Posted on Monday, April 23, 2007 by
Michael •
The great community-building that thousands of local Front Porch Forum (FPF) subscribers are undertaking in our pilot area draws praise. Recent recognition and awards include:
- Columbia Journalism Review featured FPF, March 2011.
- U.S. News & World Report featured FPF in its “giving back” issue, Nov. 2010.
- The Case Foundation awarded FPF a MIYO booster grant, Nov. 2010.
- Next American City featured FPF in Open Cities: New Media’s Role in Shaping Urban Policy, Nov. 2010.
- Cringley’s (NOT in Silicon Valley) Startup Tour selected FPF as one of it winners, July 2010.
- The Knight Foundation selected Front Porch Forum as one of its dozen 2010 Knight News Challenge award winners from a field of 2,400, June 2010.
- Best-selling author Bill McKibben featured FPF in his new book, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet (excerpt here), April 2010.
- NTIA granted federal stimulus funds to FPF for expansion to 24 towns as part of e-Vermont, April 2010.
- USDA featured FPF at Northeast Rural Summit, April 2010.
- Vermont Legislature honored FPF with HCR235, March 2010.
- Bill McKibben wrote feature article about FPF for Yankee Magazine, March-April 2010.
- Burlington Free Press named FPF co-founder one of five “Vermonters who know how to get things done” for the first decade of the 21st century, Dec. 2009.
- Burlington’s East Village Cohousing Award for National Neighborhood Day presented to FPF, Sept. 2009.
- Common Sense California wrote a feature story about FPF and civic engagement and Personal Democracy Forum published it, June 2009.
- Vermont Leadership Institute and Leadership Champlain both featured FPF in training local business leaders about civic engagement, May 2009.
- Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility: Featured FPF at conference as tool to help small businesses weather recession, May 2009.
- John S. and James L. Knight Foundation: Named FPF in top 3% of thousands of global “news challenge” projects, April 2009.
- Echoing Green: Named FPF in top 10% of 1,000 U.S. “social entrepreneur” projects, April 2009.
- Rural Telecom Congress: National RTC Champion Award and People’s Choice Innovation Award, Oct. 2008.
- Rural TeleCon 2008: Featured FPF at conference, Oct. 2008.
- Action Coalition for Media Education: Featured FPF at Growing Up Digital: Kids, Commercialism & New Media Culture, Sept. 2008
- PBS MediaShift: Named FPF one of three national “great experiments around local news,” Sept. 2008.
- Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy: Featured FPF at inaugural meeting, June 2008.
- American Press Institute: Featured FPF in Leading the Weekly and Community Newsroom: Connecting Neighborhoods Online, June 2008.
- Snelling Center for Government: Featured FPF as case study at Fulfilling Vermont’s e-State Potential: Building Community in a “Connected Age,” May 2008.
- Case Foundation: Placed FPF sixth out of nearly 5,000 entrants for the Make It Your Own Awards, aimed at promoting participatory democracy, 2008.
- Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility: Featured FPF at conference, May 2008.
- Featured FPF at “Connecting Neighbors, Strengthening Neighborhoods Online” event, May 2008
- Orton Family Foundation and PlaceMatters: National Innovator in Place Award, 2007.
- CommunityMatters07: Featured FPF at conference, Oct. 2007.
- National Night Out: Annual neighborhood watch Community Appreciation Award from South Burlington, VT, Aug. 2007.
- Orton Scenarios E-Journal: Featured website, Summer 2007.
- Personal Democracy Forum: Featured FPF as a local democracy tool, May 2007.
- City of Burlington: Annual Neighborhood Leadership Award, March 2007 and April 2001.
- Preservation Burlington: Ray O’Connor Community Improvement Award, March 2007.
- Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society and Sunlight Foundation: Featured FPF as local online innovation at conference, Jan. 2007.
- Cottage Living Magazine: FPF flagship named a “top ten” neighborhood in the United States, 2006.
- Wall Street Journal, Morning Edition (1, 2), PBS (1, 2, 3, 4), PodTech, etc.: National and local media coverage continues.
- Subscribers’ praise rolls in.
- Lots and lots of success stories from the neighborhood forums.