Category Archives: Vermont

Kids today… Waterbury young folks not afraid of a little hard work

Posted on Thursday, March 2, 2017 by No comments yet

“To all, I found help moving the boxes. To those who responded, thank you very much. I can’t believe the number of offers!!! Apparently, there are still many folks, especially the young and healthy, who are willing to help out a neighbor, do a bit of manual labor and make a few bucks. This is very refreshing as ‘we’ often hear that the ‘kids’ just want to play with their electronics and not work as most of us ‘Baby Boomers’ did in our youth. Kudos to all of the young folks who responded and especially their parents who have taught them that a little hard work is good for them.”
• Thomas, Waterbury Front Porch Forum

FPF Hires, Achievements and Promotions: Sales Team Dedicated and Moving Forward!

Posted on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 by No comments yet

As Front Porch Forum celebrates 10 years helping neighbors connect and build community, our team has grown and evolved. FPF serves every community in Vermont, and 130,000 members participate out of the 260,000 households that exist in the state. Our staff has grown and evolved to better serve our members and business community. Take a look at our dynamic sales team.

New Additions
Jodi Harrington is an 8th generation Manchester, Vermont gal and 5th generation graduate from Burr and Burton Academy. Previous owner/editor of the Winooski Eagle newspaper and marketing director for both Onion River Co-op and Opportunities Credit Union, Jodi’s small business marketing skills are a great advantage to businesses utilizing FPF. She’s a strong activist in her communities having served on both the Winooski School Board and City Council. She loves the mountains and can be often found on the slopes (she is a level 3 PSIA ski instructor who has taught at Bromley, Smuggs, Whiteface, Bolton, Stowe and Burke).

Wendy Wilson brings her 20 years of experience in marketing, public education and communications to Front Porch Forum. She’s been actively involved in the fabric of Vermont through past work with Chittenden Solid Waste District, Vermont Commons School and Energy Action Network. In addition to her role at Front Porch Forum, Wendy also works part-time for VBSR. She has two teenage daughters and lives in Bristol where she enjoys cycling, traveling, cooking, reading and walking her dog Stella.

Celebrating Five Years
Suzie McCoy has helped local businesses connect with FPF members since 2012. She’s seen FPF membership double in that time, and has a genuine enthusiasm for the important role that FPF plays in our communities. Fluent in French, Suzie earned a master’s degree in education, and has taught at the high school and college levels. She’s an active volunteer and cofounded the Vermont nonprofit Action Coalition for Media Education, and currently serves as school board vice chair. Mom to her 12-year old son, you can find her pursuing a number of outdoor activities year round.

Congratulations to Gisele Nelson, who after six years with FPF has been promoted to Sales Team Manager. Gisele started her tenure with FPF as an intern while she was a student at UVM. Her skills were quickly put to work as she took on a role in both Member Support and as an Online Content Manager. She built a strong rapport with many local businesses while in these roles which led her into the sales realm at FPF. Gisele’s strength in balancing her work and understanding of needs from both members and local businesses, combined with her strong inter-office communication skills, led her into this newly developed role at FPF.

Front Porch Forum celebrates 10 years helping neighbors connect and build community. Using technology to bring neighbors closer together, members of a local forum submit their own messages, which FPF distributes to nearby residents as an online newsletter. Because the service is moderated and real names accompany postings, the discussions remain civil, engaging, and relevant. FPF is popular, because it works. Ask any of our sales team staff how they can help put your business in the forefront of neighborhood conversations with our active, engaged membership.

“Too Set in My Ways to Love the Instant Pot”

Posted on Sunday, February 26, 2017 by No comments yet

“The raving of friends about the wonders of pressure cookers intrigued me. The NY Times pushed me over the edge.

“I bought the Instant Pot.

“But I’m too old, I guess. I like to watch my food cooking. And I actually don’t mind if it takes three hours.

“So, I’m offering up an almost-new Instant Pot, used 4 times. It comes with the accessories, manuals, and I’ll throw in three cookbooks, purchased to make me an Instant Pot pro.

“Fifty bucks takes the lot.”

• Deborah, Tunbridge Chelsea Front Porch Forum

South Albany horse wanders from home

Posted on Friday, February 24, 2017 by No comments yet

“Found in South Albany on Hartwell Pond Rd… a young riding horse with halter. Call Stephanie and describe halter color.”
• Stephanie, Craftsbury FPF

“Young horse found his owner the same day! So glad for Front Porch Forum!!”
• Stephanie, Craftsbury FPF

Missing Cocker Spaniel in Stowe… Found

Posted on Friday, February 24, 2017 by No comments yet

“Our dog went missing a couple of hours ago. She is a black cocker spaniel, about 30lbs and is named Game. She wears a red collar and an invisible fence collar (battery must have run out); our number may be written on her collar (lost her tag a few weeks ago). She is very friendly and has a lot of energy. We live on Sinclair Drive in the Stowe club highlands so I would think she would be in that area. If anyone happens to see her or has her at their house please call. Thanks so much.”
• Joya, Stowe Front Porch Forum

“We found our dog so quickly thanks to this wonderful, tight-knit community that we live in. Thank you to everyone for your tips and concern 🙂
• Joya, Stowe Front Porch Forum, next day

Gifford Thrift in Randolph burglarized

Posted on Friday, February 24, 2017 by 1 comment

“Gifford Thrift was burglarized last night. They didn’t get much $$ but the miscreants were up in the attic – anyone see lights on the second story Wednesday night? Any info, please call the shop or the Randolph police – thank you!”
• Elizabeth, Randolph Front Porch Forum, yesterday

Hearts of ice in Milton? UPDATED

Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 by No comments yet

“I wasn’t sure where to go with this, so I thought I would bring it to our Front Porch Forum. Around 7:30am this morning, my 87-year-old mother fell on the ice while walking out to get her newspaper. I was saddened and disheartened when she later informed me that as she was laying in her bathrobe at the end of her driveway on Ellison Street unable to get up and she watched five cars drive by her. I was then angry and disgusted when I found out that her neighbor, a lovely older woman, saw her, and came out to help and tried waving down three cars for help… and all drove past… My mother’s in the ICU tonight, but she’s in good spirits and I’m sure that she’ll be alright. I feel worse for those poor lost souls who drove by. Shame on you.”
• Janet, Milton FPF, yesterday

“I am very sorry to hear about your mother and her ordeal. I’m glad that her neighbor was able to get her assistance. I think this should be a lesson to us all to slow down and not be so preoccupied in our own worlds… I, for one, have had my eyes opened by your FPF posting and will try to be more vigilant. I pray your mother continues on the road to recovery.”
• Vickie, Milton FPF, today

“I am so sorry to hear this. I sincerely hope that this is not representative of Milton residents, of which I am one. Healing wishes to your mother.”
• James, Milton FPF, today

“Wow – that is SO awful!    I’m so very sorry your Mom and her neighbor had to go through that!   You’re right – shame on them!   I hope your Mom is soon out of the hospital!”
• Diane, Milton FPF, today

When people ask “do we really need a service like Front Porch Forum?” I’ll point them to this story and I’ll respond “Yes, we do!”  Each community in Vermont needs more efforts to increase connection between neighbors and build community so that this kind of thing won’t happen again.


“Quick update regarding my mother who fell on the ice… Five people drove by her, but more then double that amount responded to my post and sent thoughts and well wishes. These messages meant so much to her. Thank you. She left the ICU last night and hopes to discharge any day. My mom usually goes for a walk around Milton every morning and every afternoon… Feel free to wave and say hello. She’s feeling so much better about our community. Thank you for that.”
• Janet, Milton FPF