Category Archives: Small Business Advertising

DR Power Equipment puts FPF to good use in #VT

Posted on Saturday, September 24, 2011 by No comments yet

Found a gift in my inbox today…

As a Video Producer for DR Power Equipment, I need to find locations to highlight my company’s products. Front Porch Forum makes my job much easier and I get to meet really great folks. Thanks for your help!

I love being an FPF member. A friend recommended it to me and at first I thought, “no way, I don’t want any more emails” but it doesn’t take any time to go through the daily list.

FPF connects me to my community, makes the bond between us stronger, and personal conversations continue due to FPF postings. I look forward to reading it every night. I’m not a Facebook fan but I LOVE Front Porch Forum.

Marianne Eaton
Country Home Products


Are businesses part of neighborhood?

Posted on Saturday, June 18, 2011 by No comments yet

A neighbor recently complained about ads appearing on his Front Porch Forum.  Today another FPF member responded to their neighborhood forum…

I appreciate the recent note regarding business ads.  Here is another perspective:  As a small company operating out of the Old North End, I must say that an occasional notice from us regarding new or updated services is invaluable in getting our word out.  A neighborhood, it seems to me, is a combination of people, friends and families living and working locally in support of each other.  A neighborhood is, in part, defined by local businesses.  What would our neighborhood be like without our shops, farms, services, restaurants, and bakeries,  operated by people trying to make a living locally within their communities. Many of the small businesses I’m familiar with find it difficult to pay the going rate for advertising.  I believe Front Porch Forum has done a pretty good job of reaching a practical balance in this regard.

I’m curious about others thoughts!

Mark Bromley
One Revolution, Vermont Bikes at Work

Local businesses buying lots of social media advertising

Posted on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 by No comments yet

eMarketer predicts that U.S. marketers will spend $3 billion on advertising on social media in 2011…

With a great portion of that flowing to Facebook

And most of that ad money seems to be coming from small and medium-size businesses.  From Greg Sterling

AdAge reports and rounds up some of the Facebook ad revenues data that have come out in the wake of the Goldman investment in the social network. However here’s the interesting part of the article:

[W]hat is surprising is the majority of revenue, 60% or $1.12 billion, was earned from smaller companies in 2010, those more likely to be using self-serve tools rather than work through a media agency. That’s greater than the $740 million coming from major marketers like Coke, P&G or

Local small and medium-size businesses continue to snap up Front Porch Forum advertising space.  Many are repeat customers, eager to reach FPF’s active audience of neighbors.

Newspaper ad spending tumbling… Online ad revenue ascending

Posted on Monday, December 20, 2010 by No comments yet

Greg Sterling’s post today provided food for thought about online advertising…

U.S. newspapers are indeed in deep financial straights.  Here’s a chart from Newspaper Association of America data…

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U.S. newspaper revenue from classified, local and national ads are all contracting rapidly, while their income from online ad sales is still tiny in comparison.  Total ad sales in 2006 was about $49 billion and in 2009… $27 billion.  Wow.  U.S. newspaper online ad sales has held at about $3 billion for the past four years.

However, stepping away from newspapers for a moment, online advertising overall is growing impressively.  Charts from eMarketer project U.S. digital ad spending raising steadily at 10-14% from 2009 to 2014.  Newspapers’ slice of that $25 billion pie is relatively narrow… only about $3 billion.

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Will online ad spending continue to climb at this rate?  Will it come at the further expense of newspaper ad spending?  Does this Harris poll offer a clue?

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People tell us they read the ads on Front Porch Forum… and our sponsors keep buying the space.  Hard to know where this is all headed… but I do know that we get lots of businesses knocking on our door.

5% of U.S. advertising now on Internet

Posted on Thursday, June 3, 2010 by No comments yet

Chart and discussion via Fred Wilson

Saving money in Vermont… neighborhood group purchases

Posted on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 by 3 comments

Need to pinch pennies in this tight economy?  Who doesn’t!

We’ve seen plenty of neighbors chasing lower prices by pulling together through Front Porch Forum to form group purchases.  In Huntington, it’s propane.  Other neighborhoods in Essex, South Burlington, Burlington, and Richmond have aggregated their purchasing power to get better deals on driveway paving, trash hauling, fuel oil, house painting, tree trimming, snow removal and more.  From today’s Huntington FPF…

There was a group of folks last year who got this going, and we took advantage.  Thank you to the folks who organized it… It was with Suburban Propane.  Phone: 864-9821  Call them and ask for Tina.  Tell her you want to be part of the Front Porch Forum group plan, and I think it was about $2.67/gal last year based on our small consumption (<500 gal/yr).  This was compared to over $4/gal…

VBSR Networking Get-Together Jan. 27 in Burlington

Posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 by No comments yet

Front Porch Forum is glad to be co-sponsoring this upcoming Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility event.  Looking forward to seeing lots of folks there.

VBSR Networking Get-Together
Date: Wednesday Jan 27th, 2010
Time: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Location: Magnolia Bistro
Address: One Lawson Lane, Burlington, VT 05401
Cost: FREE and open to the public
To Register: Please RSVP to or call 802-862-8347; RSVPs appreciated, but walk-ins also welcome
For More Info: Call 802-862-8347 or email