Category Archives: Vermont

Sharing flowers with lonely Jericho neighbors during holidays

Posted on Monday, December 19, 2016 by No comments yet

“My husband and I like to drive around the neighborhood on Christmas and deliver our leftover flowers to people who may be alone or lonely on the holiday. We would like our neighbors to please help us by giving us names and addresses of people who would appreciate a little pick-me-up. Please do not post them on the Forum for safety reasons. You can contact me at Victory Gardens. Thank you.”
• Linda, Jericho Front Porch Forum

FPF angels bring plumbing and weatherization help to senior Morrisville brother and sister

Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2016 by No comments yet

“I am trying to help out a brother and sister in their 70’s who live together in poverty in Morrisville. Their hot water heater just broke and they have no money to get another one. Does anyone happen to be replacing theirs or have one around that still works? I wanted to try to help them out. Thanks!”
• Lyndall, Stowe FPF, Day 1

“Great news – found a hot water heater… And am getting it installed with the financial help of a couple of anonymous angels from Stowe. My friends are thrilled – even though their pipes are now frozen! Great response to my plea! Thanks everyone who answered my post. That’s the way it is done in Vermont!”
• Lyndall, Stowe FPF, Day 2

“I got more help today from a Front Porch Forum member, and it turns out it was needed. The house needs insulation work before the heater goes in. County Plumbing and Heating went there today, unfroze the pipes, trouble shot the problem areas and brought over an entire bale of insulation! They only charged me about 1/2 price, but were there for 3 hours. So now I have a bigger project than I thought. I am going to also try to work with the state fuel assistance/weatherization program as well. The family already gets fuel assistance, but no one has helped them with the weatherization part, which is key. So, I have FPF angels to thank for the insulation work, the heater, and the installation work to come! Crossing my fingers. And my friends are amazed that their plea has been answered!”
• Lyndall, Stowe FPF, Day 3

Underhill neighbors bring lost pooch back home

Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2016 by No comments yet

“Thank you to Front Porch Forum for connecting us with the person who found our dog before the posting even came out! We are so relieved to have her back home, and we really appreciate FPF and all the neighbors who emailed us to make sure we saw that someone had found her. She is home safe and happy; thank you everyone!”
• Rachel, Underhill FPF

“Huge gratitude for helping my dog” in Westford

Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2016 by No comments yet

“Words can not express how grateful I am to Newt and all the other people who helped keep my little dog safe on Tuesday, when she was terrified from ice falling off the house and managed not only to get out but also to run a mile down to RT 15! She is my best friend and I am just so thankful she was alright. Newt drove her all the way to Jericho Cafe and Tavern where I work to ensure her comfort. This act of compassion for my little white dog restores my faith in humanity and confirms how incredibly great our neighbors and communities are. Thank you all!!!!!”
• Suzanne, Westford Front Porch Forum

Free microcell in rural Vermont

Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2016 by No comments yet

“Thanks to all who chimed in with advice and offers of fairly priced, used AT&T Microcells . My co-worker picked one up for free from his FPF post in Hardwick… And we’re pursing the “Supplied for free from AT&T” options many of you wrote to share! Isn’t Front Porch Forum great? Thanks again.”
• Mary, Morrisville FPF

Holiday invitation in Underhill

Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2016 by No comments yet

“The holidays are difficult for some. Our family is very blessed, and we traditionally share Christmas Eve dinner with those who will be alone. A simple time to share a meal and our friendship. If you are alone, and would like to join us, you would be most welcome. Please email me for details.”
• Margo, Underhill Front Porch Forum

Capturing the essence of the season in Richmond

Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2016 by No comments yet

“I am helping to support a 23 year old mom and her 1 year old son this Christmas. In addition to a few new items, I am trying to round out their wardrobes with some gently used items. Mom is looking for clothes to help her find work and has requested black pants, size 0. (A size I don’t think I ever wore!) Does anyone out there have any in good condition they’d like to pass on? Also casual business tops, size small. A slightly dressy coat? The baby wears 18 months clothes and could use both indoor and outdoor wear, socks, hat, boots, a few books. These items will be delivered at the end of this coming week. Thanks.”
• Kristen, Richmond Front Porch Forum

“Thank you to all the people who provided gently used clothes to help the young family in need of support this season. Both mom and baby now have some nice outfits, and thanks to a generous gift card donation, they will be able to choose other fun and helpful items. There was also help from Miscellany Mart and even a possible job suggestion.

“Another nice element of my original post, is that I was contacted by someone wanting to sponsor a family on their own. They will now be providing clothes and toys for two young girls whose lives have recently been disrupted.

“It truly takes a village, and that village is Richmond.”
• Kristen, Richmond FPF a few days later

More kindness in Barre

Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 by No comments yet

“It’s so nice to know that Vermont has such caring wonderful people. I was in Rite Aid one day and couldn’t find enough money to pay for my pictures. A nice fellow behind me said not to worry — he would pay for them — and he did. I didn’t know him. The clerk told me the same thing happened to her in Duncan Donuts! I think it must have been good Samaritan week. I just thank the nice guy who paid for them. Bless you!”
• Joyce, Barre Town Front Porch Forum