Yearly Archives: 2007

Playborhood Aims to Set our Kids Free

Posted on Monday, November 12, 2007 by No comments yet

Mike Lanza and some friends have created something called

As parents of toddlers and babies, we’re concerned about whether we can provide a better life for our children than we had.  We’ve certainly done well financially – better than our parents, by and large – so we can provide an abundance of material goods for our children.  However, we weren’t hurting at all for material goods when we were kids, but we find that kids of today are sorely lacking in what was the greatest joy of our childhoods:  free, unstructured play.

Free, unstructured play (or what we refer to as simply “play”) has virtually vanished from the lives of most children in America.  We are committed to doing whatever we can to bring it back for our children and yours.

At we will to build a community of parents in the United States, if not the world, that will become more aware of this problem, discuss solutions, and implement the best of those solutions.

This issue also motivates me in part to pursue Front Porch Forum.  I commented on Mike’s piece here.

Enabling People to be Good Neighbors

Posted on Sunday, November 11, 2007 by No comments yet

Poor Julia wrote to her FPF neighborhood forum the other day after her friend’s car was vandalized on her watch. Now tonight she follows up…

Thanks all you neighbors who contacted me with ways to help my friend whose car got keyed while under my care… and those who just wanted to send their condolences. I have to say, I love Front Porch Forum! We also found our lovely new apartment through this forum! Nothing but good things has come of being a part of it and I appreciate all of you who participate and make it a little more wonderful.

Westford Open for Deliberation

Posted on Sunday, November 11, 2007 by No comments yet

Westford, Vermont makes excellent use of Front Porch Forum, with about 25% of the households on board and lots of lively conversation. Currently, folks are debating using Town Meeting vs. an Australian ballot to decide the school budget every year. Beth weighed in today…

I would also love to see the Front Porch Forum continue to be a place where the information and debate about town issues gets talked about. It would be great to have reminders for upcoming regular town meetings, including agendas, posted here. I find this forum such a great resource and feel like it could be used to persuade people to become more involved in the decisions that shape our community. This was evident in the lively debate that happened here about the School Unification.

Smalltown becoming one with locals

Posted on Thursday, November 8, 2007 by No comments yet

I’ve noted before that is one of the few local online efforts that is working on a model that is both authentically local and scalable. Most local online efforts seem to fall either in the “one off” mom-and-pop side or the “local, as in WalMart is local because they have a store on the edge of your town.” Smalltown is aiming between these two extremes with early signs of success… good for them.

Today we hear from their blog

In light of the recent histories of InsiderPages, Backfence and Judy’s Book, it’s gratifying to be thriving long enough to sponsor a major local event two years in a row. Our Series A has gotten us far, including the ability to hand out 500 It’s-It treats to kids in our neighborhood.

I’ve always believed that you can’t do local advertising from afar. A salesperson in a call center in Florida who calls a restaurant in San Mateo will reach the hostess who takes dinner reservations; not the owner who buys ads. Our sales people walk or drive to the restaurant to try the food and talk to the manager. Furthermore, when we knock on their doors they see us as people in their community; not carpetbaggers rolling through town to sell them junk. It takes time and money to gain the trust of local business owners, but once you do you have a customer for life.

Although different to Smalltown in many ways, Front Porch Forum has a similar approach, aiming to retain the local bona fides of a mom-and-pop while scaling up. And we’re finding our local businesses very open to our initial advertising opportunities.

Member asks elected officials to join FPF

Posted on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 by No comments yet

The average person joins Front Porch Forum to get a little neighborhood news and perhaps learn a bit more about nearby neighbors.  Typically, once on board a vibrant neighborhood forum though, this member starts to see other possibilities.

Today, for example, a member posted a letter he sent to his local elected officials about a major development project that suddenly has been redirected and is now on track to cut through some wetlands adjacent to his neighborhood.  He wrote, in part…

I would encourage Selectboard members and others – that it would be greatly appreciated if you would log on to Front Porch Forum and start communicating to our neighborhood’s residents what is actually taking place.

He also requested a special meeting of the selectboard to examine this issue.  Some towns have most of the their officials on board with Front Porch Forum, but in this case there are only one or two.

Members Pay Voluntary Subscription Fee

Posted on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 by No comments yet

From Mike on an FPF neighborhood forum in Charlotte, Vermont…

Thank you for your work. Front Porch Forum is a great service and worthy of a donation to help out. It’s in the “basket.”

Thanks to Mike and the dozens of local folks who have donated cash during Front Porch Forum‘s early stage.  This represents a small part of our revenue stream, but an important and much appreciate one.  Many FPF members consider it a “voluntary subscription” with some even signing on for an automated monthly contribution.  If you would like to support our work at any dollar level… by all means click here!  Thanks!

