#VT – A classic poster from Syracuse Cultural Workers…
#VT – Need a recommendation for a plumber? Best burrito in town? Slate roof repair? People turn to Front Porch Forum again and again in our coverage area. Now a new study offers some insight (below). People use FPF to get a recommendation from a neighbor, to read reviews in the archives, and to see the ads from our local sponsors. FPF is word-of-mouth accelerator for local businesses.
A new Street Fight poll finds that even with a slew of new locally targeted marketing platforms at local merchants’ disposal, word-of-mouth is still a primary driver of local consumer behavior.
The poll of 500 U.S. consumers found that 43% of consumers are most likely to shop or dine at a local business after a recommendation from a friend or colleague. 30% are primarily motivated by daily deals, 15% after seeing a locally or behaviorally targeted advertisement, and 12% after reading a positive review about the merchant online. The poll was conducted on behalf of Street Fight by third-party opinions platform Toluna QuickSurveys.
Are you more likely to shop at a local business after…
#BTV #VT – Kirk Carapezza aired a segment about Front Porch Forum today on VPR’s Morning Edition. Listen here. In part…
… “I think it’s a better world when we know our neighbors,” says Michael Wood-Lewis, the founder of Front Porch Forum. “I think that’s changed in the last couple generations.”
Wood-Lewis aims to get back to that tradition with a very contemporary tool. He’s the founder of Front Porch Forum – a sort-of digital bulletin board that brings people together in a particular town or neighborhood.
Wood-Lewis talks about his business with a certain passion. And at 46, he still carries the boyhood idealism that he carried years earlier, delivering newspapers in his hometown of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
“I had a paper route as a kid,” Wood-Lewis recalls. “I knew everybody up and down the street. We all went to the same school. It was a different kind of world. Now it’s hard to know your neighbors. And Front Porch Forum helps people connect in that way.”
Here’s how it works: only people who live in your neighborhood can read or post comments on Front Porch Forum. It’s free, and individuals use it to announce yard sales or declare a lost pet; to exchange political views or just share gossip.
Michael Wood-Lewis says in a small, rural town like Plainfield, one online forum is enough. But in a larger city like Burlington, he says “it would be a dozen or two dozen neighborhood forums.”…
Since Wood-Lewis and his wife founded Front Porch Forum six years ago it has spread quickly – to 80 towns and more than 40,000 households. So far, five cities and towns have agreed to pay for the service, including Vermont’s second largest town…
Back at the bakery in Burlington, Michael Wood-Lewis maintains that Front Porch Forum is one of the most effective ways town officials can communicate with Front Porch Forum and they say, “˜Oh, I don’t pay attention to local news, but I do care what happens up and down my street.'”
#BTV #VT – As I walk around our vibrant community knocking on doors and hearing what’s on your minds, the one piece of feedback I receive over and over again is how much people appreciate my communication on Front Porch Forum. This is, of course, very encouraging to hear on a personal level and something for which I am humbly grateful.
It is also a testament to the power of Front Porch Forum as a tool in making our democracy more direct. FPF allows those of us elected officials who are fortunate enough to have it at our fingertips a fast, effective way to reach those who want to be engaged – and even brings unsuspecting folks into the conversation who just thought they were getting recommendations for a roofer!
FPF supports me in my efforts to give you all the latest news from Montpelier and get your comments and concerns in real time, and so I am happy to support FPF. Please consider becoming a supporting member today.
– Kesha Ram, State Rep., Burlington
Thanks Kesha!
#VT – Our neighbor came over early this morning all upset. His friend had to undergo surgery and needed someone to watch his dog, and neighbor agreed. The dog is 15 years old, disinclined to wander, and neighbor found that when the dog wanted to go out it never went beyond the sidewalk so it was let out without a leash.
His friend finally came home from the hospital and desperately wanted to see his dog. Neighbor had just let the dog out, but when he went to retrieve it the dog was gone!
Neighbor described the dog to me, asked if I’d seen it, and part of his description was that the dog wore a sweater and had incredible halitosis, even for a dog.
Last night on FPF there were two mentions of a stray dog found downtown, and one of the postings mentioned that the dog had some nasty smelling breath. I put two and two together, gave neighbor the phone numbers listed on the FPF postings, and dog and recovering owner are now enjoying each other’s company. Good job FPF folks!
Shared by Ted on the Bristol Front Porch Forum today.
#VT #BTV – Wow! FPF supporting member comments are pouring in this month (read 2011 and 2010 comments too). Thanks to these Front Porch Forum All Stars!
Thank you for reminding us that no one is alone! What a gift your crew is to what makes a community! My check is on its way. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Roddy O’Neil Cleary, South BurlingtonSaw my friends all donated, got motivated and made a donation. If you use Paypal, it literally took about 30 seconds. Front Porch Forum is something I look forward to reading and would like to see it continue. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
-Katharine Montstream, BurlingtonJoin and contribute to Front Porch Forum! That’s how I got to meet President and Mrs. Obama when they visited Burlington. Front Porch Forum allowed me to help raise almost $20,000 for the Obama Campaign. These efforts did not go unnoticed by them and I was invited to meet both the POTUS and FLOTUS when they were in town! You never know! Become a supporting member of FPF today. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ed Adrian, Burlington
Many thanks to Michael Wood-Lewis and the FPF crew for all their work enabling the communication that supports democracy! My check is in the mail: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members– Suzi Wizowaty, State Rep., Burlington
Thank you Front Porch Forum for being the best referral service, pet finder, donation connection and all round great neighbor. I can’t imagine not having this valuable service! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members– Lisa Foley, Hinesburg
I love FPF and appreciate watching it grow! I’ve made some great contacts over plants, bikes, and ride sharing. If you want to show your support, why not send them a few $$ and encourage your neighbors to join? VPR did a great interview this week with the founder. Here’s the link to their fund raising efforts– http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members– Laurie Burnham, Hyde Park
We can’t sustain this Front Porch Forum provided neighborhood based communication on good feelings alone – follow me and renew your supporting membership at: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Fred Schmidt, Burlington
Procrastinating… Finally took a few minutes to send a donation to FPF. Hope you won’t put it off too long. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Karen Downey and Mike Egan, Burlington
Hello Neighbors, I am always so glad to see new postings from any and all of you on FPF. Whether I am learning about important Town meetings or information, being informed about a source for firewood, learning about wildlife sightings, being warned about dubious goings on in my neighborhood, or using FPF to let people know when the next Open Mic will be happening at the Library, Front Porch Forum is such a valuable resource for all of us. Please take a few minutes to support FPF, either online or through the mail. Our Community is so much stronger because we have Front Porch Forum to connect us all! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Larry Thomson, Richmond
FPF / A Gift That Keeps On Giving: Hi neighbors! I thoroughly enjoy Front Porch Forum. Through FPF, I’ve met new people, learned new things, been entertained, found new plants for my garden, and feel as though I’m part of a friendly, caring community. I decided recently to contribute to this wonderful community resource. You can find out more at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Betsy Almeter, Bristol
I sent my donation via snail mail to Front Porch Forum, P.O. Box 64781, Burlington, VT 05406. I really appreciate FPF for the alerts on crime, street sweeping parking bans, leaf pick-up, member recommendations on local business, etc. FPF is a great resource in which I find value so I chose to support it financially. Do the same if you also find value in the content, I am sure any amount is welcome. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Danielle Moon, Burlington
There is no denying that Front Porch Forum is a valuable asset to our community. If you are a reader and/or contributor, you know what I mean. I recognized FPF’s value by making a contribution. You can, too, at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members. Keep Front Porch Forum going strong for all of us.
