Posted on Monday, January 9, 2012 by
Michael •
#BTV #VT – Enter the 12 Words for 2012 FPF Raffle and win a $100 prize! Enter before noon Jan. 12… just submit a posting to your FPF that contains EXACTLY 12 words and you’ll be in the running for one of these great prizes…
I’ll post some of the entries here later… see submissions from past years here. Happy posting!
UPDATE: Here are the lucky winners!
$100 Gift Certificate to Outdoor Gear Exchange
Stephen Handley, Bristol FPF
• To work I can not go. Head to Sugarbush – they make snow.
$100 Lake Champlain Chocolates Gift Basket
Diane Fuchs, Essex Junction FPF
• Forget the 2012 diet resolution– volunteer more hours in your community instead!
12 Pints of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream for Each of 5 Winners
Elga Gemst, Moretown FPF
• 2011: Swimming in kitchen with refrigerator. 2012: Lying on beach with book.
Jo McKay, Jay FPF
• My baby is eating solid foods. Now we need a high chair.
Jen Quavelin, Burlington FPF
• I’m thankful to live in a town where lively public discussions flourish.
Charlotte Comar, Pownal FPF
• No fishermen on Barber’s Pond – Ice too thin… ‘fraid to fall in.
John Craig, Jeffersonville FPF
• With the light always on, Community breaths through the Porch of Vermont.
Wow… we’ve got more than 1,800 entries… read more below!
- Sweat lodge on Decatur, neighbors welcome, nudity required, toasty buns heck yeah!
- Forget the 2012 diet resolution– volunteer more hours in your community instead!
- How to turn a dishwasher into a snowblower? Give her a shovel.
- Spaces between your fingers were created so that another’s could fill them!
- Nasty snow storm coming our way, seat belts on, cell phones away.
- Vermont Strong – Hope for those still struggling from Irene – Peace to All
- Occupy Burlington is still alive and well! Visit for more info!
- Gadzooks! My mother voted for Gingrich! Why not Huntsman as Obama’s veep?
- You’re a Vermonter if your car trunk doubles as extra freezer space.
- Tomorrow is my Birthday, so I yell “Hooray, I’m almost ten today!”
- Front Porch Forum here to stay put your check in mail today.
- Scanty snow and deep freezes; kill the deer ticks under the leaveses.
- Read Front Porch Forum every day. Hear about local happenings right away!
- Bed and breakfasts? Places to stay? Seeking rooms for the wedding day.
- My baby is eating solid foods. Now we need a high chair.
- Excellent Sony KV24FS120 TV, too large for me, is yours for free.
- Books, movies, magazines, and free wireless Internet all at your local library.
- Oh what fun it is to read Front Porch Forum today, hey!
- Run for local office. Pick up petitions at your local town office
- I have promises to keep; And miles to go before I sleep
- Is there fluoride in our town water? Who can tell me please?
- I spent my childhood praying to have children and they are amazing!
- Twelve words does it take for a twelve word entry to make.
- Brrrr, chilly outside; please keep all pets warm … bring them INSIDE!
- No fishermen on Barber’s Pond – Ice too thin… “˜fraid to fall in.
- find, sell, give, ask, inform; vent, warn, live, your Front Porch Forum
- Words are elusive. Twelve to play the Front Porch game? Embrace Brevity!
- Wanted to borrow: An infrared camera to do my own energy audit.
- Best bumper sticker: ” I am from Vermont, I do what I want!”
- Our rat, Pepper, has died. Free fish tank for your small critter.
- Currently looking for an occasional babysitter for our thirteen month old son.
- Fabulous babysitter, evenings or weekends. EHS sophomore, great with kids. References available.
- Mint repels mice. Store towel soaked in mint oil in glove compartment.
- Several free bunnies looking for a home. Call or email if interested.
- Looking for cheap used mandolin, an instrument to learn on, nothing fancy!
- I’m thankful to live in a town where lively public discussions flourish.
- I love black turkeys on white snow beside a mint green stream.
- two bassets want pals to chase, one dachshund wants to play ball
- Wishes for a peaceful and healthy 2012 to all of my neighbors!
- To work I cannot go. Head to Sugarbush – they make snow.
- This 12 word contest sure is attracting a lot of interesting entries.
- With the light always on, Community breaths through the Porch of Vermont.
- Front Porch Forum My news of the Neighborhood. Well done. Thank you.
- Let’s promise to be kind to one another in the New Year.
- Littered trash beware, South Burlington residents care. You will be evicted, deposed.
- I am seeking help with snow removal; seeking snow first, removal second.
- Used mind for sale; fair condition; sometimes wanders randomly; best reasonable offer.
- I wanted the pygmy goats but I need new goat shed first!
- Get fit by joining snap fitness gym it is local and awesome.
- Twelve words is not enough to say what I want to say.
- My tires don’t inspire buyers. Should price be higher? Plight is dire.
- Conquering dark solitude. We dance grinning, hand in hand, enjoying the band
- Snowshoe! Sled! Skate! Ski! But how? Winter, O Winter, where art thou?
- In our house, a happy quorum: Read/Post/Love “Front Porch Forum”.
- Moving is fun ooowhee! Come one, come all, to see what’s free!
- Finally reached my diet goal. With my luck, I’ll win the chocolates.
- Broadband… please; Teacher contract renewed; Lost animals found; MORE SNOW! Community United.
- Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently!
- Never look down on someone else unless you are helping them up!
- Twelve words that’s it. To challenge our wit. Really a tight fit.
- When it snows, our lawn looks just as nice as the neighbor’s.
- My kids are ice cream and LCC crazy; I must post this.
- Wanted: Random Acts of Kindness. Offer a helping hand to your neighbor.
- The Wolf Full Moon hiding in Middlesex behind the low hazy clouds.
- We have been car free since Labor Day! It’s great. Thanks, CarShare!
- I miss the Alchemist. I love Cork. Looking forward to Prohibition Pig.
- Broken straps, Replaced free. Tubbs snowshoes, Lifetime guarantee. Deep snow, same deal?
- Wanted: atmospheric water vapor frozen into crystals and falling in white flakes
- Town roads. To pave, or not to pave: that is the question.
- Seen today at intersection of Common Way and Greenbush: three legged fox!
- Even if you fall on your face, you are still moving forward.
- Angel Dog is not a family movie. Do not rent for kids.
- This is my first post! I work for Girl Scouts. Wanna volunteer?
- Wanted: atmospheric water vapor frozen into crystals and falling in white flakes.
- Hey all Bristol folks, remember to shop local, close to our homes.
- The snowy owl made it to Vermont, maybe there will be twelve?
- That’s how it is with Fred; people like to eat his bread.
- The sleeping cats hug the heat vents dreaming about the summer sun.
- A little peace on Earth, and big piece of pie for dessert.
- Sometimes I wonder: what would I Do if I couldn’t eat cheese?
Posted in: Burlington, Civic Engagement, Community Building, e-Vermont, Front Porch Forum, Local Online, Neighborhood, Raffle, Social Media, Updates and Admin, Vermont
[…] Three cheers for the tens of thousands FPF members in Vermont… and here’s to vibrant neighborhoods in 2012! […]
Black birds cloud the sky flying low and fast in Middletown air.
I love living in Poultney,Wish my children could live here also.
[…] – Last month Front Porch Forum gave away 60 pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to lucky raffle winners. Today, one of them posted to her Pownal neighbors… You may be interested in the fun I had […]