Front Porch Forum members routinely recognize the volunteers who give graciously in their communities.
“I managed to make a spectacular fall this past winter and ignored the pain until it was 2 AM on a very snowy night. Unable to get out of bed, I called 911 and within 10 minutes an ambulance with four young people backed down my 6” deep snow covered drive to my front door. Four young people put me on a stretcher and carried me to the waiting ambulance.
On the way to the hospital I discovered two of my attendants were high school students. This being a Tuesday night at 3 AM, I asked about school and was told they had classes the next day at 8 O’Clock and would be there. They did this routinely as volunteers, twice a month.
I think this is an overwhelming testament to the American, (Vermont?) teenager of today.. I don’t know how many volunteer rescue services have similar programs, but I certainly appreciate this one.” • Jack in Jericho