– Mike Yantachka, State Rep., Charlotte
Thanks to everyone at Front Porch Forum for bringing neighborhoods together! It’s been such a simple, yet brilliant, way to get the word out to very specific areas. I have utilized FPF to tell folks about an upcoming event, trade & buy & sell all sorts of goodies, and find a lost cat (remember the 20-year-old cat that was stolen and dyed bright pink?! I got her back via FPF and she lived another year). Now it’s time to give something back so that FPF can sustain itself and continue to help out other neighborhoods. Michael and his team aren’t asking for much. Even a small donation, when matched with many others, can do a lot. And it’s easy. Please go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members and donate today. Thank you!
– Megan J. Humphrey, BurlingtonHi, I am going to install a pellet stove, and every product review I read is negative! Does anyone have a pellet stove that works well? Also, I just made a contribution to FPF, I think it’s a great asset in a community like ours. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
-Sue Freeburn, Cabot
I did it again… I hope you will too. Thanks to FPF we have a vital connected community. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Carol Shepherd, Burlington
As you’ve likely noticed, this is the time of year that FPF solicits member support. I know, if feels weird: They get money from advertising, so why should we also pay as users? Well, it just so happens that VPR is also in a fund-drive this week, and the parallels are obvious: they both are services in the public interest, they both solicit corporate support/advertising, they both solicit user support. They need these funds to grow their services and be more relevant. I value both. But what about the fact that donating to VPR is a tax-deduction, and donating to FPF is not? My guess is that the good folks over at FPF aren’t taking any more lavish vacations than the staff over at VPR. Everyone up here is working pretty hard to do their best work, and we as media/information consumers benefit greatly from both. Please consider supporting our local media outlets. Your contribution, no matter how modest, counts a lot. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Andrea Grayson, Charlotte
A Wonderful Community Resource – I hope that you find this FPF as valuable as I do, and will make a contribution, no matter how small, to keep it functioning and vibrant. I have recently done so. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Lawrence (Larry) Hamilton, Charlotte
Middlesex Land Maintenance Is Now A Supporting Member Of Our Neighborhood FPF
We appreciate all our neighbors and all the ways you support our business. Thank you
– Judy May, MiddlesexCommunity interaction can be more difficult for those of us in rural areas. I have watched the growth in postings since FPF came to North Hero. Whether informing us of upcoming events, exchanging goods, or seeking advice on local service providers, all the postings contribute to my sense of neighborhood, even when I am not in the islands. I encourage you to join me in contributing to FPF, particularly so that they can continue to provide and expand service to rural communities such as ours. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Jim Richards, North HeroJust want to encourage you to make a donation to keep FPF strong and vital. I know I count on these postings to keep me up to date on what’s going on in our neighborhood/community! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members– Mima Tipper, BurlingtonI too donated to FPF. It felt great to give back in exchange for all the great ways I’ve connected through this brilliant use of technology! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Wendy Bratt, CharlotteFPF is a valuable tool in our rural community. I supported them today…maybe you can too!
– Karen Sharpwolf, MoretownFPF is so much fun, useful, and such a good new way to get to know my neighbors and build the community in this new century of immediate gratification. Thank you all. Send money if you want. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sid Blum, MiddlesexI just donated as well – can’t image what we ever did before Front Porch Forum. What a great way to communicate with our neighbors. Thank you FPF. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Denise Wheeler, CalaisThat Was Easy! I just donated to FPF because I use FPF. They take Paypal, it was easy. At first I thought that I really couldn’t afford it. Then I realized that I was managing to afford dinner out tonight and if I skip dessert and coffee just this once, I can direct that amount to FPF. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Laurie O’Hanlon, ColchesterThank you for so many replies to my post seeking someone who could sharpen my pruners. Jim Cunningham was the first to reply and did a fabulous job sharpening my pruners yesterday. I’ll be out in my garden later today cutting back perennials much more efficiently than the pruning I did on Monday. FPF is an amazing service for our community — from easily finding someone to help to announcing community events to sharing our opinions on local, regional and national concerns, FPF keeps us connected in a way that wouldn’t happen otherwise. I hope all of us can find a way to support this terrific community service with a donation. Thank you FPF! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Lauren Waite, BristolFPF Love… As a community member and local business, I find FPF a huge asset to our community cohesion. I hope you consider investing as well at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Lisa Barnes, MoretownWe sponsored FPF again this year because it supports so many values we hold dear. Sharing “stuff” rather than everyone having their own, helping each other with questions or concerns, asking for help when we need it, and building community through shared experience. Think about what FPF means to you and consider giving your support. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Peggy Owen Sands, BurlingtonI find myself responding to inquiries saying “did you check Front Porch Forum?’ I have received advice on bugs and service for dryers.I have answered some requests. I feel as though I were speaking to a friend. I am happy to support it. You can too by going to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Mary C. Vecchione, WaterburyIn honor of all of you, I have just become a supporting member of FPF. I remembered the discussion of speed limits, following distances and bicycle courtesy. I realized that through FPF I have recycled a sewing machine, found someone to mow the lawn, joined a book club, discovered delicious pastry, had my fears calmed, kept track of innumerable animals, and felt more a part of the Huntington community than I had before joining FPF. Thanks, everyone. (And I encourage you to support FPF and VPR. A little bit from all of us keeps them going.) http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Carol Cherin, HuntingtonFront Porch Forum has become so integral to our lives over the past few years. I look forward to every edition and have learned so much about my community – more than from any other news or social media source. I subscribe through Paypal with a donation each month and encourage you to do the same. VPR is on the air right now asking us to support their organization and I think we should all support the FPF as well. Thank you FPF for being there and giving us an opportunity to communicate with our local community. Please support FPF today, and every month. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Marie Thomas, RichmondGive it up for FPF… With winter coming and neighbors cooped up inside, we don’t see one another so often. Thanks to FPF, we continue to stay connected in so many ways. Take a minute to recognize this valuable service with a few bucks! Go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Dave Reville, BurlingtonHi Everyone, I just wanted to encourage viewers to support Front Porch Forum, as I do. It has been a valuable resource for our rental business, my TOPS Chapter, the Eagles Club and our church. Also, I find out information that is not readily available anywhere else. I have sold items, bought items and attended venues that I never would have without this resource. So, times are tough, but even a small donation will be appreciated I am sure. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Melody Tobin, CambridgeFront Porch Forum is a genuine grassroots system for neighbor-to-neighbor communication. Helpful and effective in a variety of unexpected ways, it’s an incredibly valuable asset to the communities it serves. I’ve become a supporter, and encourage others to do that too. To keep this fine service going, contact FPF at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Susan Bettmann, MiddlesexWhat a great way to keep in touch with your community by becoming a member. For me, it’s an annual donation in memory of my Mom who spent a lifetime (1912-2010) of keeping in touch with others by writing letters, keeping a journal and working with both youth programs (Head Start) up to and including senior citizens (Vista volunteer and senior meals). In honor of her November birthday, I salute FPF for connecting people and urge others to join. Thanks, Michael. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Lucinda Hill, HuntingtonSo much information shared… and such a wide variety! Don’t take this wonderful network for granted! For just one example: as a private piano teacher I have not had to purchase advertising space in any local papers – just my occasional opening announcements on Front Porch plus posters around the area have brought me my students. And what I see of neighbors helping neighbors deal with mud season, find lost pets, connect for long-distance rides, etc, etc… gives me such a wonderful feeling about this community. Go to: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members Thanks!
