Front Porch Forum members share their knowledge and recommendations with neighbors.
“A couple of months ago there was a posting recommending Brian S. to wash windows. It was so complimentary I immediately contacted Brian, who did my windows today. As promised he did a beautiful, thorough job. Which gets me thinking about FPF and the great service it provides to our community. Thank you FPF for giving us the ability to converse as a community and to support each other.“ • Ellen in Ferrisburgh
“Hi Conrad: Thank you for posting the results of your request for dairy farm recommendations! This is very helpful. What a great community we have of FPF members willing to share their knowledge & experiences.” • Madeline in St. Johnsbury
“What an amazing and generous community this is! I’d like to thank all the women who responded to my urgent, pre-surgical need for a house cleaner, everyone who offered help and recommendations. It astonishes me that I found the Perfect Person on the very same day I sent out my posting! As usual with Front Porch Forum, I seem to have found not only a helper but a new and delightful friend. And how many other friends are out there, just waiting to be met! A dip into FPF always reminds me of this. So gratitude to all.” • Tami in Montpelier
“Dear FPF friends, I had asked for an electrician who would call me back. I was overwhelmed by the volume of responses, both privately and on the Forum–far too many of you wonderful folks responded for me to thank you individually. But, I am beyond grateful for your kindness. Thank you, FPF!!!” • Elizabeth in Middlebury
“Thanks to all who sent recommendations for a good HVAC company, it was most appreciated. I love FPF and this is why I contribute yearly.” • Jackie in Williston
Did you find something helpful from a neighbor on Front Porch Forum? Remember to share your findings on FPF!
Front Porch Forum helps neighbors find the help they need, sometimes with only seconds to spare!
“FPF is amazing. Friday morning my computer power cord stopped working and one of the last things I managed to do online before my computer battery ran completely down was post to FPF looking for one. Within hours I had several responses, and by the end of the day I had a new-to-me power cord. Thank you so much!”
• Dvora in Worcester
“I sent out a post today asking for helping moving a couch up to my apartment. I received an overwhelming number of responses with offers. While I can’t respond to each of you, I want to say thank you! It’s comforting to know I moved to such a great community.” • Molly in Montpelier
“I can’t believe how many kind people responded to my question about the dryer not spinning. Thank you all very much! I am grateful for this helpful community. :-)” • Katie in Burlington
“We’re starting some babysitting for a grandchild, and are looking for all sorts of handy items….Through the wonders of FPF and the kindness of neighbors and strangers, we have already found a high chair, carseat and a fantastic orange stroller. Thank you FPF and neighbors!” • Loring & Michael in Calais
Beloved pets find their way home on FPF!
“Lost dog Maisy has come home! Thanks to everyone who reported sightings and inquired about her. I sure do appreciate our community and Front Porch Forum!” • Cindy in Barre
“I am absolutely amazed by the kindness and compassion of our neighborhoods. Twice now FPF has gotten the word out and you all took the time to post sightings, take care of and help our cat Honi get back home.” • Kim in Colchester
“Thank you to all who played a part in getting Teeko home safe and sound, but especially to Front Porch Forum for providing this format. I am forever grateful.” • Winnie in Middletown Springs
“7 year old and her beloved kitty have been reunited! Always amazing resource FPF!! It takes a village, so proud and appreciative of ours.” • Nancy in Shelburne
“Because two residents cared enough about a stray cat and posted their sightings on FPF, we have our beloved cat, Star, back home following a three week adventure.” • Eric in Morristown
“Many thanks to all the folks who helped amazingly resilient Naddy the Doberman to get home. What a helpful resource FPF is and how great it is to have such responsive and caring neighbors!” • Lee in Underhill
“Thank you so much to the fine people whom sighted, reported on, and protected my very lost, cold, and scared dog last night. I am so grateful to Front Porch Forum and to dog lovers everywhere who look out for our beloved pets and help get them home.” • Susan in Charlotte
Many are using Front Porch Forum to discuss political issues and candidates.
“There is no other source for local information about candidates, issues, and budgets that is free. I’m glad there are no memes here, no trolling for the sake of argument, but I deeply value the access to local issues, challenges, opinions, and endorsements of local candidates for office. Civil discourse is valuable. Let’s keep the emphasis on Civil as we continue the discourse.” • Wade in Brandon, Vt.
“If, as stated, FPF is about connecting, then it should be more than just a community bulletin board. Someone said that there are plenty of other forums for political discussion. True, but by the same token there are also plenty of other places to let people know that you have extra puzzles or vegetable starts to give away. As long as we keep things civil and respectful there’s nothing wrong with an exchange of differing viewpoints. And those who don’t wish to read something are perfectly free to skip over it.” • Lisa in Brattleboro, Vt.
“A forum is, among other things, a site for discussion. If we can’t air our differences, how can we ever resolve them? For that matter, can we really understand issues, local or otherwise, if we don’t discuss them, if we view them only monocularly, through the single lens of our own parochial points of view? What safer place to air one’s views than FPF, where tempers are necessarily tempered by the relative quiet of written speech? And what better way to organize and solidify one’s thoughts, to familiarize oneself with one’s own views, than to write them down in coherent sentences? Write on!” • Keith in So. Hero, Vt.
