Category Archives: Democracy

Civic Engagement, Elections, Community Building… and Spring!

Posted on Friday, March 6, 2009 by No comments yet

The lead up to this year’s Town Meeting Day was a busy time for the 130 FPF online neighborhood forums.  Some folks groused about all of the political postings… and then there was Betsey’s response from Burlington’s New North End…

Thank you to the voters of Burlington for turning out on Town Meeting Day.  What a great city this is!  We have beautiful parks, terrific schools, an engaged citizenry, and an engaged and enthusiastic government.  We work on our challenges together, and support each other in times of trouble.

Thank you to the Front Porch Forum for giving us a chance to connect with our neighbors and share our hopes for our city.  I am looking forward to hearing exciting news from my neighbors about ways they are making a difference, and improving our yards, homes, schools, businesses, and futures.  With spring in the air, good news should be shared.

I’m looking forward to putting away the shovel and picking up the rake.  I would love to hear what you’re planting — and hope that if anyone out there needs a “barn raising” that we’ll hear about it in FPF first!


NY Times moving into Neighborhood Blogs

Posted on Friday, February 27, 2009 by No comments yet

Looks like the New York Times is moving into the neighborhood-online world, according to this post

The New York Times (NYT) will experiment with hyperlocal blogs, starting with two next Monday, Brownstoner reports. Each site will be led by a NYT journalist, but the paper will also use free neighborhood contributors and will work with CUNY journalism students…

The Times will effectively be competing with a slew of neighborhood blogs, aggregators like, and potentially even Google (GOOG) ad boss Tim Armstong’s new investment, “Patch,” which also has a beta site in… South Orange, N.J.

So, Front Porch Forum welcomes the Grey Lady into our online space!

Connecting local candidates and voters

Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 by No comments yet

With each passing election, candidates for local and state-level office use Front Porch Forum more and more.  We’ve been evolving our policy on this, centered on serving our subscribers’ interest and not giving incumbents or any other class an unfair advantage.

Many candidates are taking advantage of our posting policy leading up to the March 3 Town Meeting Day.  Here’s a nice thank-you note from Amy Booher, who is running for City Council in Winooski…

Thank you so much for all that Front Porch Forum does, not just allowing local candidates a voice, but for all the online neighborhood forums. It is a wonderful service.

Neighborhood Night of Success

Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 by No comments yet

Burlington is bursting with civic-minded people who act on their convictions… from shoveling a neighbor’s sidewalk to taking on drug dealing.  The City throws a great annual party — Neighborhood Night of Success — to celebrate people and projects, share a meal and music, and mingle.  I recommend attending… March 25, 2009.  Also, Ita Meno is looking for nominations!

To show how long we’ve been at this… Front Porch Forum was recognized at the very first NNS in 2001 and then again in 2007.

Ita, the key organizer, invited me on to her talk show to chat about it.

P.S. Ita is leaving her position with CEDO, so the NPAs won’t have her as a resource any longer… a real loss! Best wishes to her in her new position and I hope CEDO hires well when finding her replacement!

Elated in Starksboro!

Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 by No comments yet

We’re thrilled with our recent expansion into Starksboro, VT.  This is Front Porch Forum‘s first step outside of our Chittenden County pilot… albeit a small step.  Apparently, we’re not the only ones excited… 50 households signed up in the first week (7% of the town), despite no real marketing effort.  And here’s a lovely comment from one happy new subscriber…

I just signed up and can’t wait to start using Front Porch Forum.  Some friends in Burlington have it and LOVE it. I think this will be an incredible asset for our community.  Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen.  Yahoo!

Elated in Starksboro.

Using FPF to clean up stink

Posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 by No comments yet

We’ve seen time and again that one or two citizens can’t get much action out of City Hall.  But put 20 or 200 neighbors together behind an issue, and voil¡.

Here’s a posting on FPF yesterday from Burlington City Councilor Russ Ellis…

A few days ago, Christy Lorraine called our attention to the problem of sewage backup in the Staniford and Western Avenue neighborhoods with a note in the Front Porch Forum. I exchanged several e-mails with Steve Goodkind at the Department of Public Works about the situation. You will be interested in his positive response which follows:

“Russ – I share your concern that cleaning alone might not necessarily be the whole answer. I have not gotten the records yet, but I have already asked staff to pull what we have to see if there is any pattern to the problem. It may turn out that the problem is less with the line on Western Ave and more with the line it feeds into on Staniford. We will look at the entire system in that area and see if we can solve this. Please feel free to pass this on to any of the neighbors you are in contact with.”