– Anne Howland, MiddlesexIt was easy! Because we so appreciate the connection that Front Porch Forum gives us all in the ‘hood (as the kids say now!), we followed FPF’s suggestion and made a contribution to aid their good work. You, too, can be a Front Porch Forum supporter! Visit them at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members. No contribution is too large or too small!
– Pam and Bruce MacPherson, South BurlingtonHello Hinesburg Neighbors – I encourage you to support our Front Porch Forum, the locus of all kinds of wonderful news, debate, items for sale, and even humor! It’s one more among a large number of worthy causes! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Julie Burger Pierson, HinesburgMany of us regularly use and benefit from FPF in our neighborhood. FPF is conducting its annual membership drive now through Oct. 31. Please consider making a contribution so they can continue to be here to help us all! Here’s the link: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sally Howe, South BurlingtonDear Neighbors — I hope you will join me in supporting the Front Porch Forum. Your gift of any amount helps keep this great service going. Through the FPF I have met really nice people and helped the Williston Food Shelf while doing yoga, I gave fertilized chicken eggs to my neighbor and delighted when they actually hatched (with the help of their broody hen), I’ve recommended a chimney sweep and computer repair guys, I found a neighbor with a kiddie pool to spare for my new water-loving puppy. Priceless! Please consider making a gift at the link below… http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Addie Hall, WillistonDear neighbors – Please consider joining us in supporting Front Porch Forum. FPF’s annual drive will continue until October 31. To make an online donation, please visit http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members. We particularly appreciate the ability to connect with our neighbors–to share opportunities, issues, opinions. Front Porch Forum certainly makes Richmond stronger. Thanks for your consideration
– Ann and Barry Cousins, RichmondDear Neighbors, Because I value the helpful information and good news about our local community that comes to my inbox on a regular basis every week, I decided to become a supporting member of Front Porch Forum. I’m hoping you’ll consider joining me in this endeavor, and you can do that by going to this link: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members. Thank you, Michael Wood Lewis and your staff for all the good work you do in keeping us all connected.
– Linda Gross, South BurlingtonHi Neighbors – We nod our heads and give each other a polite greeting on the street but on FPF we actually communicate as a community. I am not one to place signs in my yard advising my neighbors who I am voting for but in this case I would like to put an electronic sign up and tell you that I am supporting FPF. I am very grateful for all the information that I receive from all of you throughout the year. My daughter is very happy with her new desk that I found through FPF and I found a great neighbor to connect with and we had a wonderful chat while they delivered the desk to our house and put it back together again in her room. I have been locking my car door and back door of the house every day because of the information that you have posted. I just used this link to support FPF financially: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members I hope that, if you are able you would consider helping out. I know we all get tons of requests for help through the mail every day. My mother keeps a running tally every day of how many requests she gets. By supporting FPF you will help out where you actually live and keep neighbors chatting over a virtual cup of coffee.
– Mieneke Mahe, BurlingtonAnd How Much Do You Spend For One Tank Of Gas? Please Support FPF. FPF to me has been the single most important email in my day. And it also has helped me to learn more about my neighbors, and be included in several events within the five sister neighborhood. Recently I found that there were at least 10 chicken coops within a block of my house, and thus I was easily able to obtain excellent photographs to submit to This Old House Magazine. There was no other way I could have found this information, scouted out the location, arranged to take final images, and submit them to the stock photo request in less than a week if I was not an active member of Five Sisters FPF. So I ask each and every member, to at least give the cost of one tank of gas, to help FPF stay active, and alive. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Carolyn Bates, BurlingtonDear neighbors – I just made my modest annual donation to FPF, and I feel good. Consider it. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Tom Streeter, BurlingtonForgo A Latte And A Cookie And Support FPF! Hi Neighbors, If you weren’t interested in your neighborhood, you probably wouldn’t be reading this Front Porch Forum email. But you ARE interested, so let’s all help in this endeavor by giving a donation to FPF. If enough people give even 5 bucks, we can help keep our neighborhood connected in a good way. Here’s how to do it: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Holly Godfrey, BurlingtonThis is a nice, useful service. They are having a “fund drive” and I donated all of $5. I don’t know how many other Cabot folks chipped in, but I imagine even $1 would be appreciated. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Amanda Legare, CabotWhat would I do without Front Porch Forum? I’d be spending my time missing all of you! Help keep us all in contact. Please donate. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– K.K. Wilder, BurlingtonIf you value this free community building service called Front Porch Forum, please consider contributing to their annual Supporting Member Campaign. Any amount is appreciated – $5 or $50! I encourage you to show your support for FPF if you, like me, appreciate these e-newsletters as a safe and effective space for sharing our community news, views and events. What would Colchester be without FPF?! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Suzie DeBrosse, ColchesterFPF Gives Us Support, Let Us Support FPF! How would we know about the break-ins, the missing pets, the wonderful members of our neighborhood without FPF? FPF has helped me find a reputable roofer and other local contractors and specialists, find new homes for loved and not-so-loved objects, borrow a book, learn about our community. Please consider making a contribution to FPF today. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– D. Macnow, BurlingtonHi Neighbor, Think of all the good things FPF provides: connections with others, advertizing of events and activities, warning of problems/construction etc, political information. I could go on and on. FPF provides an essential service and would not be here without our support. Please consider becoming a supporting member to keep this service vital. Just click on this link to add your support. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Linda Cooper, BurlingtonI really enjoy reading the news from people that live near me. i was happy to support Front Porch Forum and encourage you to do so as well. Thanks Linda for reminding us how valuable we find this website. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Paula Fives, South BurlingtonDon’t Just Sit On Your Front Porch – Become A Contributing Member! Front Porch Forum served us well in South Hero. Now we are part of South Burlington – different neighborhood but FPF is here, too. Thanks Michael for keeping our neighborhoods connected. We support you as contributing members and hope our neighbors will too! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Bill West and Daniel Wilds, South BurlingtonPlease consider a financial contribution to Front Porch Forum. No matter how small or how large, all contributions add up and are helpful. We rely on this service; we rely on the people who provide it to us. They need and deserve our support. I hope that you are able to pitch in. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Maida Townsend, South BurlingtonIf you use the Forum to let people know that you have lost your dog or cat, or have items for sale, or maybe you’re looking for an item, please consider being a supporting member of FPF. Or maybe you simply enjoy reading your neighbors posts. Making a donation will ensure that Starksboro’s FPF continues into the future, so we can keep up on what’s going on in our neighborhood. Please consider making a contribution – just go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Cheryl Esty, StarksboroHow did we get along without Front Porch Forum?! It is such a resource! And it helps build a sense of community when we can so easily “talk” with each other in this widespread town. As a member of the Community Center board, I know it is a VERY valuable help in getting the word out about events and activities at the Center. Personally I find FPF a wonderful source of all kinds of information. I am grateful that FPF exists. If you are too, please help support it financially. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Julia Blake, JerichoI support FPF with a financial contribution and I encourage my neighbors to do so also!
