Category Archives: Social Networking

Bigfoot sighting reported in Morrisville

Posted on Monday, November 16, 2015 by 2 comments

“I saw Bigfoot up on the Silver Ridge Road and had the chance to see him eating. It looks like Bigfoot is strictly a vegetarian which is good news for the two cows on the loose up around that way.”
• Peter, Morrisville Front Porch Forum

Vermonters listen to neighbors’ business recommendations

Posted on Monday, November 16, 2015 by No comments yet

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 7.18.49 AM“I visited Deepa’s Beauty Salon after reading a recommendation on Front Porch Forum. Thanks for the review. I also found it to be very clean, have professional staff, good prices, and great services. Thanks.”
• Luba, Winooski FPF

Here’s the original post recommending this local business…

“Today my out of town friend took our daughters to Deepa’s Beauty Salon for manicures. They had an excellent experience–great customer service and quality of work. The atmosphere was clean, professional, yet also homey and inviting. My friend took off her very valuable (both financially and emotionally) wedding rings for the manicure and then left them there. Several hours later, she realized her mistake.  The salon owners met us after hours on a Saturday night and very cheerfully opened up the salon and returned the rings. We are so grateful for their integrity, honesty, and friendliness. It’s businesses like these that bring pride to Winooski. I encourage you to support this wonderful locally owned business!”
• Arica, Winooski FPF

Hyde Park cows missing for two weeks… now in Morrisville?

Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 by No comments yet

“We are missing three red & one black Devon cows. They were last seen on Center Rd. in Hyde Park. Please contact Applecheek Farm – 802-888-4482 – if you see these cows. Thank You!”
• Judy, Hyde Park FPF, Oct. 30, 2015

“We are still missing two cows – one red and one black Devon. Last seen – one near Silver Ridge Rd and one near Frazier Rd. – both in Morrisville. Thanks to Front Porch Forum and helpful neighbors, we have been able to capture the rest of the cows. If you spot either of these cows, please call Applecheek Farm at 802-888-4482. Thanks to everyone for their support.”
• Judy, Hyde Park FPF, Nov. 9, 2015

Housing problem solved… for goldfish

Posted on Friday, November 6, 2015 by No comments yet

“Thanks to FPF and a kind recipient, my two 4-inch Calico Koi-type Goldfish are moving from a 2-bedroom to a Mansion!!!”
• Carolyn, Middlebury Front Porch Forum

Vermont libraries use FPF to connect with community

Posted on Friday, November 6, 2015 by No comments yet

“The Friends of the Castleton Free Library are grateful to our members. We are also happy to… support Front Porch Forum. Thank you FPF for giving our community a valuable and worthwhile way to communicate with each other.”
• Liz, Castleton Hubbardton FPF

Enough Halloween candy in Lincoln already!

Posted on Thursday, October 29, 2015 by No comments yet

Oct. 27 FPF posting:  “Last year someone suggested that people who live outside of the village area might help to contribute to the large amounts of Halloween candy handed out within the center of Lincoln… If you are willing to contribute a bag or two of candy, please drop it off at the Town Office by Thursday at 2pm, or at my house by Friday. I will make sure it gets distributed to the people who have requested it. Thank you!”
• Sally, Town Hall

Oct. 29 FPF posting:  “Lincoln People – I am a little overwhelmed by the power of Front Porch Forum and the generosity of our community. All day long, people have been walking into the Town Office donating Halloween candy for households in the center of Lincoln. Now it’s getting a little embarrassing to accept any more. Weathervane folks have already taken what they need and I still have about 15 bags of candy here in the office. Most people donated more than one bag, and some didn’t even have children of trick-or-treat age. If there are other households in the center of town who want to hand out candy, please contact me at home and I will drop some off. Are there firefighters who want to hand out candy at the station? I can set you up. Any Bristol people need some? I know you distribute to five towns of kids.”
• Sally, Town Hall