Front Porch Forum members are organizing gardeners to share their extra produce this summer with neighbors who are in need.
“If you have a veggie garden, and as you find yourself with more produce than you can use in the coming months, I’m hoping you might donate it. Local food pantries welcome produce from home gardeners. My plan is to harvest extra produce as I have it and take it to one of them. It doesn’t need to be a lot every fresh little bit helps. Just grow and give.” • Karen in East Montpelier
“We just put out a Little Free Greenhouse & Seed Library in front of our house. If you have extra veggie starts or seeds to exchange, please consider contributing them to the greenhouse and library for others to take. There will also be free wildflower bouquets for the taking from time to time. There are some lettuce starts in the greenhouse at the moment as well. Please take whatever you need and contribute what you can.” • Allegra in Burlington
Ready to start something similar in your town? Post on FPF!
Posted in: Community Building, Crisis Response, Front Porch Forum, Neighborhood
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more