Yearly Archives: 2014

$20 bill lost and found

Posted on Friday, April 25, 2014 by No comments yet

From Stacy on the Montpelier FPF…

A few days ago, I posted my concern about a wayward $20 bill I found on Liberty St. It seemed like a shot in the dark at the time, but would you believe, I found the owner?

Shortly after my post appeared, I received an email from a FPF member who lives near the corner of St. Paul Street and Liberty. (This is exactly where I found it, 5 days later, in a windstorm.) In her words: “I had it tucked into the console in my car, and as I was unloading kids and groceries, I remembered that there had been car break-ins in the area. So I thought, I better not leave money in the car — and from there I have no idea what happened. I thought I tucked it into one of my bags, but it never showed up. Looks like my own spaciness is more threatening than potential car-burglars!”

So the bill was lost …and then found…. all thanks to Front Porch Forum!

Fellow Jogger on Cochran Rd in Richmond, VT

Posted on Friday, April 11, 2014 by No comments yet

Shared by Peggy on the Richmond Front Porch Forum today…

Yesterday morning. 7am. Running east on Cochran Rd. About one and a half miles from the Round Church.Coming towards me a woman stops her car and rolls down the window. “There’s a moose running this way down the road. You might want to get out of the way. They can get nasty.” Where do I go? I cross the road and, sure enough, here it comes over the hill. No antlers, is it female? I decide to stand very still and avert my face. Do I look like a tree? But I don’t want to miss any of this so I slide my eyes to the left. The moose takes no notice of me. She is in a big hurry and there are two cars following her. She goes her way and I go mine. Thirty minutes later I return to town and crossing the bridge I see a moose swimming downstream. I think I know her. I stand at the rail and watch until she disappears.

Robots, kids, classes and FPF

Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2014 by No comments yet

Christine at Robots 4 Kids 2 just shared the good news about their recent round of classes…

“Our classes filled in 2 days so that’s fantastic. We will definitely advertise again with Front Porch Forum.”

If you’re interested in advertising your Vermont business across many FPFs, please contact with ample lead time… space does sell out.