Category Archives: Front Porch Forum

Pet Bear in Stowe?

Posted on Monday, June 19, 2017 by No comments yet

FPF members have had great fun writing witty postings about the possibility!

“To the neighbor with the pet bear: Please keep your bear leashed when going past my house. While I truly appreciate you love your pet bear, he or she has now busted open both of my compost bins. It’s especially sneaky of you to walk him or her just in the nighttime, when our dog door is closed.”  • Emily on June 6

“Of course I walk my pet bear late at night without a leash. Honestly, who leashes a pet bear? Anyways. Please let me know if you see her. I’d be forever grateful to get her back.” • John on June 7

“Going on vacation? Busy work schedule? Is your pet bear getting too large for you to walk on your own? I’m open to late night walks….”  • Steve on June 9

“Now, truth be told, I’m fattening my bear up on berries, greens, and wholesome honey right now. I’m confident that when he goes off for his evening strolls he’s so well fed he’s not bothering with my neighbor’s trash, as if he’d deign to eat trash! And, of course, I don’t want him going for brisk walks, that would defeat the butterball bear I’m looking forward to this fall. • Tamara on June 10

“The bear “stories” make me smile every time I read one! I love imagination….and we have been honored with a lot of that lately! Life is so busy…’s refreshing to know that people can slow down long enough to have fun!”
• Nancy on June 11

There are many ways to connect with your neighbors on Front Porch Forum! Have some summer fun 🙂

Need a lawnmower? Ask your neighbors!

Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 by No comments yet

You never know who may respond! Front Porch Forum members often find their neighbors lending a hand.

“I want to thank Stewart for answering my request for a working push mower for little to no money. He came by today with a really nice mower that’s going to workout just perfect for me free of charge. I knew that with all my friends and neighbors i would find one but a nice mower for free thank you very much Stewart i greatly appreciate your help. There’s still great people out there and they could be your neighbor.”  • Darin in Winooski

In need of a household or yard work item? Ask your neighbors on FPF!

Protecting the bees

Posted on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 by No comments yet

Bees are endangered, and FPF members work to educate us on how to keep them healthy so they can do the huge job of pollinating our food crops.

“Only use natural pesticides and fertilizers. Avoid using herbicides or pesticides in the garden. They not only can be toxic to bees but also are best not introduced to children or adults that visit your garden. If you encounter a bee swarm, post on FPF immediately. Local bee keepers can capture and re-home honey bee swarms. Swarms are docile and non-threatening. Just keep respectful distance. They are waiting for their scouts to return with instructions, and will soon be gone.”  • Lea in Burlington

Thanks to Front Porch Forum and one avid pollinator protector, my husband and I were able to catch a honey bee swarm that had settled into the lilac bush in front of the Elementary School.  I am happy to say that they have settled into their top bar hive beautifully. We are grateful for this community forum – for without it, the school may have had to destroy this bee swarm, out of concern for the students.”   • Gerette in Hyde Park


Local photographer, Dan Higgins, captures Winooski FPF story

Posted on Friday, May 26, 2017 by No comments yet

Dan hosted a FPF Winooski Photo exhibit for us a number of years ago. We’re delighted to see him at work again highlighting conversations from Front Porch Forum members!

Neighbors help find resources for elderly mom

Posted on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 by No comments yet

As parents begin to age, and we take them in to live with us, outfitting a home for their care can be a new challenge. Front Porch Forum members gave LOTS of resources for their neighbor:

Initial posting: “Hi FPF friends, My mother is coming to live with us tomorrow and i am seeking a walker for her. If anyone has one they are no longer using, I would love to hear from you.”  • Cyndee in Shelburne

Response one day later: “Many thanks to those who responded to my request for a walker. I want to share what i learned. 
1. Chittenden Country Agency on Aging in Essex, same shopping center as Big Lots offers walkers at no charge. 
2. Good Samaritan Network loan closet at the Fanny Allen has medical equipment (walkers, canes, crutches) available at no cost 
3. There’s a website with free/inexpensive assistive technology stuff of all sorts, which you probably have no idea even exists. It can be a great resource for people to pass on or get stuff to help make life easier for those with disabilities. It’s called: 
4. Many other kind people on FPF are willing to loan or pass their medical equipment along :)”


Lending for yard and garden work

Posted on Monday, May 22, 2017 by No comments yet

In need of a post hole digger, perennials, or a tiller? Front Porch Forum members are ready to help!

“My request for a post-hole digger brought 3 nearly instantaneous responses. In less than 24 hrs I had the job done and the loaner returned. Thank you, neighbors.”  • Bob in Burlington

“Thank you to everyone who replied to my request for perennials, the response was overwhelming and my flower beds are going to be so great next year! I love FPF and this community!”  • Rose in Middlebury

“I have a small tiling job to do, and am wondering if anyone has any left over thinset from a previous job that I could buy. And I’ve got a perfectly usable utility trailer sitting in my yard that I’d be happy to lend out to anyone needing one.”  Don in Craftsbury


You know you’re in Vermont when.

Posted on Thursday, May 18, 2017 by No comments yet

Two pounds of cheese is found and reported on Front Porch Forum!

“Did you lose your cheese on Friday or Saturday? Found: one 2-lb block of Cabot cheddar on Main Street Saturday morning. Despite adventuring by the side of the road, the packaging looks intact and the cheese looks good. If you can correctly identify whether it was Sharp, Extra Sharp, or Seriously Sharp, I would be happy to reunite it with you.”
Dana in Montpelier

We see some of the best lost and found stories on FPF!

UPDATE: The owner of the lost cheese was not found… However, it will be shared at the upcoming contra dance for all to share “in a glorious celebration of free neighborly cheese.” #DidYouLoseYourCheese

Friendship and mentoring over the Revolutionary war

Posted on Monday, May 15, 2017 by No comments yet

“About three years ago I posted a FPF request asking for someone to help my daughter learn to sew a 17th century Colonial Day outfit from scratch. Much to my surprise, I received a few responses and they were all directing me to the same young woman, who was graduating that spring with a degree in historical sewing (not the official degree title). My daughter and I reached out and what started with an idea turned into 3 years of mentoring, friendship and learning. My daughter got to delve deep into the Revolutionary time period through sewing, attending reenactments and completing historical arts and crafts projects. She has developed, presumably, a life long interest in all things Revolution. If it wasn’t for FPF, my daughter would not have gained a truly important friendship and have learned so much.”
• Cathy in Richmond

Have a passion for a particular interest? Share it on Front Porch Forum and you just might make a new friend or two!