– Walter Judge, CharlotteFront Porch Forum is a prize-winning effort at reader-driven hyper-local journalism and has proven invaluable to Vermonters in communities all over the state for keeping one another apprised of challenges and opportunities in their communities. Please support this pioneering effort. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Bill Schubart, HinesburgNote to FPF members: I’ve found FPF useful in many respects…FPF makes up financial shortfall from members’ contributions…if you feel it has been useful to you, consider becoming a supporting member by making a contribution today (before Christmas expenses start to pile up)… http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Peter Velasquez, South HeroWe must all agree that we truly benefit from this community service. With that in mind it seems timely to keep this resource alive and well, so perhaps you might consider sending your contribution to: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members OR to FPF, PO Box 64781, Burlington,VT 05406-4781 Thank you.
– John Edgar King, North HeroWe have just contributed to Front Porch Forum for the first time and encourage you to make a contribution too. Clicking onto FPF to get neighborhood news has become automatic, and it would be challenging to get the same information with such consistency and ease. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Moira Mulligan and John Steele, BurlingtonI just made a monthly contribution to Front Porch Forum. And now I feel much better. If you too are feeling you delayed, there’s no time like the present. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members. I’ve gotten so used to this great communications tool I can’t imagine our neighborhood functioning without it. Thanks so much Valerie and Michael!
– Mary Sullivan, BurlingtonI supported them as well. A worthy cause 🙂 http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Pamela Block, JerichoI love what FPF has created here in our community. It means a lot to hear from my neighbors, being able to help those in need, or receiving help when requested. (Thanks all for the boxes & moving supplies!) http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Laura Frey, WaterburyI’m a sustaining member of FPF and I hope some of my neighbors will consider doing the same. Just a tad out of your bank account each month makes a world of difference to this great neighborhood service. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Betty Little-Royer, BurlingtonSince FPF is a great way to connect with neighbors, I made a contribution to sustain this format of conversation. I hope you see the value too. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ryan Mitofsky, BurlingtonI finally did what I’ve been planning to do for months and made a contribution to Front Porch Forum. It’s easy and it’s a small way to say thank you for this valuable community service. If you want to support FPF yourself, just go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Janet Ancel, CalaisAs I walk around our vibrant community knocking on doors and hearing what’s on your minds, the one piece of feedback I receive over and over again is how much people appreciate my communication on Front Porch Forum. This is, of course, very encouraging to hear on a personal level and something for which I am humbly grateful. It is also a testament to the power of Front Porch Forum as a tool in making our democracy more direct. FPF allows those of us elected officials who are fortunate enough to have it at our fingertips a fast, effective way to reach those who want to be engaged – and even brings unsuspecting folks into the conversation who just thought they were getting recommendations for a roofer! FPF supports me in my efforts to give you all the latest news from Montpelier and get your comments and concerns in real time, and so I am happy to support FPF. Please consider becoming a supporting member today: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Kesha Ram, State Rep., BurlingtonSun, moon and stars are all free. South Hero Front Porch Forum connects Islanders. Keep that light shining by making a contribution today. If you have a Pay Pal account, on-line donations are easy. “Snail Mail” works as well.” http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Barbara Werle, South HeroI am pleased to support this forum by contributing What a wonderful idea to keep communities connected: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Lell Forehand, CharlotteI’ve been reading FPF for awhile now, and finally took the few minutes it requires to contribute to it’s fine cause. The power of community and grassroots is becoming ever so much influential these days. FPF provides us the opportunity to connect with each other in this very satisfying way. Let us all be engaged in this dynamic forum! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Kristin Johnson, South Burlington
Hello Neighbors! I just donated to FPF and it feels great. Give it a try if you haven’t already. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Martha Seyler, Charlotte
I want to say that Front Porch Forum has been very helpful in getting news out to the community that is important to both residents and businesses. Johnson has gone through an evolution these last couple years that is wonderful as it was frustrating, at times. With FPF as the vehicle to seek information, as well as vent frustration, it has been a marvelous tool as I’m expecting it to continue to be in the future. I hope to see more people use this forum and that more folks subscribe to it: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members Peace…
– Albert Thompson, Johnson
I contributed to FPF. What a great resource for the community to help each other. Let’s keep it going. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ted Schultheis, Waterbury
I think about it this way: If FPF had to close down operations because it wasn’t self-sustaining, what would I lose? A whole lot, it turns out. First and foremost, a great sense of community, not to mention helpful tips and recommendations on neighborhood services and issues, weather and wind and high-water warnings and lost-and-found animal reports, information about upcoming events in the area, classes people are teaching, and so much more. As a business owner, I also love this opportunity to post about great events we’ve got planned; we always get at least some attendees whose source of info was Front Porch Forum. I love FPF and it’s one of the few recurring emails I get that I always read. Now, that’s worth supporting: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Elizabeth Bluemle, CharlotteFront Porch Forum has been a welcome support for both our new business and ourselves! It has helped with everything from sharing our weekly TNT!!! dinner special to finding an electrician. We appreciate Front Porch Forum and are now supporting members. It is easy to do – just head out to: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ellen and Jim Thompson, Grand Isle
Support Front Porch Forum today. I made my contribution today! Won’t you please consider a donation to support this wonderful neighborhood forum? It’s easy with Paypal! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Tracy Giroux, North Hero
We just donated to Front Porch Forum – invaluable asset to our community. join us!
