Category Archives: social capital

Camry slides off Wes White Hill… neighbors to the rescue

Posted on Friday, February 17, 2017 by No comments yet

“Today at about 4:45 pm my car slid off of Wes White Hill. Within 5 minutes two neighbors had pulled over including a really nice guy with a plow truck. The second neighbor who arrived in a silver SUV, moved his car up front to alert oncoming traffic, and both of them were a huge help. I really appreciate living in Huntington because of how awesome this community is. Thanks so much for the help!”
• Dave, Huntington Front Porch Forum

Thanks for Williston random act of kindness

Posted on Monday, January 23, 2017 by No comments yet

“We read of acts of spontaneous kindness. Those instances leave me thinking how thankful they made the recipient. Well, a beautiful, kind soul with the most wonderful smile turned to me on the checkout line at the grocery store in Williston this afternoon and handed me a bouquet of flowers.

“Me? Who me? ‘Yes.’ I confess to tears bubbling just short of overflow, for so many reasons. I offered my thanks and hurried to my car.

“Those were the most wonderful few minutes of my day, of many days. Please know I hope and pray to be able to come close to mirroring this act of kindness one day.

“Many, many thanks, they are truly the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen!”

• Lisa, Richmond Front Porch Forum

Windblown snow tube recovered half-mile away by Hyde Park neighbors

Posted on Monday, January 16, 2017 by No comments yet

“Thanks to a kind-hearted neighbor, our snow tube was FOUND! It traveled about 1/2 a mile and crossed Battle Row, but our neighbor kept it safe for us. Front Porch Forum helped us get the word out about it being lost, so we’re thankful for FPF too. Gotta love Hyde Park! Thanks, Fred.”
• Jon and Deb, Hyde Park FPF

“Glad to be a Vermonter, where good neighbors are the rule rather than the exception”

Posted on Monday, January 16, 2017 by No comments yet

“I received a large number of responses to my ‘looking for a house’ posting. I am in the process of reading each one and plan on thanking the senders individually. But in case someone falls through the cracks of my responding, I want to offer this public THANK YOU. I love how responsive and supportive the community is. It’s things like this — along with reading about a person losing her credit card AND someone turning that same credit card into the police station in that same FPF issue — that make me glad to be a Vermonter, where good neighbors are the rule rather than the exception.”
• JD, Montpelier FPF