Category Archives: Social Networking

Woodstock Front Porch Forum a hit

Posted on Saturday, May 30, 2015 by No comments yet

“Last week I posted 3 items on FPF and sold two of the three within a couple of days to very nice neighbors who I had not previously met…  FPF truly simulates a ‘neighborhood’ as other venues do not.”
• Diana, Woodstock Front Porch Forum

Monkey the Cat back home thanks to caring neighbors

Posted on Saturday, May 30, 2015 by No comments yet

“Monkey’s five-day adventure brought her all the way from Birchcliff Parkway to Locust Terrace. She has a gash on her ear but otherwise seems to be in good health. With the help of Front Porch Forum and our caring neighbors, she is home now and we couldn’t be happier.”
• Liron, Birchcliff neighborhood FPF

Threatening IRS phone scam reported in Essex Junction, Vermont

Posted on Thursday, May 21, 2015 by No comments yet

Recent discussion on Front Porch Forum in Essex Junction…

“Received today a voice mail ,supposedly , from the Crime Investigation Unit of the IRS threatening vague immediate action unless I or my lawyer called them back immediately. I didn’t fall for it. Wrote down phone # from CID & call back #. Wondered if anyone else has received this call. Don’t know who to report this to. Essex PD or State Atty. General? Any ideas?”
• Robert

“Yes, we received a similar call with the person claiming they were from the Treasury Dept (didn’t say IRS specifically). And we’d be in “big trouble” if we didn’t take it seriously and the cops will come to our house shortly (at which we had a good laugh).”
• Eve

“This is a pretty far reaching scam. My parents in Michigan received the same call a couple of months ago. Good job managing the panic reflex. My mom had already given them her SSN before her “something’s not right here” radar went off. Thanks for sharing on the Forum. The more people that hear about it – the less likely their chances of victimizing someone.”
• Jessica

“Yes, other people have been receiving these IRS phone calls. The State Attorney has had warnings in the news alot lately.”
• Robin

Vancouver-ite’s take on Burlington

Posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 by No comments yet

In a posting selling four used snow tires on the Far North End FPF, Jay shared yesterday…

I would also like to take this opportunity to say how wonderful Front Porch Forum and Vermont are. My family and I moved here from Vancouver British Columbia last summer. We moved here for work and was told about FPF by our landlord. Unfortunately, work isn’t working out for us and we have to move back to Vancouver in the coming months. We have mixed feelings about moving home. Vermont and in particular Burlington is a wonderful place with a fantastic sense of community. We are going to miss that dearly. My wife and I, despite living in a large city for a number of years, both come from smaller towns. We did a lot of research when deciding to move and thought Burlington was similar to what we wanted in a city. We weren’t disappointed.

Our only regret is not posting to FPF sooner. We have read it every day since we have been in VT and discussed how wonderful and unique VT is. There is a pride and sense of community like few other places we have been. We wanted to thank you for a wonderful experience.

Calais Community Root Cellar

Posted on Sunday, May 17, 2015 by No comments yet

“As you may remember from previous Front Porch Forum posts, the Calais Vermontivate team won first place in the community division. This means we earned $1,000 toward our mission of building a community root cellar. We will soon be working on the design for a root cellar in the basement of the Maple Corner Community Center. We don’t know yet how big it will be, but, it would help to know — who will want space here to store your roots? Send me an email to let me know if you want to participate.”
• Ginny, Calais FPF

Bristol delivers for family in need

Posted on Sunday, May 17, 2015 by No comments yet

Dani shared with her neighbors on her Bristol FPF the other day…

My daughter has recently lost the use of her legs due to a neurological disorder and we are in need of a wheelchair with the larger wheels so she can push herself as well as a shower chair. Does anyone have one or both that you are looking to get rid of or that we could borrow while we jump through the hoops of insurance red tape? Email or call me.

And she followed up the very next day with…

Thank you!!!!! Thank you to everyone who contacted me …my daughter is all set now! Amazing response from Front Porch Forum!