– Linda & Martin Tierney, Burlington
I am encouraging all my neighbors to become supporting members of Front Porch Forum. This is my second year for doing so and I truly believe it is money well spent. And especially so for those of us in this area who no longer receive home deliveries of The Colchester Sun. The availability of the Front Porch Forum allows us to keep in touch with what is happening in our neighborhoods and that, in turn, allows us to help out any neighbors who are seeking advice. I personally have responded to a few such requests and it makes me feel good knowing that I am able to share helpful knowledge with others. And the ‘warnings’ regarding animals roaming around in search of food – as well as the human animals who rob and steal in order to support their unhealthy habits – I pay heed to it all in order to avoid being sorry later on. Yes – it was a happy day for me when my daughter introduced me to Front Porch Forum. If you feel the same way about your introduction to Front Porch Forum, please express your pleasure by becoming a supporting member. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
-Shirley Meier, ColchesterI just sent in a small check to help support this wonderful communication tool that we enjoy in our neighborhood. When I describe this innovation to friends in other parts of the country they are envious. They see it as one more practical, common-sense, good idea to originate in Vermont! But there are expenses involved in providing this service for us. If each of us kicks in just a little, we can ensure the future of the Front Porch Forum. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sarah Dopp, South Burlington
Friends, We are so fortunate to have an ingenious service like FPF. It connects neighbor to neighbor. It creates community, indispensable to a fuller life. Please make a contribution to FPF to the extent that you are able. It needs us to stay alive and is worthy of our support. Go to: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Roddy O’Neil Cleary, South Burlington
I sent a check to support Front Porch Forum as I enjoy the easy communication between our neighbors in Williston. We have a unique community and how easy to share bad and good things happening to our neighbors which we would not know otherwise as they are not great enough to make the news but important for us to hear about. I have been able to get services in a quick response also. Hope you will also support FPF. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
-Ginger Isham, Williston
We feel Front Porch Forum provides a great service to our community. To show our support we have just contributed towards their work, and hope you will also. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Chris & Howy Tepper, Alburgh
FPF has helped me learn more about the wonderful community in which I live in addition to alerting me to the many services our neighbors provide. With Sandy on the way, I especially appreciate the information provided to help keep us safe and know where to find help if needed. By supporting FPF I feel I am contributing to an essential community resource. I hope you’ll consider supporting FPF too at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Brenda Bankart, Calais
Once again, let me say FPF is a great asset to the community. I don’t know how much work it takes to make it happen, or how much it costs. But please don’t let this become like a VPR pledge drive. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sid Blum, Middlesex
Dear Neighbors – I cannot think of a more effective way of interacting with as many of you as possible than through Front Porch Forum, which is why I contributed to FPF yesterday to ensure that it grow strong and remain viable. What a great way to ask neighbors for recommendations about vendors and maintenance people, to announce a stray cat — or dog, to explain what is happening at City Hall, or to let folk know about an upcoming local concert. If you too recognize the usefulness of this tool and want to contribute to its success, go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members I invite you to join me and the others who see how useful Front Porch Forum is now and who anticipate how much more useful it can be in the future as more of us sign on and — what is equally important — support this network financially.
– Dana Engel, South Burlington
Dear Friends – Ralph and I love FPF and support it with our annual contribution for the good of the cause. We hope you do too – so we may all continue to benefit from getting the latest scoop on neighborhood issues. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Kathleen & Ralph Dodge, BurlingtonWe have made a contribution to Front Porch Forum to show our gratitude. Thank you for making our community more connected. FPF is a wonderful way for the town government to let “˜involved’ residents know what is going on. The posts frequently remind us (by a post from a town official) of a meeting or activity we had planned to attend. If you have found FPF entertaining and as informative as we have, please make a contribution to help keep this medium viable. Visit http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members to show your appreciation.
– Jim and “˜Sam’ Collins, Hinesburg
It Felt Great To Send A Check To FPF… I am grateful for this on-going communication connection with my neighbors.Thank You! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sally Burrell, Bristol
Hi Neighbors, We just want to encourage everyone to contribute whatever they can to help keep our Front Porch Forum up and running. FPF connects all of us in ways that are truly invaluable. We know FPF appreciates any level of a contribution – no matter how small. Together we can keep FPF strong and working for all of us. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sandy Wynne and Sean McKenzie, Burlington
We too are adding our name to those who support FPF as a valuable media source to share important news with neighbors. Please join us. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ted Riehle, South Burlington
Hi, I sent a contribution to FPF. Will you please join me in supporting FPF? Visit http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members, to show your support. Thank You.
– Audrey Debaise, Starksboro
Pizza Tonight, Or Pb&J And Another Year Of FPF? It was an easy choice! I won’t miss the pizza, but I would definitely miss FPF! Please make a donation today to ensure this terrific and unique neighborhood resource continues to thrive – I did!
– Susan Travis, Burlington
With so many request for donations at this time it’s hard to add another support to the list. Still, FPF offers a chance to communicate with each other, and that is worth a lot, especially as winter approaches. I hope we do our fair share to keep the Forum alive and funded. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Dick Diehl, Castleton/HubbardtonFront Porch Forum has become one of the essential ways in which Huntingtonians can communicate with each other. Anthropologists would say that communication is one of the essential ways in which we work out their destinies together in communities of homo sapiens. So be a sapient and go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members and contribute to an enterprise that helps us all be a bit more human with each other. May the sapience be with you!
– Knox Cummin, Huntington
I accidentally deleted an FPF message the other day. I realized two things with my disappointment: 1- I must really enjoy these messages and 2- I ought to do something to keep ’em coming. So, I donated and you can too, here: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members Keep on posting, Bristol!
– Jan Blanchard, Bristol
I recently decided that using FPF without paying was making me feel guilty. Not liking the feeling, I decided to contribute. I feel better now: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Stephen Johnson, Castleton
When we see the devastation not that far to the south of us we realize how important pulling together as a community is and Front Porch Forum is one of those organizations that helps us do just that. Please do what you can for both FPF and Sandy’s victims.
