Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Jewelry…. lost and found around Vermont

Posted on Friday, July 7, 2017 by No comments yet

It seems a fair amount of our FPF neighbors are losing jewelry. Just as fortunate, their items are being found!

Thanks to Front Porch Forum and the person who found it, my sister is gratefully reunited with the bracelet she lost at the Moscow parade.”    • Suzanne in Stowe

I lost a necklace on the way up to, or on top of, the Ledges Trail the night of July 3. It has a reddish/orange short strand of beads with an etched silver metal centerpiece. If found, please call.”   • Marianne in Bristol

I found a berated necklace hiking down from Bristol ledges tonight. Be in touch if you know who it belongs to.” • Joe in Bristol

My necklace was found and is now back in my possession! I am feeling very grateful to Nancy for finding it, for Front Porch Forum which gave us the means to communicate with each other (although we live in the same neighborhood, I’m not sure we ever would have connected), and to everyone who replied to my post! I am thankful that we live in such a great community!”  • Betsy in Williston

“If you lost your bracelet on the college green get in touch. Found by the volleyball net.”   • Kim in Montpelier

Posted in: Lost & Found, Neighborhood, Stories, Vermont

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