Category Archives: Vermont

Pear Predation near Plainfield

Posted on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 by No comments yet

What a fine neighborhood we live in, and what a fine, smart service is this new way of combining and circulating information that Front Porch Forum has become.

I put out a query on Sunday about the astonishing disappearance, overnight, I think, of the considerable remainder of the finest pear crop ever on our oldest tree. I dismissed the idea of a human taker because of the obscure location of the tree, and the considerable height of it, 25 feet, I would guess, from which every last pear had been taken, top to bottom. The responses came in quickly, 8 or so, with suggestions & hypotheses: crows took them, or raccoons, turkeys, woodchucks, moose, hunters wanting to bait deer, and maybe a Drone.

The crow theorists had the most decisive evidence: they had themselves seen crows ransacking pear trees, dramatically.

So as far as our family is concerned, the crows have it… and had them, the pears.

“Crows” and “thieves” are words joined in my mind. I try to push that identification away. The idea of “thief” is an altogether human artifact. Crows do genuinely what comes naturally to them. They’re natural opportunists.

And they were here first, besides. We planted our pear trees on their ancestral land.

We shouldn’t plant our epithets on them, as well; although I do.

• Jules, Marshfield-Plainfield FPF

Vermont contractors use FPF to find good customers

Posted on Sunday, October 2, 2016 by No comments yet

“Thanks to everyone who suggested roofers for the project I listed last week. I met several roofers, got bids that were all competitive and decided to go with Clayton Flye who many of you FPF members mentioned. He had a brief gap in his schedule and jumped right on the project, finishing the job this afternoon. I couldn’t be more satisfied with the work. I let him know I would be adding my name to a growing number of Front Porch Forum‘s satisfied customers.”
• Tina, East Montpelier FPF

Click here for details about putting FPF to work for your business or nonprofit.

Making connections for small businesses

Posted on Saturday, October 1, 2016 by No comments yet

“Thanks to everyone who replied with names of people who do brush hogging! I am all set now. Brush hoggers – if you don’t get a call from me, you might get calls from a couple other folks who asked me to forward the responses to them as they’re looking for brush hogging services as well!”
• Amy, Waterbury Front Porch Forum

Mother-in-law’s irreplaceable photos returned in Malletts Bay

Posted on Friday, September 30, 2016 by No comments yet

“My mother-in-law set her camera down on the second bench over from the swing in the Bayside park in Malletts Bay around 11:00am Wednesday. She is here for the week and we would love to get that camera back for her! It’s full of family pictures that are not replaceable or printed out! If you have any information saw it or picked it up please let me know!”
• Colby, Colchester Front Porch Forum

“We got the lost camera back today! Thank you Derek for all of your help! She couldn’t be more thrilled to have those memories returned! Thank you thank you thank you!”
• Colby, Colchester FPF, next day

Amazed by Charlotte neighbors’ generosity

Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2016 by No comments yet

“As others have posted, I am amazed at the many responses to my request posted on our Front Porch Forum. So many wonderful people responded to my request to use a pick-up truck — and many stating ‘no charge, just helping a neighbor’ or simply ‘please pay it forward.’ I love this spirit of helping and cooperating with one another. We are so happy that we moved to Vermont two years ago. Thank you all — and you know who you are.”
• Lisa, Charlotte FPF