Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

Return of the Battalion Stallion

Posted on Monday, November 19, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members can be very creative with their postings!  Witness this humorous exchange:

“What a disgrace. I’ve never in my three years of living here been more disgusted with the State of Things. No more Battalion Stallion on the Country Store menu? Was there even a vote? Together we can right this wrong. Join me and the growing ranks of outraged citizens and help restore this town treasure to the once-great menu.”  • Ben in Jericho

“As both creator and destroyer of the Battalion Stallion panini, I offer my deepest, most profound sympathy for the loss of your beloved sandwich. It indeed was a stalwart of our menu for many years here. It filled up many a weary traveler on his or her way to gastric heaven. Alas, along came newer sandwiches and the Stallion became a lost pony. But only the forgotten are truly lost, as they say. This is ‘Merica, and despite our differences we can find common ground. All it takes is a good conversation and a hilarious FPF post. So, although we won’t put it back on the menu, you can stop by or call and order it. We’ll make it for you! Long live the Stallion! Hooah.”  • Jon at the Jericho Center Country Store


There goes the neighborhood

Posted on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum co-founder, Michael Wood-Lewis, was recently interviewed on the Team Human podcast for a segment on “people trying to effect real cultural change in very different ways.”

Team Human is a podcast striving to amplify human connection. Each week they engage in real-time, no-holds-barred discussions with people who are hacking the machine to make it more compatible with human life, and helping redefine what it means to stay human in a digital age.  

Take a listen and see how Michael “shows us how the net can be used to turn residents back into neighbors. It’s a story about the transformative power of witnessing everyday acts of neighborliness.”


A musical bond is formed on FPF

Posted on Monday, October 29, 2018 by No comments yet
Here’s a special story of how FPF helped musicians form a neighborhood connection that still endures:

“Brit, whose family had recently moved from out west, used Front Porch Forum to see if anyone would be interested in getting together occasionally to play guitar and make music.  a few of us took her up on her offer, and we hit it off.  Almost 6 years – and many farmer’s markets & events – later, our meetings have become something very special to each of us.  We named ourselves the “Front Porch Foursome”, in honor of our origin.  We all still have our day jobs, but cherish the adventure this has taken us on.  Aside from our good fortune, we appreciate the forum that you have provided for our community, and for all of Vermont.”  • Brit, Nancy, Kathy & Char – the Front Porch Foursome

How will you use FPF to form friendships?

Happily, Vermont has Front Porch Forum

Posted on Thursday, October 25, 2018 by No comments yet

Did you hear the commentary aired on WDEV’s Friday morning news show about FPF?

In case you missed it, listen to the broadcast from Common Sense Radio commentator John McClaughry and learn why he encourages us to give a look at Front Porch Forum.

Helping Older Vermonters Age Well!

Posted on Monday, October 22, 2018 by No comments yet

Every day, neighbors connect on Front Porch Forum to post and read about events, community issues, and local goings on. Read about how Vermont neighbors and FPF have helped older Vermonters to Age Well below.

If you’ve noticed Front Porch Forum making a difference in your community, consider becoming a supporting member today by donating here.


“Thank You to Front Porch Forum for Helping Older Vermonters Age Well!

Aging well requires community.  Neighbors assisting neighbors to accomplish the necessities of life ““ maintaining social connections, securing ample and healthy food, having the mobility to address life tasks such as keeping medical appointments.

Helping make this happen for older adults in Northwestern Vermont (Franklin, Addison, Chittenden and Grand Isle counties), is the core purpose of the regional nonprofit and Area Agency on Aging organization, Age Well (  Instrumental in accomplishing our mission is our cadre of dedicated volunteers. Each week over 850 of our aging neighbors will receive at least one meal, primarily as part of our Meals on Wheels program, with over 5,000 meals served weekly. In additionAge Well’s volunteers serve as Senior Companions and Friendly Visitors to ensure that isolation, transportation and assistance with daily living tasks are not barriers to living life to the fullest. These programs are only possible through the efforts of our incredible volunteers, now numbering over 1,100.

So what does this have to do with the Front Porch Forum? Consistently, the most productive resource for Age Well volunteer recruitment has been the FPF. As demand for Meals on Wheels has increased, so has our need for finding volunteers.  During times of greatest recruitment need, the FPF team has gone the extra mile to assist in finding new volunteers, putting into action the spirit of community that is the essence of Front Porch Forum.

For the hundreds who are served by the scores of individuals who found their way to become Age Well volunteers through the FPF, we simply want to offer a sincere shout out. The Front Porch Forum is truly a remarkable community treasure.”

-Kim H., Age Well Board Chair from Mallets Bay

Join Us at Tech Jam

Posted on Thursday, October 18, 2018 by No comments yet

Join Front Porch Forum and dozens of Vermont tech firms at this year’s Vermont Tech Jam, presented by Seven Days. This free event will be held on Friday, October 19, at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex Junction. Enjoy presentations, demos, and displays. Learn More about Tech Jam here. You can find FPF at booth G1!

The next best thing to sitting around a pot-belly stove….

Posted on Monday, October 15, 2018 by No comments yet

Times may change, but Front Porch Forum is happy to provide a gathering place for neighbors across the state.

“Front Porch Forum is the next best thing to sitting around a pot-belly stove in the town general store. Neighbors meet neighbors, exchange ideas, ask and make recommendations, sell and buy useful items, publicize local events, find missing pets, and much, much more. We’re here for one another in the old-fashioned way. Let’s keep this Forum flourishing with a critical donation, no matter how large or small.” – Gretchen B. in Morrisville

If you value the free service that Front Porch Forum provides to your community, consider making a supporting member contribution today:

Do you appreciate Front Porch Forum?

Posted on Thursday, October 4, 2018 by No comments yet

Need a recommendation? Having a yard sale? Looking for your lost pet?  Front Porch Forum is used by Vermonters for many different reasons. But one thing that’s true for its members is that FPF connects us to one another.

If you appreciate the way Front Porch Forum helps us stay connected as a community, please consider donating to FPF’s Supporting Member Campaign this month! Track our progress with this fun leaf bag help us fill it up by the end of the month!

“I am continually amazed by the kindness of strangers and the strength of our community.  Last winter, I wrote a posting on Front Porch Forum to request help digging out after a large snow storm. I’m disabled and can’t do it.  Less than an hour after the FPF issue was sent out, I received TEN offers from folks wanting to help!  I am so grateful and happy to live in an amazing community like this.  Without FPF, I might still be snowed in. ;-)”
• Cara in Winooski

Your support allows FPF to reach even more people and continue to bring our free service to every town in Vermont. Together we’re connecting neighbors and building community.