Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

Random acts of kindness while shopping in VT

Posted on Monday, December 9, 2019 by No comments yet

The holiday spirit is year-round amongst our Front Porch Forum neighbors!

“Imagine my happy surprise when I came to the register to pay for lunch for my two kiddos and their two kiddo friends … and someone had already paid for it all!  It was so appreciated and so genuinely delightful, I have been smiling about it all day. Thank you, sweet neighbor — whoever you are! Not only did we get to enjoy those delicious bagels, but you also gave those four kids and me such a great opportunity to talk about kindness and generosity. It was a real gift-that-keeps-giving kind of scenario. I’m already scheming ways to pay it forward.” • Emily in Burlington

“To the woman who bought my groceries at Shaws that Tuesday night: You would not tell me your name. You made my month, literally. Thank you so much for your kindness.” • Lisette in Montpelier

To the person who put a sunflower on my bicycle outside Healthy Living Monday, My Thanks! You totally made my day when I came out from supper at the cafe! Tucked it in my brake cable on the frame & it made it home in good shape & now is in a tall thin vase by my computer screen! I love it! Thank you, thank you for that random act of kindness!!”  • Kathleen in South Burlington

Posted in: Front Porch Forum, Make It Your Own Awards

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