Yearly Archives: 2015

Estate sale re-homes cherished family items

Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 by No comments yet

Thanks to Front Porch Forum for helping us sell several items from my parents’ and grandparents’ estates. It feels good to find new homes for our cherished items. I have also met such lovely people through these efforts!

We have vowed to gift 10% of all selling profits to FPF since they are the main vehicle for safe and cordial communication. THANKS so much for all the work you do for our communities.

It is easy to donate… using this link:

• Linda, Hinesburg FPF

Realtor’s recommendation for homebuyers

Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 by No comments yet

“As a real estate agent, when I help folks buy a home, I always recommend signing up with Front Porch Forum. We are so fortunate to have FPF keeping us informed about what is going on… it’s such an easy way to connect with neighbors.  Please consider making a contribution, if you can, so that we can continue having this wonderful neighborhood service.”
• Sandy, Burlington FPF

Bears, lasers and shoggoths in Richmond

Posted on Thursday, October 8, 2015 by No comments yet

“As the Richmond town Weigher of Coal, I enthusiastically second the idea of everyone becoming a supporting member of Front Porch Forum (which you can do by clicking right here:

“Without Front Porch Forum, how would you have heard about the hungry bears going door to door in an unmarked Suburban ‘raising funds’? Or learned about the opportunities to clean Richmond streets with a giant, overpowered laser? Or heard about the shoggoth getting out? These are all things that in times gone by you’d only have heard about much later, *after* the fact, meaning that once again you’d have missed out on assembling at the town green with torches and rakes and other implements of destruction to go ‘protest’ at the Doctor’s castle. And no one wants to miss out on an opportunity to be part of an angry, frightened mob of villagers. Don’t let that happen to you! Support Front Porch Forum!

• Jay, Richmond FPF

Chicken thief strikes Berlin… bear, fox, dog… or human?

Posted on Monday, October 5, 2015 by 2 comments

“Friday night after lock-in a human broke into our back yard chicken coop. This person climbed over the fence, damaging it (dude – the gate was open) and removed the roof of the nesting boxes, placing it on top of the coop (animals can’t do that). Missing are a very friendly 5-6 month old NH Red hen and an older male guinea who is in the process of molting (so extra ugly at the moment). They are banded birds and had been free range during the day. If you have my birds, please consider returning them (anywhere on the property would do – you know where I live). If you wanted a fun pet, know that the guinea is NOT going to transition well to your home/coop, and you are about to severely regret your choice. He is bonded to another one of my birds and will not function well on his own (he barely knew how to function anyway). He is loud and poops more like a goose than a chicken (that’s not good). He’s terrified of anything new and has a monster of a voice. He doesn’t like most other birds. That said, we love our birds. We’d love to have them back. We know it’s a long shot but maybe someone will notice a new hen and guinea bird and let us know! Thanks, Front Porch Forum.”
• Anne, Berlin FPF

“After reading your post, I started to wonder if someone stole our chickens too. We were away for the weekend and when we returned 15 chickens were missing. If anyone wondered why we weren’t putting out fresh eggs this is why. We only had 19 chickens to begin with lately anyway. We did see 2 piles of feathers, but 15 missing chickens we would have thought to see more evidence if a fox were to blame. We did see some LARGE prints of some sort in our garden but that is fenced in. They were of the large dog or bear variety of animal. Unsure if humans were involved but will be obtaining a camera…”
• Sandy, Berlin FPF