The Case Foundation announced the final tallies for its Make It Your Own Awards today. We’re delighted that Front Porch Forum finished sixth out of almost 5,000 entrants, earning a grant of $10,000. A remarkable 25% of the 15,000 voters cast a ballot for Front Porch Forum. We’re especially proud of our showing given our small population base (projects in major metro-areas claimed the top five spots).
In describing their program, the Case Foundation writes today…
Contrary to research that showed a decline in civic health and increasing social isolation, we saw that people want to connect with their neighbors, identify shared concerns, make their own decisions, and shape their own course of action.
Thanks to the 3,870 people who voted for us and to the Case Foundation for its support of Front Porch Forum!
Ghost of Midnight is an online journal about fostering community within neighborhoods, with a special focus on Front Porch Forum (FPF). My wife, Valerie, and I founded FPF in 2006... read more