My hope is that this terrible situation in your neighborhood can be corrected.

Make your neighborhood forum sizzle

Posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 by No comments yet

People ask why some FPF neighborhood forums are more vibrant than others.  Here’s one answer…

Greetings neighbors!  When my husband and I moved into the neighborhood in May last year, we immediately signed up for Front Porch Forum. Our previous neighborhood forum in South Burlington exhibited quite a bit of friendly action; everything ranging from seniors who needed help shoveling driveways, teens looking for babysitting jobs, discussions of speed bumps, homeschooling opportunities, and even couches for sale. I think the same opportunity exists for the River Cove forum and I would welcome more action on the forum.

So I recently signed up to be a volunteer. I would like to get more people signed up in the area, and will probably be delivering flyers to mailboxes soon. I will also be checking out posts on the volunteers forum (this transcends the bounds of the neighborhood and even the town) to share things that I think may interest our neighborhood, in a manner that is hopefully helpful without being burdensome on your email inbox.

I welcome any assistance and would love to hear from others, especially if you’d be interested in joining me to get the word out about how to sign up for Front Porch Forum.

Cheers for now!

Front Porch Forum Expands to Starksboro, VT

Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 by 23 comments

Thanks to the generousity of the Orton Family Foundation, Front Porch Forum is now available in Starksboro, VT!

Any and all Starksboro residents are encouraged to sign up for this free community-building service immediately.  I see that we have two dozens subscribers there already… I guess word got out before the “official” launch.

Finally, thanks to the warm welcome this evening from the Selectboard and Art and Soul folks.

UPDATE: Here’s Orton’s news release (April 13, 2009).  Already 20% of Starksboro subscribes to FPF!

Children stoning refugees spark community response

Posted on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 by No comments yet

I had to share a posting from Sarah Judd tonight on her FPF neighborhood forum in Burlington’s Old North End…

Please join us for the opening of the ONE Woman photography show this Friday, January 30th, at the Burlington College Community Gallery, 95 North Ave. in Burlington.  The Gallery will be open from 3-9 p.m., with a reception from 6-8 p.m.  If you can’t make the opening, you can see the show at the dates and times below, or by calling Burlington College at 862-9616 to make an appointment:

Friday, January 30, 3-9 p.m.
Saturday, January 31, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sunday, February 1, 10 a.m. -4 p.m.
Monday, February 2, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, February 3, 8:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Friday, February 6, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

The ONE Woman photography project is a display of 200 photographs taken by 170 women living, working and learning in the Old North End.  Project participants included women who have lived in the ONE for two months and women who have lived here all of their lives.  Our youngest participant was 10, and the oldest was 85. The project, I hope, is a document of women’s lives in the ONE, illustrating who our unique neighbors are and how we live, and shows connecting links between the diverse groups of women from many backgrounds living in the same community.

This project was inspired, in part, by a Front Porch Forum post by Bridget Burns, who witnessed a group of children throwing rocks at a Somali family last April [emphasis added]. I thought if I could show who we are living in the ONE, the things we all care about like our families, places we love, pets, streets, etc., this commonality and familiarity with each other would hopefully prevent things like the rock throwing incident from happening again.  We live in a great place, filled with great people, and I hope the show reflects this.  So thanks, for your post, Bridget.

I also got several participants for the project through a post on the FPF, so thanks FPF ONECentral and the ONE women who participated!

This makes my day (week, month!).  The posting that inspired this artist has haunted me for months.  This is the power of a tool like Front Porch Forum.  The problem was shared on FPF and much discussion ensued.  Out of that (and other sources of inspiration) came this art project.  The artist used FPF to pull her project together and bring in collaborators.  And, now, she’s using FPF to share word of it with hundreds of nearby neighbors.

UPDATE: Mike Ives filed a good piece about this show for Seven Days.  In part…

Judd’s inspiration came last April, when she read a post on the local listserv Front Porch Forum titled “Neighborhood Bigotry.” The post’s author, a twentysomething Old North End woman, reported seeing a group of boys throwing rocks at a family of Somali refugees. Judd, 42, a Connecticut native who grew up in a multiracial family, wondered if the incident would have occurred if the boys had known more about the immigrants they chose to terrorize.

Town Crier, Town Square, Town Expert

Posted on Monday, January 26, 2009 by No comments yet

I’m intrigued by Steve Yelvington’s post today about possible functions that a local newspaper can fulfill…