Category Archives: Social Networking

Montpelier teen hit by Jeep responds

Posted on Monday, November 30, 2015 by No comments yet

What an impressive kid… posting below in the Montpelier FPF recently…

Two weeks ago I was hit by a car and my mom posted a note to Front Porch Forum about this. I just wanted to give a big thanks to all the people who responded with advice, kindness, and support after this event. Also, a big thanks to Freeride Community Bike Shop on Barre St, who gave me parts and helped me rebuild my bike. You should definitely check them out sometime!

And here’s his mom’s initial posting…

To the Driver That Hit My Son on His Bike with Your Car: My 15-year-old was hit tonight at 5:50pm on State Street near the DMV riding his bike across the cross walk. The man driving the car did not even get out. Just yelled out the window “Are you ok?”. Although my son was not physically injured as he was thrown to the ground from his bike I want you to know that his bike was totaled. He saved up for that bike by himself working as a page at our public library. My son was too polite and too inexperienced in these matters to ask for any of your information. Shame on you for your irresponsible, dangerous behavior. Shame on you for not even getting out of your car. If anyone has any information or witnessed a Jeep Cherokee hitting a kid on a bike and then taking off on the evening of Friday Nov. 13 please let us know.

Chocolate lab injured by car reunited with family after 7-day run

Posted on Saturday, November 28, 2015 by No comments yet

“Much to be thankful for today, including the kindness of strangers and the power of community. Cooper, who has been missing since hit by a car one week ago, survived his ordeal and was just reunited with his owners. Thanks and blessings to the FPF community!!”
• Karen, Barre Town Front Porch Forum

Underhill neighbors save Thanksgiving

Posted on Friday, November 27, 2015 by No comments yet

“All Set with Creme De Menthe and Cocoa! I Love FPF! Thank you all who replied to my plea. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!”
• Lisa, Underhill Front Porch Forum

How do you use FPF?

Posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 by No comments yet

“A big THANK YOU to Cassandra for finding and returning my lost fitbit. I love Front Porch Forum and the wonderful people who make it happen.
Happy Thanksgiving!”
• Jan, Montpelier FPF

“I found someone to plow my driveway. Thank you for ALL the replies! What did we do before FPF?”
• Suzanne, Richmond FPF

“Big Shout out for Erin who came to my home and answered many questions and gave me great clarity with my computer. She is a local gem I found through FPF.”
• Elizabeth, Montpelier FPF