– Anne Hamilton, North Hero
I’m often slow to jump on the bandwagon, but did finally hop on and make a donation to keep FPF coming to our in boxes, and hope that you will consider doing so as well. Just follow this link. You won’t regret it. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Jonathan Trefry, Hinesburg
Front Porch Forum Is A Keeper: Ask yourself if you would miss Front Porch Forum if it were unable to keep going. Well? If the answer is yes, then contribute a few dollars or whatever you can to keep it going. People are using it as a way to quickly and effectively communicate the little and big matters that bring us closer together as a community. Please help if you can. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ellen Waldman, Morrisville
I’m happy to support Front Porch Forum in East Montpelier. Our town has worked to create a community feeling with the Signpost Newsletter, Rally Day, and Neighborhood Potlucks, but Front Porch Forum adds something special to these community efforts. It has been great for immediate discussion of community issues, for reminding people about community events, and for helping each other out finding needed items and giving assistance. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Barbara and Allen Ploof, East Montpelier
I’ve been a supporting member of FPF for quite a few months now and have told numerous people about it. It surprises me to hear they have never heard of FPF and most all have said they planned to join. I look forward to reading FPF every day and would like it to continue – please donate or become a supporting member: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Beverly Westcott, Burlington
No, it’s not about the fall harvest dinner this time–it’s about helping support FPF with a donation! It’s so easy to do and worth every cent. You remember those ski boots you sold? The snow tires you got rid of? The yard sale you had? The cat you lost (and probably never found?) Well, thanks to FPF, not only have we perhaps made some extra cash, but we are so much more connected to our neighbors. I am happy to support FPF with a financial donation, and hopefully you will also join me in supporting this amazing community network. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Liz Scharf, Middlesex
There is nothing to equal Front Porch Forum for keeping up with what is going on in our neighborhood! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ginger Hobbs, Burlington
FPF Is Worth It! Even a small donation will help to keep this neighborhood community sharing and talking with each other in this digital age. Do it! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Colleen Murphy, Burlington
I found 10 local chicken coops to photograph by sending out only one request on five sisters. There was NO way I could have done that on my own. And these were generally in within a 5 minute walk from my house. FPF to me is the very essence of my everyday life. I have gained so much from them. I am sending them another check. And I do so hope that all of you will join me. We really can’t do without FPF in our lives. I generally just drop off a check:
– Carolyn Bates, Burlington
Front Porch Forum has been an invaluable tool for Lamoille Housing Partnership by helping to acquaint our community with new affordable housing initiatives; services for low income, elderly and disabled residents; fundraisers and other important information. FPF also keeps us in touch with other organizations and keeps us informed of local events and the needs within our service area. We are proud to support them! Please join us: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Ashley Nease, Johnson
FPF is a valuable resource ““ I hope you think so too, and that you will make a contribution, no matter how small, to keep it functioning and vibrant. I have recently done so. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Linda Williamson, Charlotte
It’s easy to keep this going. Click here http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members and pitch in to keep us all connnected.
– Carol Hanley, Charlotte
FPF needs your help to continue their good work. Please take a moment to make a donation to support this terrific online forum. It is easy and fast. Imagine, if you lose a pet how many people you can reach to help you find your lost member of the family or, if you would like to sell something, what would it cost you to put an ad in the paper? FPF is easy, friendly, safe and very informative. Make a contribution now! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– G. Alpert, MiltonFront Porch Forum is right up there with NPR for our household. FPF keeps us connected to our local community which is so important as we live rurally. NPR keeps us informed with the world at large. If you feel the same about FPF as we do, pleas consider help to fund this service with a donation at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members. (As for NPR, they have their own successful pledge drives. So I don’t feel as compelled to ask for your support for them. 😉 Your front porch, back door, stone wall neighbors,
– Chris & Eben Widlund, CambridgeHello folks – I feel FPF is a valuable asset to our community and I donated today to support: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Linda Jackson, Middlesex
Do you find yourself looking forward to reading what is posted on FPF each day? Do you enjoy learning about what activities your community and neighbors are planning? Have you sold anything (without paying for a classified) through FPF? Have you used the forum to voice your opinion or participate in a discussion about local issues? Do you wonder how all this is possible without being subjected to relentless advertising? As a wise philosopher once said (I think it was a philosopher, maybe it was from a rock n’ roll song), “There ain’t no free.” Like Public TV and NPR, FPF can easily become something we take for granted. Contributions to something we believe in and look to as a way to maintain a sense of community is an act whose benefits, though appearingly intangible at times, can far outweigh other expenditures that we are willing to make for what we deem to be “necessities.” Making a small investment in FPF is a way to show we collectively believe in a service which we hear being referenced more and more each day. It’s almost become a part of the vernacular here in Huntington and I imagine other local communities as well. Please show your appreciation for FPF and your commitment to keeping it a constant in our town. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Don Sheldon, Huntington
We are one of the new supporters. Waterbury Front Porch Forum has been invaluable to us. In this cyber age the local news we read almost passes for what we used to get by sitting on our front porches talking with neighbors. In fact, I found Jeremy Ayers, a local potter and artist on the forum and he did a wonderful job repairing some broken pottery and china. Thank you FPF! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Janet Hewitt, Waterbury
I like to think that just about everyone in Johnson has used and benefitted by FPF. We (your selectboard) thought this was a perfect fit for us, and it seems that it is! We really ought to support this service in anyway we can; in recruiting more community members (the larger the group the more lively it will become) and by making even a modest financial contribution to the staff that makes it possible. I have made a commitment and hope you will too. It does, in fact, “Take a Village”… http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Howard Romero, Johnson
I have donated to FPF so that neighborhood information can continue to be posted here. Please join me by donating what you can at this address: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members Blessings on your day.
– Mary Lou Ashton, ColchesterSupport Our Community Support FPF http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members Give a little, get a lot.
-Debra Hazel, South Burlington
Having just made a donation to FPF to keep it going, I can tell you that it was an easy, semi-painless and guilt-erasing experience. Finally, a donation that isn’t to a political campaign! Just go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Frank Guillot, Burlington
Hi Neighbors, When the news is filled with stories of neighbor helping neighbor in the wake of the hurricane, it makes me feel lucky to live in a community like ours where I know if I needed help I would get it. Please consider a donation to FPF which increases our lifelines to each other. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Johanna Sheehey-Jones, Winooski
Support FPF… a small price to pay for a great way to connect with our neighbors! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sally Borden & Joe Arioli, South Burlington
I have happily sent in my donation to help keep this very informative and wonderful forum up and running. Normally I don’t just send money out, but I feel it’s well worth it here. I have used the forum to advertise events going on for the library fundraising I do and find it a real asset to the town. I look forward to every edition of Front Porch Forum. What a great way to get the word out on any subject or just to ask a question. Thank you FPF for being there!
– Emily Williams, Milton
Supporting Front Porch Forum is a no brainer! Some things just make life easier and the forum is one of them. A little bit from all of us makes a world of difference. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Christine Hadsel, Burlington
I never gave to Front Porch Forum. Why? Lazy, let someone else do it. And yet I think FPF makes a tremendous contribution to our community – it is the closest thing we have to a village in a city where people are often too busy to help others. FPF keeps us connected, for real! So as I was paying my bills last week I tricked my miserly self and wrote a check to FPF and mailed it. It felt good. If you do it you will feel good too. Try it.
