When a tornado struck an Addison County family’s home, so much was lost. In the wake of the disaster, the community came together to help offer support. See this beautiful message of gratitude shared on their FPF, after having shared their initial story:
“My son and I want to thank all the people who read our original FPF posting and responded with such sincerity and caring. Whether offering us a place to stay, coming over to help clean up, letting us know you’re willing to lend a hand down the road or sending messages that continue to lift our spirits, your presence is being felt, and it is comforting and reassuring.
Our deepest thanks to Randy and his wife (of Randy’s Service Center.) One of the first calls I received was from Randy, offering us the loaner car in his shop. He’s given us the gift of ease in the midst of much that is challenging.
I wish I had the capacity to respond to each and every one of you. Your poems, stories and heartfelt words have encouraged us as we get our bearings along a new and different road. We want you to know that your reaching out in these creative and caring ways is quite literally brightening our days.
The further we get from the “event,” the more we’re appreciating that we’ve not been forgotten by the people around us. My son and I are grateful for your continuing companionship.”
As they start to envision their next steps forward, the family reflected on “the new normal” and the transitional state that most in the world are facing. They bring to their community an imagination circle to bring new hope, ideas, and possibilities for the future.
Strength and hope can be found in difficult times when a community comes together. FPF is happy to be a resource where neighbors can connect in times of need as well as in times of hope.
Front Porch Forum helps neighbors find the help they need, sometimes with only seconds to spare!
“FPF is amazing. Friday morning my computer power cord stopped working and one of the last things I managed to do online before my computer battery ran completely down was post to FPF looking for one. Within hours I had several responses, and by the end of the day I had a new-to-me power cord. Thank you so much!”
• Dvora in Worcester
“I sent out a post today asking for helping moving a couch up to my apartment. I received an overwhelming number of responses with offers. While I can’t respond to each of you, I want to say thank you! It’s comforting to know I moved to such a great community.” • Molly in Montpelier
“I can’t believe how many kind people responded to my question about the dryer not spinning. Thank you all very much! I am grateful for this helpful community. :-)” • Katie in Burlington
“We’re starting some babysitting for a grandchild, and are looking for all sorts of handy items….Through the wonders of FPF and the kindness of neighbors and strangers, we have already found a high chair, carseat and a fantastic orange stroller. Thank you FPF and neighbors!” • Loring & Michael in Calais
From bread fairies and neighborhood scavenger hunts, to Little Free Pantries and mutual aid networks, Front Porch Forum members have been reaching outto offer their love and support to each other. This Valentine’s Day we share the love neighbors have for their communities.
While there were too many heart-warming postings and stories to choose from this especially difficult year, here are a few that made us feel warm and fuzzy:
“I heartily praise Northfield’s “gem of a library” and know that there are many additional people, organizations and businesses that have also done a lot to help our community through these recent months. I’d like to suggest taking some time to send a card or email, or perhaps make a phone call, to thank those who have made a real difference in your life. And, in that spirit, thanks FPF for helping me stay connected to the community while I isolate at home!” • Sue in Northfield
“Today, I want to reach out to everyone I have had the opportunity to meet, within the Starksboro community, and to those I hope to meet in the future. I want to say how thankful I am for this community. We are a little shelter of giving and caring and reaching out. Welcome to the newer residents. I have the fortune of knowing there are folks who help, and give, and tire themselves for other needier people around them. I have the fortune that I can disagree with someone’s politics and still be grateful they are my neighbor. Take care everyone this winter season. Reach out. Extend your love and care. Ask for help. We all need to know we are not alone.” • Carin in Starksboro
“I am so grateful for the business owners, healthcare workers, teachers, school nurses, sanitation staff, grocery store staff, and so many others who are obligated to risk their health for the sake of the community, or the sake of themselves and their family as they hold an in-person job while so many of us are struggling at home. Sending thanks and love to the children and teens in this community, whose resilience astounds me and inspires me to keep going, keep making safe decisions to keep their schools open and their lives as close to normal as possible.” • Lauren in Waitsfield
“This is my first time in a small community and the love and support of total strangers has overwhelmed me. I don’t remember everyone’s names, but you have provided me with rides to work, tires, ironing board and iron, and the list goes on. When I post a need, I receive multiple emails. I am grateful to each and every one of you.” • Gloria in Morrisville
“I am thankful to Front Porch Forum for adding GRATITUDE as a category. Perhaps we need it more now than ever. Tis’ true: “An attitude of gratitude brings amplitude.” • Lisa in East Wallingford
I Am Grateful
I am grateful to live in a neighborhood that I feel safe in for me and my children
I am grateful for all the tall trees in the neighborhood. They are beautiful and feel like protection
I’m grateful for my little property that produces veggies
I’m grateful for all the neighbors that talk kindly to my kids 🙂 • by Casey in Essex Junction, Vt.
“I am grateful for the treasure we have here… the Bristol Trail Network. From the beginning this project has been led with integrity grit and grace. It has at times not been easy, but the results are a gift to all of us. There have been many volunteer hours from a host of volunteers that have made this possible. We live in a community where service is a part of what we do. So many organizations and individuals contribute to the vibrancy of our community. As we move into the next phase of the pandemic, I look forward to our community coming together in unity to support each other in so many ways that we can’t even yet predict. If we care for each other, smile, give gratitude we will be stronger for it.” • Phoebe in Bristol
“Grateful to the responses of our bicycles that were collecting cobwebs in our cellar. Gone for better use now. And for the drum set collecting dust in a neighbor’s home is now going to be loved and played on by our grandson! Love FPF and our neighbors!” • Josy in Jericho
“A couple of weeks ago I’d requested the phone # for Corner of India, &, oh, did I hear from you! Not only did people respond to FPF, but I received 284 responses to my e-mail. I’ve gotten back to thank all but 68, so if you haven’t heard from me yet, I’m trying. Consider yourselves thanked here! Go, FPF, & all the helpful members!” • Debby in Shaftsbury
Share something you’re grateful for with your neighbors on FPF.
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more