Category Archives: Vermont

Lost Golden Retriever and Chocolate Lab back home

Posted on Sunday, February 19, 2017 by No comments yet

“Great news: Lost Golden Retriever has returned home safe and sound!! Thank you to our wonderful friends and neighbors on Front Porch Forum for all of your help and support!!”
• Dana & Susan, Johnson FPF

“Our sweet Chocolate Lab, Ellie, is home again! Very grateful for social media and for our wonderful neighbors in Jericho.”
• Sarah, Stephen, Calvin & Violet, Jericho FPF

Many in Monkton respond with plumber recommendations

Posted on Sunday, February 19, 2017 by No comments yet

“Sending out a thank you to all in the community who responded to my request for a plumber recommendation. We have a wonderful resource here in Front Porch Forum. Thank you, everyone!”
• Kristen, Monkton FPF

Camry slides off Wes White Hill… neighbors to the rescue

Posted on Friday, February 17, 2017 by No comments yet

“Today at about 4:45 pm my car slid off of Wes White Hill. Within 5 minutes two neighbors had pulled over including a really nice guy with a plow truck. The second neighbor who arrived in a silver SUV, moved his car up front to alert oncoming traffic, and both of them were a huge help. I really appreciate living in Huntington because of how awesome this community is. Thanks so much for the help!”
• Dave, Huntington Front Porch Forum

Montpelier community reunites lost goat painting with owner

Posted on Thursday, February 9, 2017 by No comments yet

 “I painted a canvas for my aunt’s birthday and lost it today. It was on the roof of my mother’s car and has my initials on it (KAL 01/17). It is a gift and only the second time I’ve ever painted. If anyone finds it I would be super appreciative!”

Almost a week later, a FPF member posts:
“Found Painting on Ground Near Bike Path – Yours? With initials KAL.

“The painting has been located! THANK YOU Front Porch Forum! I am so glad we have this community!”  – Christine, Montpelier FPF

Lose something of value? Your neighbors are ready to help. Just ask!

Washington county youth receive housing help from FPF neighbors

Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 by No comments yet

“Thank you to the many individuals who have given free items to furnish apartments for youth who otherwise would not have housing. From bureaus, DVD players, a love seat, movies, a lamp, a kitchen table, many many Shaw’s stamps for cookware for all of our apartments, etc. Thank you from the Transitional Living Program at the Washington County Youth Service Bureau!!”
Christina, Montpelier Front Porch Forum

Starting out on your own for the first time or know someone who is? Ask FPF neighbors for help!