Category Archives: Vermont

Plea for help from chocolate lab owner gets answered

Posted on Monday, April 10, 2017 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum members turn to their neighbors often for help answering questions and meeting needs.

On Monday: “We have a new vehicle and the seat is too high for Reuben (my chocolate Lab) to jump into. He has arthritis in his front and back legs. He is fiercely independent….and resists my efforts to help him in. If anyone out there has a solution we would be very grateful.”

By Wednesday: “Thanks to all the folks who answered Reuben’s plea for a better way to get into his new car. Warren (and his sister) provided the answer. We thank everyone for the quick responses. FPF comes through again.”  • Deb in Montpelier

Looking for a solution to a problem? Ask your neighbors on FPF!

Find & Seek with your neighbors

Posted on Friday, April 7, 2017 by No comments yet

Neighbors across the state turn to their local FPF for recommendations on who to turn to when they need help and to support local entrepreneurs.

“Thank You for the Seamstress Reco’s! This forum is the best! Donna from SSE wins by popular demand. Will be sure to tell her of her overwhelming popularity when I see her.”
• Kate in Waterbury

“I’d like to offer a recommendation for Casey and her eggs. I’ve been buying them for a couple of months and they are tasty and fresh. Fun too as some are light blue shells… help support a local family!”
Bets in Barre

“When we were looking for a carpenter/handyman/painter I looked here on Front Porch Forum and found recommendations for Jeremiah. Thank you, FPF, because he is great!”
Martha in Shelburne



Police reach out to communicate with neighbors

Posted on Thursday, April 6, 2017 by No comments yet

Local police in many neighborhood utilize FPF as a way to keep abreast of community concerns.

“The Vermont State Police – Williston Barracks has joined Front Porch Forum. We look forward to communicating with our neighbors. Our goal is to inform everyone with what VSP is doing in and around our communities. We would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions on any community concerns as well.”
 • Paul at VSP Williston Barracks

Connecting lost items with owners

Posted on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 by No comments yet

Neighbors helping neighbors….it happens everyday on Front Porch Forum.

“I found a very nice cordless drill in the road this morning. Please let me know if you are missing one.”  • Judd in Bridport

“Found: Gold Chain and Cross – Yours? Describe it and it will happily go back home to you.”   • Katherine in Charlotte

“I found a 5 gallon gasoline canister in the road this evening. Email if this is yours.”  • Ann in Waterbury

“Found Flash Drive on N. Street – Yours? It is little and blue. I found it and would love to get it back to you.” • Noah in Burlington

Find something you think someone would like to have returned? Post it on FPF!

Organic connections make difference to FPF member

Posted on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 by No comments yet

“I want to thank you so much for the work that FPF does. It connects communities in such an organic way. As a new homeowner I would be up a creek without it. Professionally I can cite it as a reason for my growth.”

R.J. in Middlebury

New homeowner? Consider posting in your neighborhood FPF for answers you need.

Small business given tremendous boost

Posted on Monday, April 3, 2017 by No comments yet

“My successful, mostly Montpelier-based, business has been given a tremendous boost by Front Porch Forum…just a few ads, and many recommendations and referrals later, I can say that it works well for many things, in many ways. Please support FPF if you can…just use this link:
Todd in Montpelier

Have a small business? Use the FPF Business Directory and start posting to your neighbors!

Building bridges with potlucks and in-person conversation

Posted on Friday, March 31, 2017 by No comments yet

It’s heartening to see local folks in Westford using their FPF to promote their new “Neighbor to Neighbor” program; organizing local in-person conversation of challenging topics…

“Bring a dish to share at potluck talks designed to build bridges between neighbors while talking about issues of importance to us as Vermonters. The first talk will focus on migrant workers on Vermont farms. This issue has been in the news recently and, as a farming community, is important to our town.”
Fred in Westford

Would something like this work in your town?  Give it a shot! Post on Front Porch Forum.

Scary moments turn into happy reunions

Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2017 by No comments yet

Scary moments are sometimes the moment when pet owners, discover the ultimate value of their neighborhood FPF.

“Both Zeke and Trip have been found and are safe. Thank you to everyone who has worried, searched, and sent good thoughts into the universe. This is a wonderfully happy ending. And a HUGE shout out to Front Porch Forum. The speed with which you post appeals for help in locating missing pets is astonishing…and heart-warming. Thank you!”
Lynn in Stowe

“Last night I was warmed by the first two of eleven postings. The first: a plea to area residents for help finding a newly rescued Alaskan Malamute mix that had broken away from his master. And the second post? “Found – Young, Friendly, Collar-Less Malmut or Husky”. What magic! I went to bed envisioning a very happy reunion.”
Linda in South Burlington

Your neighbors can be one of your best support system in times of need. Turn to your FPF and post for help.