– Barbara Zucker, Burlington
Remember when Richmond FPF members solved the case of the stolen credit card numbers? Their experiences as shared on FPF led local law enforcement to the source of the crime. That’s just one reason I supported FPF today. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Friederike Keating, Richmond
With Front Porch Forum, we found a true, caring neighbor that we can count on. A free service that is always there to listen and to share the experiences we value in our community – what a concept! Which is why we became supporting member of this wonderful organization. It doesn’t cost that much to show your support, but it means a lot to the community. Simply go to: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– NÅwa Randall & Delia Crosby, Shelburne
While I was out and about a couple of weeks ago on Loomis Street, I lost my keys…. was devastated… was going to cost me at least $250 to replace them. AND THEN… within a few hours someone posted on Front Porch Forum that they had been found. It was a wonderful thing and really made me think how valuable FPF is as a way to connect in so many ways across our neighborhood. Needless to say I gave a donation…. Please consider doing the same. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Alison Segar, BurlingtonThese last postings confirmed what we already knew: FPF is so valuable….and so pleasant!
1. The posting on Mental Health Housing on Rte. 15 gave more information than any other place
2. The heart-warming notice that a volunteer will be at the Rawson Library to read to kids, while the parent takes 15 minutes just to look around… I do remember how wonderful that little bit of “freedom” was!
– Sue Kusserow, Underhill
Hello Friends and Neighbors- We just contributed to Front Porch Forum! We have found that it is great to be helpful, and to be helped in return! Please join us- any contribution is welcome! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Merry Anderson and Craig Lawrence, PownalFront Porch Forum has the kind of local news and information that you just can’t get anywhere else. Please support your local FPF! Donate now – I did. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Nancy Brown, Williston
Hello: I have been a member of Front Porch Forum only a short time but see the great usefulness of the whole concept. I felt it was such a great endeavor that I became a supporting member this week. I am happy to tell you how to participate through a monetary contribution by just going to: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members or via snail-mail to: Front Porch Forum, P.O.Box 64781, Burlington, VT 05406-4781. Michael Wood-Lewis is the co-founder. If we want to keep this special forum of communication going in Bristol, please join me with contributing at your pleasure. Thanks.
– Sylvia Coffin, Bristol
I donated to FPF, it works for me, rentals, selling & buying. Also what’s going on in our town & villages. Lets all try to give if you use this. Any amount is great. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Nicole Whittemore, Johnson
Our community’s financial support to Front Porch Forum keeps this spirited and informational site alive. We just sent in a contribution. If you haven’t done so already, please think about making a contribution. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Polly and Dave Sobel, Richmond
I made a contribution to Front Porch Forum. I feel they have been a true asset to our community. I could not have done a new start-up business and had it flourish in so short a period of time without them. They have become a valuable communication tool which has made for a better informed community. Go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members No contribution is too small and its easy.
– Kevin C Whitcavitch, Jeffersonville
Hi neighbors, My recent discovery of FPF has resulted in the sale of several “still have life in them” items! In gratitude, I am going to donate 10% of past and future sales to FPF. Thanks so much for such a fun and civil site!! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Linda Hollingdale, Hinesburg
I just sent a donation to the FPF. It is always interesting to know what is happening in the neighborhood. Donating is easy, you can donate online or by mail. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Sheila McKay, Cambridge
Just sent a donation to Front Porch Forum. FPF is providing our Lakeside neighborhood a valuable way to stay in touch about issues that concern us all. For anyone else who wants to contribute, that link is: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members Happy holidays to all!
– Lisa Alther, Burlington
Hi neighbors: When 3 things happen around the same time that point me toward doing something, I usually decide it’s the right thing to do: Seeing my birth year show up as the FPF number, Thanksgiving season, and getting the opportunity to donate Hurricane Sandy relief supplies directly to Occupy Sandy in Brooklyn through a FPF posting. Time to express my gratitude for the FPF-inspired connections in my community! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Annie DAlton, Burlington
Dear Friends of FPF – $1000 seems within reach. I am sure Michael and his FPF team would be most appreciative to receive any and all donations. Every little bit helps! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Bill Keogh, Huntington
I just renewed my membership to Front Porch Forum. What a great thing for our community! Happy Holidays to all! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Marijke Niles, Starksboro
Donate the the Common Good – If this forum has value to the community, the community is wise to support it. Please donate. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Stephen Murphy, Woodbury
Howdy Neighbors, I just donated to FPF for the terrific service they provide of connecting us all. I started hearing about it a little over 5 years ago, when working with neighbors to organize, fund raise and get the word out to save a plot of land from development on our street and transform it into a neighborhood pocket park and community garden. It was and is a great community organizing tool, kitty tracker downer, bulletin board for classes of all types and loud speaker for community events and more. Many small donations make a difference, so give if you can! Took about 1 minute! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Maggie Standley, Burlington
So love this forum and all that it has to offer! While I wish my contribution could be bigger this year, I’m giving on the premise that if everyone gives even a little bit we can all help FPF meet their year-end goal. Thanks so much, Michael Wood-Lewis for all that you give and the community you created! Gratefully yours, Linda http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Linda E. Jones, Burlington
Michael & Front Porch Forum staff have provided a practical, easy to use, community building facility for all of us to use FREE OF CHARGE. Now is your turn to do more than say just THANK YOU. Donate today for one of the most useful tools of our daily lives. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Laura Brown, Burlington
We do love FPF. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Dennis and Susan Darrah, Middlesex
I have donated to FPF and request others to join me. Where else to better know what is going on in our neighborhood. I have used the forum to both buy and sell, and it sure is nice to see others viewpoints on things. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Lois Farnham, Burlington
Dear Neighbors – I sent my contribution to FPF as I am so grateful for all that they give us- that wonderful sense of community! While I wish it could’ve been more, my thought was that if everyone gave- even just a little bit- we could all help them reach their fiscal goal this year. And here’s the link! http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Linda E. Jones, BurlingtonI hope the neighborhood will join me and send a donation to the Front Porch Forum. Stay informed, do what you can. Happy Holidays. To become a supporting member: http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Jolene Tritt, Burlington
Front Porch Forum is there for all us day in and day out. It makes sense that we help provide the regular financial support needed to keep this wonderful community resource alive and well. Besides bringing us important community news and events, FPF helped my wife and I sell our Peru Street home in 2006 and has been a great way to get the news out about the newly forming Telecom Cooperative. Our annual donations are a mere token compared to the value that Michael Wood-Lewis and his gang do for us. Become a supporting member like us. To do this go to http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Don Schramm, Burlington
Toby The Dog Has Been Found! Toby was found safe and sound, thanks to a FPF reader! Yet another good reason to make a donation to FPF. 🙂
– Kate Mcdowell, Burlington
Grateful for Front Porch Forum. Recently I made a modest contribution to FPF and feel they will be grateful for other supporting gifts. My husband and I enjoy being in touch with our Island neighbors and knowing what’s for sale and what’s going on. We are also grateful for the opportunity in the spring to advertise the bluebird houses he makes. We challenge other neighbors to contribute…every donation, however small, counts. Thank you FPF. http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members
– Donna Leclair, Grand Isle
Hi Neighbors: In the interest of making us a more aware and connected community, I’m writing to encourage you to support Front Porch Forum if you haven’t already. It’s a way to know what’s going on in our neighborhood, get suggestions for things you need or projects you need done, and to let others know the skills you may want to share or advertise. There are Interesting and yes – even important – things to learn from having a neighborhood forum! Check it out… http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members and help support it with a “start of the year” contribution as I have done.
