Category Archives: Vermont

Montpelier grocery clerk’s Christmas Eve kindness

Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2016 by No comments yet

“On Christmas Eve, my friend dropped her cell phone at Shaw’s shortly before they closed early for the holiday. A young man, who is a Shaw’s employee, found it and hung around in the empty parking lot until she could retrieve it. He waited for a bit for her to arrive. She didn’t get his name… and he refused any tip. Kudos to this young man for his kindness to a stranger. He made it possible for my friend (who heavily relies on her cell phone) to have a Merry Christmas.”
• Joanne, Montpelier FPF

Good deeds in your neighborhood?  Share on your Front Porch Forum.

Burton jacket missing from Nectars… stolen or honest mistake?

Posted on Friday, December 23, 2016 by No comments yet

“My green Burton jacket was taken from Dead Set at Nectars last night. I’m sure it was an innocent mistake but if anyone found it please please please let me know! My only Saab key was in it and I will not be able to drive to my family’s house for Christmas without it.”
• Kelsey, Old North End neighborhood Front Porch Forum in Burlington

“The person who accidentally took my jacket saw my FPF posting and will be returning it to Nectars! Best case scenario; I am so grateful. Thank you to everyone who reached out with tips and advice! Special shoutout to Rain at Parallel Justice for Victims of Crime. He contacted me and was super helpful in exploring possible solutions. Thanks to this lovely community, it looks like I’ll be making it home for Christmas! And yes, I will be getting a spare copy of my key immediately.”
• Kelsey, Old North End FPF, next day

“Special thank you to our ‘Forum Family'” from Morrisville retailer

Posted on Friday, December 23, 2016 by No comments yet

“Can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the visits to my wife’s little gift-shop as she goes thru all the emotions of closing her place after 15 wonderful years. It’s been a rough time for her. All your visits, purchases and words of encouragement have helped more than you can ever know. Still 2 more days left. Friday and Saturday (behind the Village Victorian B&B on Union Street, Morrisville). Plenty of great gifts at incredible prices. Stop by. Say hi to ellen and wish her the best in her next great adventure. Thank you.”
• Philip, Morrisville Front Porch Forum

Can’t see to find lost eyeglasses? Ask neighbors for help

Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2016 by No comments yet

“Hoping to find prescription eyeglasses that may have been dropped on Dorset Street bike path south of Swift Street on Sunday afternoon.”
• Mary Anne, Southeast Quadrant FPF in South Burlington

“Eyeglass returned!  Front Porch Forum and a wonderful neighbor to the rescue!! Thank you.”
• Mary Anne, Southeast Quadrant FPF, next day

Seeking apple picker pole in Plainfield

Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2016 by No comments yet

“Dear community: Thank you so much for your generosity. Three people immediately responded to my last post about a bike stand, and were so incredibly generous… thank you! Since Front Porch Forum seems to work so well, I am now looking for an apple picker (one of those funny metal baskets on a long extendable pole for reaching the tall apples). If you have one you no longer need, I would be happy to take it off your hands, buy it, or trade you for an apple pie next fall. Thanks so much.”
• Hannah, Marshfield Plainfield FPF

Real-life Grinch steals lighted Christmas tree in Waterbury

Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2016 by No comments yet

“We had a small, artificial tree that we put in our front yard each year as part of our Christmas lighting. Someone (had to be a Grinch) stole it and the 300 lights and nearly ruined the extension cord hitched to it. I hope it was someone who couldn’t afford it and just wanted some trim for their kids to enjoy. My fear is that the fact may be way different. Anyway, it is gone and I just wanted people to know that their outdoor trim may not be all that secure. We are ready for unforeseen possibilities.”
• Gloria, Waterbury Front Porch Forum

Shelburne foosball secret

Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2016 by No comments yet

“Just a quick note to thank Front Porch Forum for providing a great way for neighbors to connect. We were looking for a foosball table, someone responded through FPF, they were glad to have a family with younger kids have it, and our kids will be thrilled (but they don’t know yet — shhhh). We’ll be happy to pass along the table through FPF when our kids outgrow it. Thanks to both FPF and our generous neighbor.”
• Liz, Shelburne FPF

Saved from ice pirouette in Bristol

Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2016 by No comments yet

“I would like to thank the very nice man who saved me from a fall on the ice outside the Lawrence Memorial Library yesterday (Monday). I was doing a nice pirouette on invisible ice which would have ended in a nasty fall, and this person caught my hand and saved me from disaster. I hope that he is subscribed to Front Porch Forum!”
• Louise, Bristol FPF