Category Archives: Social Media

Grand Isle teens ready to get to work

Posted on Friday, June 17, 2016 by No comments yet

“The Yard Work Assistance position has been filled – I had contact from seven young folks, both girls and boys from eighth grade to high school age, within two hours of the FPF posting. This warmed my heart – we hear so much criticism of young people these days. I have kept the names and contact info and if anyone is looking for help there are hard working young people looking for employment. Thank you to Front Porch Forum.”
• Fay, Grand Isle FPF

Richmond chipmunk reunited with family

Posted on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by No comments yet

“Seeking a little stuffed animal chipmunk that was likely dropped by my daughter on our walk around town — Tilden/ Jericho /Bridge / Esplanade / Richmond Market. Thank you!”
• Amy, Richmond FPF

“Thanks to multiple tips, I was pointed to the popcorn section of the Richmond Market where, to my delight, our little stuffed chipmunk was waiting patiently on one of the shelves. Front Porch Forum saves the day!”
• Amy, Richmond FPF next day

Plant thieves prey on Burlington gardeners

Posted on Friday, June 10, 2016 by 2 comments

“Gee, this is a new one for me: someone stole a planted perennial plant out of my front yard yesterday or the day before. Pretty bad karma since people garden for all kind of positive reasons. On the slim chance you’re the thief and read this, please take care of this one, it was a favorite. Also, next time just stop by the house and I’ll probably give you a clipping to grow. I’m going to tell myself that maybe this was a plant rescue since I’ve gotten behind in my weeding.”
• Bill on Bradley St, posted on a Burlington neighborhood Front Porch Forum

“Someone dug up two lilies, two daffodils, and a dianthus from my front yard last night. Unbelievable. If I find you, I’m calling the police.”
• Megan on Bright St, posted on a Burlington neighborhood FPF

“I went out to work in my front garden today, and I noticed that one of my Coral Bell plants was missing. It appears to have been dug up and some of the dirt and mulch was replaced to cover the hole. I’m having a hard time figuring out why someone would do that, other than really wanting a new plant. I’m assuming that you wanted to make your yard more beautiful too and I really hope it was replanted in a lovely spotIn the future if you would really like a plant, knock on my door and ask me. I would be more than happy to divide one of my hostas for you. If you are reading this and you took my plant, I would be very grateful if you would return it.”
• Megan on Greene St, posted on a Burlington neighborhood FPF

“Grrrrr, plant thief in the night… A small white rosa rugosa was stolen from the hell strip (the land between the sidewalk and the street) in front of our house on N Prospect St last night. Whether the thief believed it belonged to the city or to me, it remains a theft. May the branches of my fragrant rose prick your conscience for some time to come.”
• Angie on N Prospect St, posted on a Burlington neighborhood FPF

Rather than phone book or Google search, FPF finds roofer fast

Posted on Thursday, June 9, 2016 by No comments yet

“It occurred to me how much I depend on Front Porch Forum. Phone books are pretty obsolete an not everyone has a website. Yesterday, we posted for a roofing quote. A LOCAL professional roofer came to the property today and gave us an estimate — less than 24 hours later!”
• Mary, Northfield FPF

Stolen sign returned after thief called out on Cabot FPF

Posted on Monday, June 6, 2016 by No comments yet

Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 1.46.57 AM“Looking for information about who stole the real estate sign off my property listing on Rt 232 in Marshfield just as you turn up the Groton State Forest Rd… I will offer a reward to whomever returns it to my office on Main St in Cabot. These are expensive to replace so I appreciate any help. You can also call me to pick it up if you know where it is.”
• Beth, Cabot FPF

“Thank you to the mystery caller who let me know my sign would be replaced today and it has been seen back where it belongs! Thank you for restoring my faith, sir, and thanks to Front Porch Forum!”
• Beth, Cabot FPF, next day after first posting

Duck-knapping in Weybridge; break-in in Westford; barn burglary in Warren

Posted on Monday, June 6, 2016 by No comments yet

“Within the past week, I had 5 pet ducks stolen from a fenced-in pen, and my neighbor had building material stolen from the back of his truck. These occured on Quaker Village Rd. Both items stolen were within 40 feet of our houses. They occurred on different nights between 9pm and 6am. I have a game recording video which I’ve sent for enhancement. We will find you thugs.”
• Mark, Weybridge Front Porch Forum

“My neighbor told us today that someone broke into their home and stole a few items. They wanted the rest of their neighbors on Woods Hollow Road to be on the look-out and let the state police know if you see something happening. They would have let us know themselves, but their internet device was stolen too.”
• Julie, Westford FPF

“Hi neighbors… just wanted to let everyone know that our barn was broken into… in broad daylight mid-day. They took a lot of valueable tools, air compressor, generator and many more items… We live on Rt 100 and our house is right next to the road. These thieves are very brave, but they won’t get back into our barn, but just to let everyone know that these thieves are brave.”
• Karen, Warren FPF

Car vandalism in Burlington’s South End

Posted on Friday, May 20, 2016 by No comments yet

Seeing more postings like this lately in Burlington’s South End…

“Today a car that was parked in front of our house had the street side windows busted out. It appeared the person who did this drive by and maybe used a BB gun. Nothing was stolen out of the car. So it appears it was a malicious act and not for financial gain.”
• Andrew, Hill Section Front Porch Forum

Robberies in West Brattleboro

Posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 by No comments yet

“During the past weeks, several thefts have occurred in West Brattleboro. A purse was stolen from a truck on Meadowbrook. And an iPhone was stolen from a car at another address. A resident on Pleasant Valley Road also reported seeing a car parked in front of his house “sizing it up.” When the owner came outside, the car rapidly departed. Please lock your cars and homes and report thefts or suspicious activity to the police. Thank you.”
• Valerie, Brattleboro Front Porch Forum