“I would say that the idea of Front Porch Forum is to replicate the idea of sitting on the front porch and discussing what is going on in the world–near and far. I don’t think that a forum is only for looking for lost pets or selling tires. The definition of a forum is a place where people can exchange ideas, like being a libertarian, discussing the issues of the day, announcing area activities, and looking for lost pets and selling tires. Whatever people used to do on their front porch. I find discussions on the forum to be interesting and thought provoking. Obviously I don’t always agree but my horizons are broadened, causing me to at least think about things that otherwise would not be brought to my attention. If you don’t like the political stuff, don’t read it, but appreciate the fact that you can read about Odin, 225-65-17’s for sale and that the farmer’s market has moved in doors and all sorts of other things. I encourage people to put their thoughts and ideas out there for others to think about. At least we’re having a discussion with our neighbors about things that matter.” • Thomas in Roxbury, Vt.
Since Front Porch Forum released the email forum redesign in June, we’ve heard lots of great feedback from members! See what some of your neighbors have to say about the new formatting:
“Way to go FPF! You are a star in our communities. As a generator of two posts a week, I find FPF an ideal forum to keep our communities informed. You Rock!!!!” • John H. from Charlotte/Shelburne, Vt.
“The great thing about FPF is anyone is welcome to post on subjects that are important to them; for some people it’s Doggy Play Dates or Free Plants, and for others it’s Community Health Issues. The new format and bold subject field enable you to peruse the page, read the posts that interest you, and skip the ones that don’t (or maybe be exposed to a different point of view.) Thanks, FPF, for the opportunity to connect and share.” • Joseph C. from Waterbury Center, Vt.
In addition to the email forum redesign, FPF has taken more steps to make the forum cleaner and easier to use. Last year, we released a mobile app, which can be download from the Apple® and Google Play® app stores. It’s changing the way many FPF members read their forums!
“Get the App…best thing since sliced bread. I will now be able to keep up with it daily. Thank you FPF”
• Tammy W. from Morrisville, Vt.
Lastly, FPF members can access their forum by logging in from our website Submit a posting, search the archives, access the business directory, and more!
“Thanks for the set of Dominos, Pam! This Front Porch Forum really works!!!” • Nancy in Jericho
“There were so many people (50!) who responded to my request for shopping help, that it’s taking me awhile to reply to each person. Please know that I am quite grateful, and you will hear back from me. It’s very nice to have such good folks around.” • Mary in Williston
“Kind thanks to all who responded to my request for data entry work from home. 10 replies in 20 mins.. Project in progress. Stay healthy.” • Jonathan in Charlotte
“Hi! I started a routine of telling jokes every night to my 86-year-old mother who is quarantined alone in Florida. I’m running out of jokes and would really appreciate any help with new jokes…not too racy… Thanks so much!!!” • Kim in Moretown
“I recently added a posting to FPF for dog sitting and received quite a few responses. We successfully found someone that will take care of our shelties. Front Porch Forum has proven once again to be a wonderful resource. Thank you to all.” • Sue in Danville
Post your need, large or small, quirky or off-beat on FPF!
A number of generous “free” items and services are being offered on Front Porch Forum.
“I have about 5 yards of quilt weight fabric and lots of odds and ends of thread that I’d be happy to give anyone wanting to make face masks. I’d be happy to drop it off anywhere in the kingdom or you could pick it up.” • Jenise in Barton, Vt.
“Hey Friends, with the recent job climate and layoffs around town I wanted to offer my expertise to help with free resume reviews. Send any questions to me and I’ll respond and find time after hours to review and get back to you. Cheers and be safe!” • CJ in Stowe
“My husband and I are avid from-scratch bread makers and would love to make homemade bread for those not able to get to grocery stores easily. Our capacity is 2-3 loaves a day so we will get to everyone we can over time. Please email me your name, phone number, and address and we will call the night before your name is up! If you have need for an emergency loaf, please let us know and we will do our best to get it to you ASAP.” • Mary Jane and Steve in Williston
“I have 2 new Chromebook laptop computers that I would like to donate to 2 local students who may not have the resources to ensure computer connectivity in order to engage in online learning and enrichment.” • Nancy in Randolph
“It is a difficult time right now with so many children and adults working from home. I have a desktop computer with all the accoutrements available for a family who needs it for work or schooling. I can bring it to you if transportation is an issue.” • Nichole in Middlebury
“Do you need homeschool supplies to help keep your kids active and learning at home? If the cost of homeschool supplies is a hardship, please contact me. I several supplies available at no cost. I’m happy to deliver or have you pick up.” • Nathan in Burlington
Have something you can contribute to help others in your community? Post them on FPF!
“This just makes me so happy. My @frontporchforum has never seen this much action.” • Whitney in Burlington
Front Porch Forum members are creating local scavenger hunts. The popular “Bear Hunt” is fun for kids. Neighbors put teddy bears (and other stuffed animals) in their own windows for children to spot when they walk or ride around their neighborhoods.
“Would folks like to create a bear hunt? We will definitely have some bears in our windows and are curious if other neighbors would like to join in the “hunt”. Members of a number of communities across the globe are placing teddy bears and other stuffed animals in their homes’ windows to create a scavenger hunt-esque activity for kids who are stuck at home. While taking walks or drives around the neighborhood with their parents, kids in participating communities can have some fun by keeping an eye out for any number of stuffed animals that have been put on display at other houses.” • Judy in Burlington
Start one in your neighborhood with a post on FPF!
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more