– Louise Stoll, Burlington
Hi Everybody – This is something really worthy to donate to if you are able, even if you think it’s too little. With communication often an issue, I think Front Porch Forum plays a part in furthering our democracy by getting out important community information and allowing posts in a safe environment. Information about donating can be found at http://frontporchforum.com/supporting-members I don’t donate a lot and just donated a little extra at the end of the year instead of buying someone a gift.
– Jane Hendley, Burlington
In a compelling essay in today’s New York Times, writer Michael Winerip shares an example of community among neighbors…
The other day I came home from work and there was a fruit basket waiting for me as a thank you from a mom and dad for helping their daughter with her college essay.
I was surprised. As far as I was concerned, no thank you was in order. While we’re not particularly close, we’ve done each other many small favors through the years. The father coached my sons in soccer and lacrosse, driving them to games when we couldn’t make it. My wife counseled the mother on a medical matter. We’ve chipped in together to buy food for friends when there was a death in a family.
These are the small things people do for each other that make a geographic locale into a community.
In this system of barter, writing is one of the few useful skills I have to offer.
I certainly wouldn’t have been able to dismantle the old, rusty basketball hoop in front of the house without Mike McCarthy and his set of adjustable wrenches; or cut up the spruce that fell down in a hurricane without Kevin Peers and his gas-powered chain saw; or get one of my beloved sons out of jail when he was arrested for under-age drinking without Thea Capone’s legal expertise.
Each of these favors felt huge to me. (You can’t imagine how huge, until you’ve stood before a judge who sounds as if he’s about to give your kid 30 years for violating the open container law.)
People feel I’m doing them a big kindness when I help with the essays. They come to me browbeaten and defeated. They ask if it really is true what the 19-year-old campus tour guide told them that most people have a first draft by eighth grade. They are convinced their child’s future depends on this. They have blown up the essay until it’s as big as the complete works of Leo Tolstoy.
So much worry for 250 to 500 words about something important that has happened to them.
It helps that I’ve been through the process with my four kids. And that I’ve been in the community 30 years and know many of the youngsters since they were little boys and girls. Often, I know the family dramas…
This is just the kind of thing that we see in Front Porch Forum. In fact, many report that FPF helps start and accelerate this kind of sharing among neighbors.
Interesting critique of Angie’s List on Screenwerk today from a plumber in Seattle. Angie’s List recently pushed into Vermont where tens of thousands of households use Front Porch Forum for a variety of purposes, including plumber recommendations.
I have years of experience with Angie’s List as a local plumber in Seattle. They have gotten money out of me and gave nothing in return except much trouble from customers that tend to be pretty passive aggressive. Angie’s List get paid on both ends ““ Any contractor listing you see is only visible to you if the contractor is paying Angie’s List through the nose. My cost for Angie’s List “hot leads” was $300 each. Testing Angie’s List cost me $7000 over two years. While paying such high costs for leads may work for a major construction project , it won’t work for a service call where we charge by the 1/4 hour.
Google clicks have gotten as high as $38 per click here in Seattle when the search term used is “plumber” or “plumbing”. On the average it takes 15 clicks to get a call. Do the math on the cost to the guy ringing your doorbell.
Angie’s List cost per job performed was 75% of my company’s average invoice total (about $400). My company does over a thousand jobs a year.
Any homeowner service using this advertising method is paying way too much to maintain any integrity in the service. This type of advertising creating an incredible amount of pressure to convert to a commission-based high profit business model for basic traditional services. If I pay Angies List hundreds of dollars just to ring your doorbell how can I treat you fairly when your plumbing problem requires an hours work? I can’t so I cancelled my advertising contract with Angies List.
Angie’s List uses a unique money making model that actually is a kind of pyramid scheme. They put all the local harvested contractors into their listings but you only will call highly rated ones. In order to be highly rated you must pay Angie Thousands of dollars a year for position in order to be seen AND time in grade is required to accumulate favorable reviews. Only a dozen or so can be in that position. The homeowner only calls the ones at the top so all new advertisers must invest thousands on continuing annual contracts to play the game on Angie’s List…
In my opinion, it is time for both local business and consumers to get control over how we find our services and customers as the marketers are hijacking the business to consumer relationship and forcing costs so high that nobody can bear the costs.
Question: Why should we need out-of-state corporations to connect homeowners to services down the street? Surely there is a simple, inexpensive way for us to know our neighbors and small businesses. We all need to put a little thought and effort in that direction.
#VT – Hinesburg resident John Eastman just completed an electrical project for us and did an excellent job! I found his name in the archives of our Front Porch Forum.
He was affordable, always showed up on time, handled my many questions with patience and the end result is exactly what we had in mind.
If you are looking for an electrician, I highly recommend him.
Posted by Brigitte today on the Hinesburg FPF.
#BTV #VT – We’re working hard to improve and expand Front Porch Forum in 2012-13 and we need your help to make it all happen. Please become a supporting member today and help us reach our annual goal of raising $40,000 by October 31! Contribute here:
Every year, members like you help fuel FPF so that we can continue to help neighbors connect and build community. More than 40,000 Vermont households have joined and shared hundreds of thousands of postings with their neighbors through FPF!
Whether it’s group yard sales, car break-ins, sharing perennials, flood recovery efforts, election debates, block parties, plumber recommendations, lost dogs, town notices, or other topics, our small band of committed staff work day and night to keep this all going.
If you enjoy and value Front Porch Forum, please become a supporting member today at:
Your contribution is critical to keeping FPF going strong — and will be enormously appreciated. We look forward to serving you and your neighbors in the coming year.
Your FPF team,
Michael, Nina, Linda, Lynn, Gisele, Suzie, and Jan
P.S. We also accept checks, payable to…
Front Porch Forum
PO Box 64781
Burlington, VT 05406-4781
FPF is not a charity and contributions are not tax deductible. Ad sales to Vermont businesses cover part of our expenses, and your annual supporting-member contributions help close the gap.
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more