Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

National Neighborhood Day Sept. 16

Posted on Wednesday, September 5, 2007 by No comments yet

Did you know that September 16, 2007 is National Neighborhood Day? I had an interesting discussion with the founder of this effort the other day, Lorne Adrain.

National Neighborhood Day inspires, builds, and sustains the neighborhood relationships that provide the foundation for civic action and the building of stronger, more caring and effective communities.

National Neighborhood Day was established as an annual day to recognize and reinforce the relationships that are the fabric of our communities. It is a day of simple gatherings of neighbors to re-kindle friendships; welcome new neighbors; catch up on each others’ families, interests and needs; and share food, fellowship and fun.

The ties that unite a neighborhood help us better tackle and enjoy the myriad of challenges and opportunities we face. The simple goal of National Neighborhood Day is to bring neighbors together and to help enhance neighborhood connections. Neighbors knowing neighbors improves neighborhood connections; connected neighborhoods lead to more effective communities; effective communities strengthen our nation as a whole. This ripple effect from our own neighborhoods to the larger world outside is what Neighborhood Day promotes.

So do something to celebrate and enhance your neighborhood on September 16.  If you live in our service area, use Front Porch Forum to organize things.

Posted in: Community Building, Front Porch Forum, Neighborhood

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