas for action for the community.” • Pat in Wallingford

“There have been discussions regarding a community center to serve the needs of our diverse population. Perhaps you’d like to participate in such a conversation? If yes please get back to me through this forum and we’ll see where it leads.” • Rolf in Hinesburg

“Any other new moms/parents out there interested in getting together to share parenting advice and ideas or just have a cup of coffee with babies in tow?”   Anna in Bristol

“Looking to meet other working professionals in their 20’s-30’s. Take turns hosting potlucks with different themes?”  Laura in Waterbury

“Wouldn’t it be fun to have a series of story-telling events? We’d hear stories from our friends, neighbors, family and strangers: real people, telling true stories from the heart. A great way to build community spirit and get to know each other better.”  Sherril in Randolph

Have an idea to connect with your neighbors? Reach out on FPF!

Boosting attendance at local events

Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 by No comments yet

Event organizers find using FPF for promotion increases attendance:

“The turnout was the best yet. We asked a lot of the attendees as they were leaving where they heard about the show and many said Front Porch Forum. Thanks for you support and sponsorship, it did really help us get the people through the door.”  • John with Made in Vermont Marketplace

“2017’s Open Farm Week event saw increased reach through partnership marketing with the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing and Front Porch Forum, drawing visitors from Vermont and beyond to the many participating farms throughout the state.”  Reported in the Bennington Banner

Post your event on FPF or contact us to learn how to broaden your reach at!

In-person conversations lift the spirit

Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 by 1 comment

Front Porch Forum members spend time connecting with their neighbors in person.

“Waiting at the DMV I met Mr Congeniality himself: 4-year old Isaac. He and I quickly struck up a friendly conversation. He was thoughtful and creative and funny. And to be honest, I’ve had a pretty crummy week otherwise, but chatting with that bright-eyed kid was a lovely distraction.” • Morgen in Montpelier

Let’s start being more real, more in-person. Stop living so much of life in cyberspace. Commit to replacing some screen time with real time. Quality time. Our world will be better as a result of every in-person connection we have.” • John in Barre

“With all the sad news happening around the world, I just feel the strong desire to spread happiness & positivity, and Front Porch Forum seems the perfect place to do it!” • Elaine in Northfield

Feel free to continue spreading happiness on FPF!