Ghost of Midnight

… about neighbors, community and Front Porch Forum

American Machine – The Play

Posted on Wednesday, September 5, 2007 by 2 comments

Jim Lantz, of Burlington’s South End, had a hit last year with his original play The Bus. Now he and his crew are hard at work preparing for the opening of his new play, American Machine (FlynnSpace in Burlington, VT, September 25 – October 7, 2007)…

Part parable on the American dream, part cautionary tale taken from the headlines, American Machine tells the story of a great factory that once made parts for classic American cars.

This local original production will rely heavily on word of mouth and any member of Front Porch Forum has an opportunity to help spread the word. First, write a short post on your own neighborhood forum announcing the play. Then, after you see it, post a brief review. While American Machine is advertising on Front Porch Forum, any posting from a neighbor will likely carry more weight with readers. Here’s how Jim put it…

One of Burlington’s great gems is Front Porch Forum, an on-line neighborhood forum created by Michael Wood-Lewis. If you live in Chittenden County, chances are you live in one of the 130 forums that neighbors use for all sorts of communication – finding a lost cat, recommending a plumber, to… letting people know about a new play!

One way you can help our production (and the Burlington Schools Food Project) is to place a free notice on your local FPF telling neighbors about our play and the opening night benefit for the Burlington Schools Food Project. Be sure to include our web address:

Not a member of your neighborhood Front Porch Forum? Go to, take a tour, and join. … It’s free!

I’m looking forward to it! Get your tickets today.

Posted in: Burlington, Citizen Journalism, Front Porch Forum, Local Online, Local Reviews, Peer Reviews, Small Business Advertising, Social Media


  1. […] night is a benefit for the Burlington Schools Food Project). And FPF founder Michael Wood-Lewis touts the play on his blog, called Ghost of Midnight, where Lantz reciprocates with a rave about Front Porch […]

  2. […] One last idea for locals… post a message about American Machine on your FPF neighborhood forum… help spread the word and build local community!  Here are some details. […]

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