Category Archives: Social Networking

Grandmom seeking pediatric nebulizer in Middlebury

Posted on Thursday, February 18, 2016 by No comments yet

“After a hasty trip to the ER our visiting grandson has been diagnosed with croup – very scary! MD recommends having a pediatric nebulizer on hand in the event he has another ‘event.’ Hopefully it will not be needed and the “tribe” leaves on Friday. I don’t believe this is akin to borrowing someone’s toothbrush and am hoping there is one available and not in use.”
• Peg, Middlebury FPF

“How GREAT is Front Porch Forum and how GREAT is this community!!  So many generous responses to my request to borrow a nebulizer… I hope they were not all the result of a similar baby crisis and if so that the crisis is long past. My resourceful daughter rented a nebulizer from the Medicine Chest… something I never even knew was possible. How many things a grandmom does not know. Mom, Dad and Babe are now sleeping soundly as I type after much to much excitement last night. Thank You ALL!”
• Peg, Middlebury FPF, the next day

Old House Journal focus on Five Sisters

Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 by No comments yet




Jericho neighbors lend cots to Brundibar

Posted on Friday, January 29, 2016 by No comments yet

brun_show_page“I am amazed at our community… after posting one night asking for fold-away cots for an upcoming musical, I was well received by so many welcoming families and friends… thank you all. I am talking to the director, so please bare with me. I love this Forum… thank you all again.” [Brundibar, or 802-86FLYNN]
• Lupe, Jericho Front Porch Forum

Sammy back home in Jericho… sleeping like a pup

Posted on Thursday, January 28, 2016 by No comments yet

130206142433-snow-golden-deuce-irpt-horizontal-large-gallery“My dog got out last night around 10:00pm. My husband is out of town and I could only look for him for about an hour with our 18-month-old. I am really worried because his tag only has my husband’s cell on it. His name is Sammy and he likes to wonder down by Raceway. Please if anyone see him if you can call or email me.”
• Kendra, Jericho Front Porch Forum

“I’m writing to express my gratitude to Linda, who cared for my energetic 10-year-old golden retriever late last night and this morning. Additionally I also want to thank everybody who responded to my FPF post… I really appreciate being part of such an amazing community. SAMMY is exhausted from his journey and is sleeping like a little pup. Again thank you all!”
• Kendra, Jericho FPF later the same day

Dancing at Berlin Grange Hall

Posted on Thursday, January 28, 2016 by No comments yet

maxresdefault“If you were one of the 90+ people who came to Family Fun Day at the Grange Hall in Berlin this past Sunday, Thank You! There was dancing with a caller and a stage full of young fiddlers, toddlers and teens, grandparents, babies and everyone in between, painted faces, balloon art, movies and a casual supper of Mac and Cheese and local vegetables! It was a wonderful afternoon with old and new friends, neighbors, and family. Keep an eye on the for more community events with great music, meals and dancing.”
• Elizabeth, Randolph Front Porch Forum

Ice skating for Old North End kids

Posted on Monday, January 25, 2016 by No comments yet

600-01249370“Hi Neighbors – I was unlacing my skates on the little ice rink in Roosevelt Park yesterday and two 11-year-old girls stopped by to twirl around in their sneakers and skirts, telling each other how much they’d like a pair of ice skates. I’d love to find a way to round up outgrown or unwanted ice skates and find new homes for them among Old North End kids. Does anyone have ideas on how to do this? What organizations might be good at distributing skates, assuming I/we could round some up? Can you think of an alternative approach might be better – e.g., more of a lending library, or an organization that lends them out?  If you have any ideas, would like to help, or have skates you’d like to donate, please send me an email. I’m hoping to do something soon before the imminent snow covers our ice!”
• Amanda, Old North End Front Porch Forum in Burlington

Loving Essex Junction community

Posted on Saturday, January 23, 2016 by No comments yet

cropped_11067921_1841626045_49nM_20131016093104056_website_our-services_96683996-1500x792“What a wonderful tool we have in our community in Front Porch Forum! I just wanted to thank all of you who have posted or contacted me directly regarding my request for electrician recommendations. Thank you, everyone!”

• Kathleen, FPF in Essex Junction