Category Archives: Social Networking

FPF’s 6 Words for 2016 Raffle

Posted on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 by No comments yet

It’s time for our annual New Year word play and free prize drawing!  Submit your posting to FPF before midnight Thursday, January 7, 2016 consisting of exactly six (6) words and you’ll be entered into a free drawing* to win one of these great prizes:

• One 32GB iPod Touch from Small Dog Electronics
• One Tower of Chocolate from Lake Champlain Chocolates
• One $300 home energy audit from Building Energy
• One overnight room at The Essex Resort & Spa
• Four tickets to “Cat in the Hat” at The Flynn Theater
• One Ultimate Beer Lovers gift box from The Cheese Board
• One $100 gift certificate for the Burlington Furniture Company
• One $100 gift certificate for Waterbury Sports

• One $100 gift certificate for Hunger Mountain Co-op

• One $100 gift certificate for Ebenezer Books in Johnson
• One 1-month Family Membership to The Edge
• Two 1-day lift tickets (no restrictions) to Sugarbush
• One Smuggs Bash Badge for Smugglers’ Notch Resort
• Two 1-day lift tickets (mid-week, non-holiday) to Bolton Valley
• Three sets of Buy Local coupon book plus Flashbag coupon clutch from Local First Vermont

Thanks to the local Vermont businesses listed above who donated these wonderful prizes.

Now get creative and POST AN ENTRY!
To post to your FPF, go to and click LOGIN (if not already logged in).
• If you’re already logged in, click MY ACCOUNT.
• Select posting category “6 Words for 2016 Raffle,” type your 6-word posting, and click “Submit Posting”

*FPF welcomes up to two entries per day per person. Post about whatever tickles your fancy. See loads of great samples from years past.

UPDATE:  See the winners of the random drawing below…

One 32GB iPod Touch from Small Dog Electronics
Robyn Kozierok, Bennington
“My hovercraft is full of eels.”

One Tower of Chocolate from Lake Champlain Chocolates
Kelly Grey, Burlington
“Goodbye sweet Granny. I miss you.”

One $300 home energy audit from Building Energy
Claudette Vaughan, Bristol
“Can’t fix stupid with duct tape!”

One overnight room at The Essex Resort & Spa
Kristina Coan, Johnson
“Currently pretending I’m at the beach.”

Four tickets to “Cat in the Hat” at The Flynn Theater
Farryl Bertmann, South Hero
“Predictable unrestrained community discourse elicits amusement.”

One Ultimate Beer Lovers gift box from The Cheese Board
Julie Levy, Weathersfield
“Imagine neighbors sharing a spacious porch.”

One $100 gift certificate for the Burlington Furniture Company
Mary Harbaugh, Saint Albans
“Want to share vegetable seed orders?”

One $100 gift certificate for Waterbury Sports
Nina Church, Morrisville
“FPF democracy: sometimes ornery, always vital.”

One $100 gift certificate for Hunger Mountain Co-op
Erin Hurley, Waterbury
“Hoping to increase Waterbury’s population soon!”

One $100 gift certificate for Ebenezer Books in Johnson
Angela Apicelli, Walden
“Remember who you wanted to be… ”

One 1-month Family Membership to The Edge
Cathy Grey, Williston
“Life before Front Porch Forum: clueless”

Two 1-day lift tickets (no restrictions) to Sugarbush
Kim Pawul, Moretown
“Is my guinea pig watching television?”

One Smuggs Bash Badge for Smugglers Notch Resort
Elaine Pierce, Danville
“Vermont. January. Fire. Book. Dog. Ahhhh.”

Two 1-day lift tickets (mid-week, non-holiday) to Bolton Valley
Abi Sessions, Cornwall
“Good things happen when neighbors talk.”

3 winners: Buy Local coupon book plus Flashbag coupon clutch from Local First Vermont
Brooke Pridemore, Burlington
“Being nude isn’t crude at home!”

Alex Trudeau, Underhill
“FPF has never let me down.”

Michael Fath, Charlotte
“I’m beside Myself, cloning machine works!”


Use your FPF to find those about to rock

Posted on Monday, January 4, 2016 by No comments yet

“I’m new to FPF and am looking for some people to play music with. I’m 30, have played guitar on and off for 18 years and am pretty decent. I’m looking to get back into a band for fun/small gigs. I play almost everything and anything. Shoot me a note with any suggestions or if you’d like to play!”
• Ryan, Stowe Front Porch Froum

New North End Nora home now

Posted on Monday, December 28, 2015 by No comments yet

“This is a huge thank you not only to Milia for taking such wonderful care of our dog Nora when she went missing Wednesday night, but for all of you who saw our notices on Front Porch Forum and made sure we connected. Nora came home from Lucky Puppies this afternoon. Happy New Year everyone.”
• Kim, Ethan Allen FPF in Burlington

One more recommendation on Weybridge-Cornwall FPF

Posted on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 by No comments yet

“I recommend that you have a wonderful Christmas. Front Porch Forum is a great tool for us all. Happy Holidays to all my neighbors!”
• Mary, Weybridge and Cornwall FPF

Danville procrastinator stymied by neighbors

Posted on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 by No comments yet

“A huge thank you to Front Porch Forum, in particular, Abbie and Bob, I have the 35 mm film canisters I had been looking for. Cannot procrastinate in completing said gift project now.”
• Happy Harry, Saint Johnsbury Area FPF

Grey Tiger now home in Stowe

Posted on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 by No comments yet

“Five days, one snow storm, lots of bushwhacking, and many thoughts – our Grey Tiger, Joey, is home! Thank you to all the neighbors and Front Porch Forum– without these tips we would not have known which way to track. Hope is the meaning of the season- Happy Holidays to all!”
• Maddy, Stowe FPF