Category Archives: Social Networking

Neighbors on the look out… 14-year-old Persian finds her own way home

Posted on Sunday, October 25, 2015 by No comments yet

“Our 14-year-old gray persian cat, Kit, made her way back to us at 4:00 AM this morning. She’s in remarkably good health. Thank you all for your words of wisdom and kindness. Special thanks to Lindsey who reads FPF… she saw a gray cat on her porch and called us. Also to our friends and neighbors Marilyn, Wendy, Jeanne, and Tom. Even people we don’t know, Bonnie and Ann… we thank you all for caring!  ONE GREAT EXPERIENCE WITH FPF!”
• Wendy, Colchester neighborhood Front Porch Forum

Like Angie’s List, only better… in Morrisville

Posted on Sunday, October 25, 2015 by No comments yet

“I’ve donated to FPF as I’ve found my ‘lawn guy,’ and someone to clean my chimney and repair my washing machine! I also gave away stuff that I no longer needed. It’s like Angie’s List, only better… and LOCAL! So I encourage everyone who uses FPF to donate if you are able – it is a great resource.”
• Debbie, Morrisville Front Porch Forum

Neighborly suggestions from Underhill

Posted on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 by No comments yet

Anyone reading this knows what an important role FPF plays in offering a effective means for staying in touch with residents of the town and area.  As a reminder of its value, allow me to suggest that if you haven’t given yet you consider giving:

• 10% or $20 (whichever is less) of the next sale you make or of the next amount you pay for that special item you couldn’t find anywhere else;

• if you recover a lost pet, an amount that reflects how important that pet is to you;

• if you advertise your services with a post instead of an ad and your post is successful, think about giving a small percentage of the receipts from your first job;

• or, if you just enjoy seeing the FPF e-mail each day, give what you can afford to help keep it coming.

My only affiliation with FPF is as a grateful user.

• Peter, Underhill Front Porch Forum

One key step for launching a small business in VT…

Posted on Friday, October 16, 2015 by No comments yet

“When I started my business, Front Porch Forum was there to get my name out, and connect me with clients. I want to give a huge thank-you to all of those who work so hard to make FPF a daily success. Please consider giving a donation to keep this invaluable service running! Thank you, FPF. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
• Tanya, North Hero FPF,

Estate sale re-homes cherished family items

Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 by No comments yet

Thanks to Front Porch Forum for helping us sell several items from my parents’ and grandparents’ estates. It feels good to find new homes for our cherished items. I have also met such lovely people through these efforts!

We have vowed to gift 10% of all selling profits to FPF since they are the main vehicle for safe and cordial communication. THANKS so much for all the work you do for our communities.

It is easy to donate… using this link:

• Linda, Hinesburg FPF

Realtor’s recommendation for homebuyers

Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 by No comments yet

“As a real estate agent, when I help folks buy a home, I always recommend signing up with Front Porch Forum. We are so fortunate to have FPF keeping us informed about what is going on… it’s such an easy way to connect with neighbors.  Please consider making a contribution, if you can, so that we can continue having this wonderful neighborhood service.”
• Sandy, Burlington FPF

Bears, lasers and shoggoths in Richmond

Posted on Thursday, October 8, 2015 by No comments yet

“As the Richmond town Weigher of Coal, I enthusiastically second the idea of everyone becoming a supporting member of Front Porch Forum (which you can do by clicking right here:

“Without Front Porch Forum, how would you have heard about the hungry bears going door to door in an unmarked Suburban ‘raising funds’? Or learned about the opportunities to clean Richmond streets with a giant, overpowered laser? Or heard about the shoggoth getting out? These are all things that in times gone by you’d only have heard about much later, *after* the fact, meaning that once again you’d have missed out on assembling at the town green with torches and rakes and other implements of destruction to go ‘protest’ at the Doctor’s castle. And no one wants to miss out on an opportunity to be part of an angry, frightened mob of villagers. Don’t let that happen to you! Support Front Porch Forum!

• Jay, Richmond FPF