Tabblo Founder on East and West Coast Start-Ups

Posted on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 by No comments yet

Antonio Rodriguez, founder of Tabblo (acquired by HP), makes some interesting points about East vs. West Coast start-up environments. In part…

The hardest part of embarking on a consumer Internet startup here in New England is finding wealthy veins of talent to mine out of big companies that provide relevant experience sets. From my non-technical entrepreneur friends I often hear about how hard it is to find class-A engineers that know “web stuff,” and we ourselves at Tabblo had a very hard time finding good direct marketing talent that understood how factors like viral adoption could be weaved into a coherent user acquisition plan. Both skills can be learned by those who are really talented, but this takes time and discipline— something is hard to cultivate…

2. Thanks to the more conservative nature of investors here, ventures in the consumer Internet space often fall prey to the business equivalent of premature optimization, favoring getting to revenue at the expense of adequate distribution (users) or product refinement. I don’t know that I would go so far as to espouse the Y-Combinator idea that you just need to “make something users want” and everything else will take care of itself— in fact if you’ve taken venture capital and are expected to deliver venture returns, it is irresponsible not to understand what the path to positive cashflow is, and to be testing the key assumptions at every step of the way. But an over-emphasis on this can lead to a dangerous situation where amidst slower growth than expected (which happens to just about every startup I’ve known at some point), the management team gets distracted by the “monetization problem” just to focus on something that might in the short-term appear to be more directly controllable. And when you’ve got a board of investors that encourage this trap, things can get ugly quickly.

Incidentally, the VC fund which we raised our money from at Tabblo, Matrix Partners, and our board member David Skok were A+ at helping us to avoid this trap. David was always pushing us to focus on solving the distribution problem at the cost of prematurely optimizing a business which would not at that point not have been at scale. Revenue is important, as is understanding the drivers of the business, but I’ve seen way too many entrepreneurs prepare for board meetings replete with spreadsheets and powerpoints that are more fitting of HP’s printer business than of a rag-tag bunch trying to find a market with their product.

Both of these shortcomings can together create a vicious downward cycle that takes anyone who is not sitting on top of a golden egg idea down quickly.

But best of all, the best thing about starting a company that will eventually need regular users to scale (which is the case with all consumer Internet businesses) is that we are much less subject to the echo chamber effect of the Valley. In the Valley everyone is twittering, sharing links on Delicious, digging articles left and right, and uploading pictures to Flickr from their super phones, but the rest of the country is really not quite ready for a lot of these applications. And the sad part is that most of the companies that I’ve seen started appear to be aping a lot of these initial Web 2.0 experiments instead of trying to think about how to move the adoption curve back into the mainstream.

Draker Labratories and Finding Talent

Posted on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 by No comments yet

Vermont Business People magazine has an interesting profile on AJ Rossman and his company Draker Laboratories… they are finding success…

The Burlington company manufactures performance-monitoring equipment, creates software, and provides reporting services for clients who produce energy with emerging green technologies, such as solar electric, wind energy and solar thermal power.

And I was glad to read that his business has been able to put Front Porch Forum to good use… in this case finding qualified local talent…

Draker Laboratories employs 10 full-time staff. Six live in the Old North End.

“One of the nice thing about working here is how many of us live in the neighborhood,” says Conboy. “We move in the same circles, our kids go to the same schools and we see each other outside of the office.”

Hiring locals was not entirely intentional. “We put out a national search for employees and posted it on Front Porch Forum, a community bulletin board on the Web focusing on this neighborhood,” Rossman says. “We got more qualified people from Front Porch Forum than we did from a national search!

We’ve been getting calls from local human resource departments asking about using Front Porch Forum to find new employees. We can do that… give me a call!

Barbershop Chatter

Posted on Monday, November 5, 2007 by No comments yet

I always wondered what those businessmen talked about in barbershops…

I joined the Neighborhood Forum today. We have lived in the neighborhood since 1980. I am a Barber/Stylist and I first heard of the Front Porch Forum by listening to a few business men that were discussing the website. They were at the Main Street Barber Shop, in Burlington, where I work,  They said the forum was a great site for advertising, and linking up with neighbors to hear what was happening in the neighborhood – from crime to events.

(From a South Burlington FPF neighborhood forum today.)

Zilok does peer rental

Posted on Monday, November 5, 2007 by 1 comment

TechCrunch writes today about, a French start up now in the United States that facilitates people renting stuff from strangers… kind of like eBay, but you get the things back.  The comments mention several competitors doing the same thing.

Front Porch Forum sees a lot of exchanges like this among nearby neighbors, but without the rental fee.  We like to call it “borrowing something from the neighbor.”  Some readers with long memories may remember such a practice from days of yore.  And, while borrowing, you actually get to know the people who live around you a little better.  Gadzooks!